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Dr. aaocl Mrs. Nancpede gave a reoeptton to iiii' senior medies last evenIng. The pulpit oí the universa] si hurcii at Milan was fllled by .Miss Gertrude Hurk. lit. '94, last Sunday. W'itliiii the past five years the Chora! lirón has expended over $25,000 in glvtog Lts series of concerts. A eouple rame from Fargo, -N. Dakota, to attcml tih May FestivalTibey were hághly pleased wlth lts sucerss. The opening oí' the new gym. at tlie ün'-versity of Wisconsin is theocca' sion oí a celebra [ion tliere today and to mörrow. The Adelphi and Alpha .n literni-y sodeties expect so on. to help along i.lieir oratorical esfforte by a game oí Iwise bal!. A striküig idea. Prof. W. H. Honey, Mt. '83, has de.- 1 ■ 1 1 í ; L a re-electioo as superintendent oí the Fiint schools. Jt was not all iKisiey between the board and the pjolessor. There will be May Festival next year. Let nis hope tliat the wenthcr will be more propitioufi, or tliere may be greater damnation than tliat oï Pausi The tiewly appointed minister to Venezuela fi-cran tlüs country, Mr. Seneea Hastetom, wafi an Instructor in iiiatliemaf.cs here in 1873-1 aiid graduaieil fronn law department in '75. The Cbtoago üniverslty has in contemplation the publisbins oí a m;'..u:iz'nr similar to tlie Century, to be callol thr Lakeside M.agazki. ïhat wil] be a good leak (or niniiy Standard Oil trust dollars. The Boston ünlversity faeulty litis decáded to allow credlts tor Journalistie work on college publication. All t.hc uinvrr.-iiirs will elther do that havo a di'partmont for journalism m tlis uear futura. The I", oí M. base Ixill team made a bad starter last Saturday by allownsi tlie Oberlin leairn to defeat thera 17 to 3.. Tire diamond was nothing but a poMid of water, and the game was playi'd under protest. The Univci-.-iiy Wi-inkic, condoms education as a hindranee to athletic interests. If the AVrinkle knew what it was talking a'uoui. it would know that co-education strengthens the musties oí t!ie anus.- Adrián i'ress. The iseveral higli schools oí Chicago, twelre in niaanber, have been properly :l pectedtoya delegatiom oí tlie iaculty and graduates will be admiti'r.l to tiie üniverslty oí Michigan uout examination. Which la a compliment to ithe Chicago schools. Aniie Radclifle, wiio lived some time in !u ITtli eeiïfcury, was the first wo■man to mate a bequesst to Harvard Oollege, amd now ihc Harvard ïemale ajuips la to lic hereafter styled the R '.i I ffe ( llfg?. I. tookmany ytars for tibe bread Ajane -.m ;i upon the -vvi,ii returai, bui t caime alter a wMle. Waltr C. lioliim, tbe Prlneeton athlete, wlio had wrdtten columns ïor 'tJie newspapera about the beneilts oí pfcysical exercise in the promoción and piemel vatioa 'Si health, dled a íew daye sinoe from au attack oí pneumonía auperinduced by overtralning. linda is auoiher illustration 01 tne mference between the use and abuse oí a good tluing. Doctor O. G. Cliaddock, formerly assifitant 'medical superintendent oí the Northern Medical Asyluin ïor the Insane, and now professor oí diseases Of tlll' JHTNOUS systlMU 111 tilL' Mai'iollSdjns OoUege of Siédieine, of Saint Ijoui-, hias been máde asslstant editor oí Tin; Medical Minor, of ih-it city. Xtoe dpïtór s a gradúate oí the Uni,f.siiy oí Michigan- literary ilepartiiiiiu 1883, medieal department 1885 -and lias contributed generously to merlical joui-iiais, séveral of lüs articles having appeared in rhe Physieian ;,u.i su g-i ön. We eongratui ite Doetor (haililo:-k om his acces3ion bo editoilal tripöd, and The Mirror o valuable ic:uisition.- The Physieian and iSurjiCO'ü. A I..1IÏ GEADUATB. He has just come out of collego, With his heiul crammed iull of knowledge, 80 lie Uiinks! do he thinks' He will surely imike a hit. With his argumenta md wit, So he ihinks! SoUethinksl He will argüe like a sage, Thoujíli but ■!" yeais of se, So he thiñks ! So he thinks ! He has come the courts to altei, ín ais Di-i; he'll liever falter. Soliethinksl Sohethiuks! But he'll run (tgttiii3t a sturap And recelve a great big bmnp, Sowethluül Sowetmnkl He will learu hu' sometimes wroug Aud his iomta not alwaye strong Sowethiuk! So ve think : He will learn life's hard and dreary, That courts don't run by theory, Sovvethink! Sowüthiuk! And he'll Báy: "I've very oft Beeu very green and very soft." dowethinkl Bowetlilnkl -New York Sun. Tlioimae !. Broaisoa, A. XI., lit. '81, avIio ie Dow modern tanguage maeter in Lawreneevtlle c!ioo!. N. J., has publtóheá anotkcr tcxt book throtigh H nry lloh & ('o.. It te a shot! eourse in eomposition, ealled ''Everyiíü.v .Fren:-!'," wlth VOOabulary and irregular verbsi. Jt is tlie test as wl-11 is Uie latest woi-k of íhc kind, aod 5b partieularly good becaxis:.' H exmtaiaa living exprE83ions - Just wtet ope ne-eds j.n leturning colloquial Fremciii. The book lias all the ex]irrs'.(nis tor travel, making cali-, let writlng, the theater, shopping, Tlie authw's practical experlby a considerable resldence in l'.urnpc. as wi'Il as by vears of Mtooessfui ica-lin!'.'.-. makes the book a p-rize 1' ■■ ni'n.t aiül teaching French. Fratemtty I.odge F. & A. M. will wil', e o uier the öd degree next Friüay ni.uht. All the business houses of the city wrrc CiOiSed Tucsilay p. m., from 3 to 5 o'clock, out of respect to tlie memory of A. L. iXoble, wtose funeral took place during tihose hours. Mrs. Siiiiiaorlaiia Avill Bpeak next Lui day at tihie jiuou Iiible ('lass in the Unitari:m church, ou "Hypnotisni as l.ight npou Bpiritualis-iii aud Certain BeUgloua riienomenn." Mrs. Helber, wJio died last Friday, i;:iïhi ia,t her hoime on E. Washington intree,, at t-lie advanced ai? ooi 71 years wias reimarkably active, eepeciaÜy in wnlk'n.ij;. which plie did a great deal, tor exercise. Ou, the da of her deatb she was down town calling on some oï her old frleiuls, and during' tho time had occasion twice to walk over into iiie i-econd ward. 'The last time. befoire starttog, as U abe had a premonltion ui Jier i-ndden departure to the better land, she oalled a friend to her side, opened lier Bible, and found a verse which she wamted preaohed from for her funeral, and also seüected two hymne ïo he sung. She was brought lirane in ihi early evening in a hm-k and in a short time dléd sltting in her chiair. PeopJe re forgetful. Mr. (.'. B. D.-ivirun reading in yesterday's paper a!. out ihe heary fnkrw storm that feil througlwmt Keeiueky ou the night of ih_ 19üi, happened to iiotice tbat tliere was eight inclies of snow at NiLohoiasville, an:l tlint a snow storm rat tliat time of yeaj was aever before known m the hlstory oï tliat section. The name of the place wae familiar to liim, and he hinned up ui oíd diavy i!i;i; he kept during his service for fëam, and io;uid tliat on May 12, ISii-i-, jnst thirty ycars ago, he was statrjo'iied nt ('anp Xel-on, five nxMea trom Xiclioir.sville, on the Hicknia.n rivar, and on rliai date a snow storm pre vailed, the feather l'lakes corci'ina' the grouttd to the ilepth of fwo melles. At the time Mr. Davisou rJioutihi of hte Michigan home and Bigbed tor & me 'ï ita balmy summer refeorf iair. Wo ii hae snowed in Kentucky in May, Kentucklans to tlie ooatrary not-witihstanding. It may pit to "be a fine winter resort down l li r - i í i h in k(H p on this way. Michiunn iis the beet state pi the Union, aft er all. Two littlo girle were playing jieaitheir home In the 3d Avard the other day, -vlien a cat, -vith its curious eliptical eyes, joined tlie.m. Now a oat's ere is eametKing peculiar, and always áttráots the a-ttention oï an imquiring mimi, and oue oï these little alter lookiaijg at t&em a moment, ald : "Oih, Lilly, do you know, ca.;) ssee in the dark I" "Uh ! That's nothing," replied Lilly, "so ca o my big sis er. '( ause niicu George 1! Game up liere the other Bight, they took a seal in the parlo] . ;:ii,l lu-i-e wan't n.i Light in iliere, a.nil wiii' BaW 10 l:;n : 'Wliy, George, you havnrt been shaved to night.' Now, if the cduiiin't eee in the dark liow ooul'.l ihe teil ?" 3t is saïe to say -.ii:t hereafter whem George comes ili,it litri Ie laster wil! lie removed from tb parlor before any deinonstrations or reuiaiks are induiged in.


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