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There Were 25,000 Old Soldiers

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ped Erom the pension rolls last ly (ir.-uli. That nuimber o-ugnt to bc .-uffici ■■m tu appeass blie wrath oí cvrii a man like Iloko .Smit-li. SVomder wli'cli? The ppopU' are oithcr gettlng amarter poorer. It is saiil tliat there iia.s been a large telling off in tin. sale of patent medicimes. Perhapa they are all getting cured. It intereeting bo note that our okl frtai.I. Ex-Gov. J,uce, is of the opinión fchat strong men are aeeded nou-. And inasmncJi as he has had Iavo or three years of partial resi it is quite probable 1 Mr. Luce tJiinks he is rather stbong himsell.- l'ailillac News and Express. ' 'rdar Springa Clipper insiste tliai Lte "whack'' Is all right. Which ie clu-onU-iiMl wih pleaeure. Bu( wJh-h it te jioted that a Journal or an individual i ■■whacliin" at ítí own party Lnstead oí paying its at atu'iitioii to the eneany, there ereepa ina suspii-iiui ih u tlirru is something ■vvrung about it. Tlie members oí the Michigan Press Asso. i.-ii ion willtakea trip down the St. Lawnemce chiring ihr third week of .Inl.v. TIn-v will take in the Thoud isl.uiils. Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, AVhite Mnuiii.-iiiis, etc., and will liave a glui-ious outíug. The editora Of the state, with their Avives and families should arrange to g-o. TJie statement that little Ruth Cleveland was deaf and dumb and wcak matally, wliit-li has been widely publjahed lias beii declared untrue in every particular. The brain froni uiiivh the cruel etory auxaefubed ought fco Ik; punislied with a blight as severe as that whlch was attributed to t he little daughter oí the president. - Jonesville Independent. Here is an qpinlon of the present propose dtariff bill, as vlewed that emhivnt exponent of democratie principies, Heairy Watterson, of the Louisvilli; C'ouiier-Jouriial : -'It is a mongrel ])ieliald of pau-hes and pxisilanúnity, a grotesque liodgo-podge of pretense and pettyfogging, a noii: descript abortion of incoinpetency, selfishiH'iss. i-uw ardice and treachery." At mo time in lts existenoe of 105 yeara ihas the United States Senate etood lower in the respect and confide.noe of the people than at present.- Buffalo, N. Y., Courier (Dom.) The above is said In dead earnest. ■Ko joke. If tJie Courier had made a limit to its sweepiing assertion, and said the majority ta. the U. S. senate, jnstead of ïncluümg the entire body, it -vouM hkave heard a general response of "Amen I" from all over tliO nation. A rent m'vi-ii mile tunnel, wbich Lb the principal part [ ihc elabórate System o drainage for the valley aml iln City oí México, and lias been for 8omc 'time under construetion, was íonmally completed a few days ago by I'resident J)iaz, arnied with asilver plckax. Members of the cabliet pnl a jiuinber of prominent peopla were present at the ceremo-ny, ■wJiich was rouaided out witli an open liincH and Boome Kpeeches. The tunnel is a part oí a great canal, i-ill serve .as a sewer, and will carry off tliO raiawaier, -which some times threatens to drown out the city. The cost of the work, when finishcd, wDJ iiot fall short of ten lian


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier