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WANT CÓJLUMN. Short advortisements not to exceed three lines, or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wants, etc, inserted three weeks for 25 cents. Situations wanted, free. WANÏED- Au intelligent man, good penman (a memoer of the "S. of V." or school teacher preferred) to superlnteud the work of a corps of agents canvassing fors specialty in the vicinity of Arm Arbor; also to take charge of the delivermg and collecting; steadyemployment; good pay to right party. Address .1. W. C. & Co., 233 S. Sixth St., Pb.Uadelphia. Pa. . . SALESMEN wanted. Free prepaid ontflt. One of oui ugents has earned over ï'20000 in five years. P. 0. Box 1371, Hew York. 22 FfiR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm nelr connty farm and Bullock-Everett farm in Salem town. Andrew K Gibson, 30 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. bm NOTICE TOJOHÏiSTOS'S CREDITORS. Anyone baving billa contracted by E. F. Johnston, late a student of Ann Arbor, will conferafavor by sendmg them with full particulars to C. D. Bacon, Marlboro, Mass., the man who furnished the money for bis education at Ann Arbor, Mich. 27 Motor Lme Time. Taking effect Monday, Dec. 11, 1893, I eave Aun Arbor, f rom Court House, at 7 ;25, 9:10 a. m., and 1:10 4:40 6:40, HMlQp.m. Leave Ypsilanti 7:15, 9:00 a. m. and 10,4:30 0:30 aud 10:00p. :n. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ann Arbor irom Court House at 1:10, 4:40,6:40, and 10:10 p. ra. Leave Ypsilanti fi'om Congress St. at 1:00, 4 -.30, (i :o0. aud lü :00 p . m. Niebts of ciitertaimiients the last train wlll be huid to acoommodate tliose wisliiug to altend i f conductor is notlfled. All cars ron on city time. Coupon tickets 15 cents, for sale by conductora. i. K. BEAL. Pres.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier