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[OFFICIAL. { COfNCIL CHAMBER, I Ans Akbor, June 4, 1894. f Kegular session. Called to order by President Wines. Eoll called. Present- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer,Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Absent- Aid. Manly, Kitson- 2. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. TROM THE MAYOR. Ann Arbor, June 4, 1894. To the Honorable the Common Council: In accordance with the resolution passed at your last meeting concerning the appointment of patrolmen, I offer the following nauies, subject to your approval: For patrolmen- Williain Eldert, George B. Isbell, Alao the name of Sidney Smith as patrolman at the Micnigan Central railroad depot, without any charge to the city. C. G. Darling, Mayor. Aid. Wagner moved that the appointments of the Mayor be received and confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Prettyman, President Wines- 10. 2ïay- Aid. Martin- 1. Ann Arbor, April lst, 1894.. To His Honor the Mayor, City Clerk and Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich.: Your Board of Health beg leave to make the following report. The whole number of deaths in the city during the last year were one hundred and flfty seven, and the cauBes of death as follows, viz. : Asthma 2 Apoplexy 3 Diseases of brain 13 liright's disease 5 Blood poisoning 3 Cáncer 2 Cramps 1 Clironic diarrhoea 1 C'on8umpt.on 23 Dropsy 3 Erysipelas 1 Hemorrage 4 La Grippe and results 7 General debility 5 Heart disease 16 Oíd age 27 Paralysls 10 Pneumonía-. 7 Peritonitis ; Summer complaints and infantile diseases, 11 Scalded T Typhoid fever 6 A hooping cough 1 157 Your Board of Health during the year last past have had many complaints of e.xisting nuisances in all parts of the city, whicli were inspeetedand declared a nuisaneeif it existed. And in nearly every instance the various nuisances were abated without legal contest. The quality of the water f urnisned the city is excellent and wholesorne. Eli Moore, President, John Kapp, Health Offlcer, M. Clark, Secretary. Iteceived and filed. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Of Anton Brahm and nine others, asking for the gradingof the alley between Detroit and Elizabeth streets. Referred to Committee on Streets. Of Norman B. Covert, John Wulmayer and E. T. Edmunds, asking that the electric light in their vicinity be changed to a place where it oiay give an equal benefit. Referred to the Committee on Llghting. Of J. T. Jacobs and six others, asking that an are electric light be placed at the intersection of Washington street and Pourth avenue. Referred to the Committee on Lighting. Aid. Manly at this point of the proceedings arrived. KEPORTS OF STANDING CO3IMITTEES. FINANCE. To the Cornmon Councü: "ï our Committee on Jñnance respecti'ully report that they have had the following bilis under consideration and recommend their allowance and warrants ordered drawn at sums stated: CONTINGENT FOND. W. J. Miller, 1 month's salary $ 66 66 T. A, Bogle. " " 25 00 P.O'Hearn, " g 34 Geo. H.Pond, " ...".'.'. 8 3a Marvin Davenport, janitor salary 6 26 Clay A. Greene. rent . 29 17 Beakes & Hammond, printing 38 ]g Grossmann & tíchlenker, use of stove 2 OU James E. Harkins, supplies 1 50 Marie Durheim, typewriting for city attorney jO qq Martin Halier, use of chairs and taule j Qo J. A. Polhemus, use of team and wagooette __m 1 qo Ann Arbor Demoerat, election notice 2 50 John Eisele, oil and broonis 1 kj Estáte of Kice A. BeaL publishiii" Council and Board of Public Works Proceedings _ 41 qo Ann Arbor Argus, publishing Council and Board of Public Works proceedings... 42 00 Caspar Kinsey, supplies 100 W, A. Thorpe & Co., rubber stamp 1 74 Jacob Ganzhorn, inspecting peaeh orehards b W..1. Miller. supplies " Arthur J. Kitson, labor in 6th ward engine house 9 50 Geo. Healy, burying dog, .."..."""" 50 Hiram Kitredge, buryiiifj horse... " 6 (J0 Ann Arbor Tbomson-Houston Electric Co., 8t. lijfhting for month of May... 628 49 Total SUlTÍO CEMETERY FUND. Eli S. Manly, labor $10 50 John McNally, labor 9 m Jacob Kalambach, labor... r. t Albert Bartlett, labor ""' , 4 Amariah Hainmon, labor "" 7 q Total t 80 00 SEWBR FUND. Anu Arbor Savlngs Bank, accounts assigned them as follows. MIcbael Williams, labor ï 2 25 Krederick Kadke, b:bor 3 tiü Joseph Glaeer, labor .-. 150 Gustare Wulters '5 Abraham Beok, team labor 3 Ou Barney Langer, labor 150 AnnArbor Rav. Bank.. $12 00 8 12 00 State Savings Bank, account aseigned ihem as tollows; Baruey Langer, labor ï 1 60 Wadbams, Ryan & Keule, rubber coat 4 50 Total $ 6 00 $ 6 0 Schuh & Huehlig, Bupplies - '. 11 É P. Ii. Bodmer, movlngriumber s Louis Eobde, cement and sewer pipe. 71 t Total - $135 2 STIiBET FUND. NcIsoq Sutherland, salary.. 86 f Geoige F. Key, salary (Í0 C Victor Btrong, labor il John McNaüy, labor 3 n l'alriok McCabe, labor -- 25 1 William Kretlow. labor 7 60 Charles Wlnkle, labor 64 Mut. Luipuold, labor - in ti Carlos Hill, labor 2 5 John McArttliur, labor 18 s EdwardBarnet.t, labor 7 5 Oottlieb Flnkblnder, labor 7 5 Geo" Scblemmer,labor - 8 2 John Conde, labor 12 3 Julius Shultz, labor 1 5 Krank Sehultz, labur 9 00 KIchard Zebbs, labor 3 O Julius Nimz, labor 6 01 Bzra Bowen, labor 6 0 Micnael Preskhorn, labor 60 Jacob Schuon, labor _ 9 1 William Darrow, labor 10 6 Willis Ciarle, labor 39 3 Frauk Sutherland, helping City Engineer - 32 10 Frederick Kadke, labor 10 05 Ernest Gatekunst, labor 3 75 William Ninke, labor ii U0 Lawrence Hughes, labor 16 80 Leo Mathewsou, labor 3 (JO John Holke, labor 9 75 Charles t&hrepper, labor -- 3 i'O Abraham Tice, labor 3 00 Gustave Waltere, labor 1170 Albert Schwennin, labor. 7 50 Joseph Glaser, labor 6 00 Pliillip Gauss, labor 1 50 Michael Williams, labor 11 25 Barney Morrison, labor -- 8 25 Charles Glaser, labor 14 55 Jacob Kies, labor 6 CO Anton Spies, Jabor 14 55 Harry O'Grady, labor 3 uü James VVileox, labor assigneá to Mary Ardner 3 00 Louis Nowlan, labor assigned to H. F. Frost & Co - 4 50 Charles Schrepper, labor assigned to H. F. Frost Co 3 00 Thomas Hannon, team-labor . 9 00 Daniel Crawford, team-labor 39 90 Geo. Stevens, team-labor 3H 60 Frank Howard, team-labor 6 00 Hiram Kittretlire, team-labor 19 95 George Weeks, team-labor 32 10 John McHugh, team-labor 39 60 William Wheeier, hoi'6e and cart 15 50 Clinton Snyder, norse and cart 11 50 Michael Kusterer, team labor 12 00 Martin Nagle, tearn-labor 41 10 Richard Burns, team labor 31 50 Ann Arbor Savings lian k, accounts assigned them as follows: John Kettle, team-labor $ 42 60 Harry Bragherl, labor 2 55 Peter Hinderlong, labor 15 30 Ann Arbor Sav. Bank.. ï 60 45 ï 60 45 Esslinger Bros., blacksmithing 4 50 Edward Bycraft, 121 loads gravel 60 50 Ann Arbor Agl. Co., plow handles 1 50 August Birk, 3bbl. kettle 8 00 State Savings Bank, accounts assigned them as follows: Christian Larmie, labor $ 15 30 Harry Ü'Grady, labor 12 07 Michael Kusterer, team labor 12 00 Total $ 39 37 $ 39 37 Gros6man &Schlenker, supplies. 3 88 Total $1013 73 PÓLICE FIIND Charles Wheeler, salary 16 27 P. S. Banfield, salary 50 99 David C'ollins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tiee, salary 16 00 Keuben Armbruster, salary 34 00 NobleC. Tice, special pólice 6 00 Reuben Armbruster, special pólice.... 6 00 J. A. Polhemus, norse and buggy 3 00 Total. $ 18a 26 BRIDGE, CDLVEKT AND CROS8WALK FÜND. Patrick McCabe, labor 6 00 Wm. Kratlow, labor 3 00 Charles Winkle, labor 11 25 ichael Schneider, labor 7 05 los. Hutzel, labor 21 75 larney Langer, labor 750 Miehael Kenny, labor 17 a5 FredUlrlch, labor 27 Do J. JJrake labor 375 TuliusSchultz, labor 4 50 "rank Schultz, labor 6 00 vicbard Zebbs. labor 9 75 Jacob Schuoü, labor ._ 3 75 Win. Dnrrow, labor 14 25 Fred Radke, labor 2 40 Albert Glasenapp. labor 19 80 ieorge Johnson, labor 352 ,:i ronce Hughes, labor 11 25 lohn Holk, labor 450 Adolph Woltera, labor 3 73 justave Wolters, labor 12 00 Víctor Strong, labor 1 50 Albert Schwemnin, labor 7 35 Joseph Lrlaser, labor 8 40 Philip Gauss, labor " 3 00 Michael Williams, labor 17 85 Barney Morrison, hibor 9 30 Chas. Glaser, labor... 11 85 Antón Spies, labor 75 Wm Kuelin, labor 26 55 Fred Luebke, labor 3 45 D. Bycraft, labor 1 50 Chas. Sehmidt, labor _ 75 Albert Glasnapp, labor : 1 50 Zenus Sweet, team labor and gravel.. 61 UO Thomas Hannon, team labor 13 50 Abraham Beek. team labor 4 5'i William Wheeler, horse and cart 27 50 Abraham Voorheis, team labor 1h 00 Daniel Crawford, paving stone 9 110 Kdward Duffy, stone slab 4 32 S. Wood & Co., lumber and pipe 22 68 Dean &Co., oil and lanterns 4 34 Geo. Sweet, cement 57 02 O. E. Godfrey, team labor 3 45 Daniel Crawford, team labor 28 50 S. K. Pike, labor g 05 Peter Peterson, labor 3 45 Schuh & Muehlig, eupplies 4 46 P. L. Bodmer, lumber 30 44 Total Üsülü FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Fred Sipley, salary 60 00 C. A. Kdwards, salary 50 00 ienry Mcl.aren, sulary 50 00 jOuis Hoelzle, salary 60 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Alben West, salary 45 00 lerman Kiru, salary 40 00 3ugene Williams, salary .. 40 00 föhn Kenny, salary 8 00 Samuel McLaren, salary, . nn Wm. Kettich, salary 8 00 idward Hoelzle, salary '__ 8 00 A iJiiiui L. Schnierle, salary g 00 Mrs. B. Keam, washing 500 Albert Moore, straw.. .... "" 3 00 Fred Ohapin, hay " y iq Geo. W. Seybold, horse shoeing .'."."."'. iz 05 Total 1467 24 POOB FCND. Fred Sipley, salary in m W. H. VVilson. 70 cords wod 31 Fred Sipley f reight on 2 care of wooVl 34 00 Geo. W. Seybold, wagon tontrue 1 50 Doty&Feiner, shoes 7 Edward Dutty, roceries ' 9 John Eisele, groceries ... 5 a Mm. Ann Evans, aid ""' .-, oö L. Gruner, shoes ín Goodyear & Co., medic'ne T 00 .John(ioetz& Soa, groceries "" 5 o-' Kocli & Henne, furuiture nö U. M. Martin, coffin. , 1? m William F Lpáholz, groceries':::.";;:."; 13 02 Will.atn H Mclntyre, groceries 12 90 O Hara&Boyle, K'rooeries 8 09 us par Hl nsey, grocories 17 B7 Kmsey & Seabolt, groceries.... í 7 . I'. Stimson, groceries " 5 el C, ii Tl, meat.. íí Wahr&Miller, shoea 9 m o. w. vogei, meat..:;:::;:::;;;;;;;;;;; 2 ïotal $!ö7i ItECAPITULATION. ííér:xund . StreetFund " 1 (ll. "J FireíFÚnd'Vertan1 Cr.0SSWilT"i?oÍ694 58 poiice Fund;:::::""" íiiz %f. Poor Fund Sí ñ Cemetery fund... '".'.'.'.'.".'.".'S.".'.".'.'. 88 óü Total SSfiÜTS Kespectfully snbmitted, Fkank Wood, A. J. Kitson. C. H. Manly. i'inancc Cominittee. Accepted and recommendation con eurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Mar tin, Allrnemlinper, Wood, Snyder, Fer güson, Browu, Manly, Taylor, Pretty man, Pres. Wiues - 12. Xays- Xone. The Finance Committee recom mended the allowance of J. C. & W W. Watts' bill of $6.50, for gold dollai badge, for ex-Mayor Thompson. Accepted, and recommendation con eurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, F.odmer, Mar tin, AHmendinger, Wood, Snyder Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays- None. The Pinance Committee presented a bill of Gotfried Schuon, of $18.00 for doctor bill and time lost for au injüry received on the sewers January 1, 1894i without recommendation. Aid. Manly moved the bill be allowed and an order drawn for $18.00. Aid. Ferguson moved that the whole matter be laid on the table. Adopted. Aid. Kitson at this point of the proceedings arrived. FKOM THE COMMITTEE ON SIDEWALKS. To the Common Council: Your Committee cm Sidewalks to whom was referred by the Board of Public Works tiip several sidewalk grades where stated, your committed caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolutions ordering the same, and recornmend that they be adopted. Respectfully submitted. O. H. Manly, H. J. Brown, C. J. Snydey, D. F. Allmendingeb, C. W. WAO (i ER, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted and leave being granted, the foüowing resolutions was offered: By Aid. Manly : Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of E. Catherine st., ought to be chauged and fixed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, theretore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of E. Catherine st., from east line of Detroit st. to west line of N. Fifth Ave. be, and the same is hereby ehanged, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At S. E. corner Detroit street and East Catherine street 829 43 ft At S. V. cor. N. Fifth Avenue and East Catherine street 832.98ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmi er, Martin, AUmendinger, BnyCer, Ferguson, Bro-wn, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettytniain, Wood, Pree. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Wheeeas, In the opinión of the Couneil the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of E Anu street ought to be changed and flxed aud sstablished, to the end that such street mav 3e made suitable and safe for public travel, merefore Resolved, And it is hereby órdered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of East Ann street from east liue of North 3tate street to west liue of North Thayer street be, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and establishetl, so that the grade of said sidewalk on aud along the street aforesaid shall be as ollows, that is to say : At S. E. cor. Js'orth 'State st aud East Aun st. _ 807 98 ft At S. W. cor. Xorth Thayer st. aud East ., A'}" st 870.51 ft. the elevation giveu being above the official titj uniuiu ana aioug tne center llue of such walk, and thefcrade linea to cousist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adoptt-d as foüows : Yeas - Akls. Wagiier, Bodimer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Browai, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinaai, AVood, Pres. Wiaes- 13. Nays - Noaie. By Aid. Mauly : Whereas, Iu the opinión of the Council the grade of $he sidewalk ou and aloug the nortli side of Catherine street ought to be changed, fixed aud established, to the end that such stveet may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, Acd it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud aloug the North side of Catherine street from east line of North Main street to west line of North Fifth Ave. be, aud the same is herebv chiinirad. flxert nnri establislied, so that the grade of said sidewalk ou and aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At X.E. cor. of Main and Catherinest. -826.23 ft At X. W. cor. of N. Fourth Ave. and . t -9a'herlne ■ 825.82 ft. At N. h. cor. of N. Fourth Avenue and Catherinest _ 82667 ft At N. E. cor. of Detroit st. and Catherine st. 828 10 ft At X. V. cor. of N. Fifth Aveuüeánd Calherine st 831.70 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight Unes between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adtopted as fóllows : Teas- Aids. Wagner, Bodiner, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wlnes- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Manly : Whekeas, In the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south side of E. Madison street ought to be changedjind fixed and established. to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe f or travel, thereïore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the soutli side of E. Madison street from west line of S. State street to east line of 8 Fifth Ave. be, and the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk puand aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At lheS.W.cor. of S. State st. and East Madison st -.870.81 ft. At a jioint 2im ft. west from the S. W. cor. of S. State street, and E. Madison st -868 80 ft At a point 350 ft. west from the S. W cor. of S. State street aud E. Madison street 8G5 61 ft At the S.E. corner of Thompson streët aud E. Madison street ___ 855.31 ft At the S. W. cor. of Thompson st. and E. Madison st 854 53ft At the 8. E. cor. of Packard and East Madison st 355 15 ft At the S. E. cor. of División st. and Ê" Madison st a55 10ft At the S. V. cor. of División st. and E. Madison st 852.87 ft. At a point 60 ft. west from S. W. cor. of División st. and E. Madison st 849.13 ft At a point ios ft, west from S. W. cor of División st. and E. Madison st._815.00 ft. At a point 234 ft. west from S. W. cor of División st. aud E. Madison st._ 837.08 ft U n. E. cor. of División st. uudE. Madison st.__. g2o.4i ft. he elevation given being above the official itv datum and along the center line of such valk, and the rade Unes to consist of straight mes between the several points or stations bove stated. Adopted as follows.Yeas- Alls. "vVugner, Bodmer, Martin, AUmcndinger, "VVood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, l'rettyman, Pres. Wines- 13 Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Wiiekkas, In the opinión of the Council the rade of the sidewalk ou the soutli side 01" W Iuron st. ought to be changed and fixed and' established, to the end tliat such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel. therefore Resolved, And it is liereby ordcred that the grndo of the sidewalk on and aloug tlie south side of V. Hnrou street froin the west line of S. Asliley street to east line of S. Third street, be. and the same le hereby ehanged fixed and established, so that tiie grade oí said sidewalk on aud alone tbe streel aforesaid Bhall be as Follows, that is to say : At s w. cor. of S. Ashley st. and West Hurou st 82(3.07 ft. A t s.i' cor. of S. First st. aud W.Huron street 813.61 ft. At s.w. cor. of S. First st. and West Hnrou st. 811.20 ft At T. A. A. KR. crossing 798.55 ft At ISO ft v, est f rom T. A. A.Il. R. crossIng 792.61 ft. At 820 it. west from T. A. A. R. R. crossing „793.96 ft. At s. e. cor. of S. Third st. aud West Hurou st 796.08 ft. the elevation giveu being above the officia] city datum and along tbe center liue of such we k, and the grade liues to consist of straight lines betiveeu the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follóos : Yeas - Aids. Wagiier, Bodmier, Martin, AUmendiiiger, Wood, Snyder, Fer'giison, Brown, Slanly, Taylor, li.itson, Prettyinan, Pres. AVdnes- 13 By 'Aid. ManJy : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of E. University ave., ought to be changed and fixed and established, to tbe end that such street may be made suitable aud safe for public travel, therefore. Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of E. University ave., from south line of Hill street to north line of Prospect street be, aud the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said siJewalk on aud aloug the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to sav ; At s.e. cor. of Hill st" aud E. Univ. ave.8C7.05 ft ■' 350 ft. south from s. e. cor. of Hill st. and E. Univ. ave 866.55 " " the north line of Tappan st. 855.87 " " n. e. cor. of Prospect st. and E. Univ. Avenue 840.23 " the elevation given being above the oiticial dty datum aud aloug the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the seyeral points or stations aoove statea. m Adopted as iollows : Yeas - Aids. "Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Alimendlnger, Snyder, Ferguson, Browm, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynnain, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Wheeeas, iu the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on and along the east side of E. Univ. ave., ought to be chauged and fixed and estabJished, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore, Resolved, and it is heieby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and aloug the east side of E. Univ. ave., f rom south line of College st. to North Willard st., be, and the same is üereby changed, fixed and establislied. so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say; At s. e. cor. of College st. and E. Univ. ave 876.29 ft. " 264 ft. south of s. e. cor. of College st. and Univ. ave 872.86 " " n.e. cor. of S. Univ. ave and E. Univ. ave 870.85 " " s e. cor. of S. Univ. ave. and E. Univ. ave. - 869.35 " " 132 ft. south from s. e. cor. S. Univ. ave. and E. Univ. ave. 867.16" " n. e. cor. of Willard st. and E. Univ.864.30 " the elevation given being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight ines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner., Bodmer, Martin, Allmöndinger, Bnyder, Ferguson, Bromn, Manly, Taylor, ICitson, Prettymam, AVood, Pres. AA'uies- 13. N&ys - None. By Aid. Manly : WHEREAS.ln the opiniou of the Councll the ïrade of the sidewalk on the south side of E Liberty st. ought to be chauged and fixed and estiiblished, to the end tuut such street may ie made suitable aud safe for public travel, thereore Resolved and it is hereby ordered that the grilde of the sidewalk on a"nd along the south side of E. Liberty st. from eaLt line of S. Main st. to West line of S. D'ifth ave. be, and the same Is liereby changed, fixed and established, so tht the grade of said sidewalk ou and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At s. e. é6g. of S. Main and E. Liberty streets 737.70 ft. " 100 ft :. of s. e. cor. of S. Main steet and Liberty st. 838.28 " " s. w. cor. of S. Fourth ave. and E. Libertvst _ ftil W (' " s. e. cor. of S. Fourth ave. and E. . Liberty Bt.J 841.93" " s. w. cor. of S. Fifth ave, and East Liberty st. 817.71 " the elevation given being above the offlcial city diitum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade fines to cousist of straight lines between the several points and stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yetas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Bro-nii, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymiaai, Wood, Fres. Wines - ï"3. Naye - NonO. By Aid. Manly : Vhereas,íu the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south sideofE. Ann st. ought to be chauged and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore, Êesolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of E. Ann st. from west line of Thirteeuth st. to east line of N. Ingalls, and the same is hereby changed, iixed and established so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At the s. w. cor. of Thirteenth and E. Ann st 84ÍS.69 ft. " apoint 185 ft. west of S. W. cor. of Thirteenth and E. Aan sts. 854 59 ' " a poiut 401 ft west of s. w. cor. of Thirteenth and E. Aan sts 871.29 ft. " 445 ft. west of s. w. cor. of Thirteenth and Ann st, 873 29 " " 564 ft. west of s. w. cor. of Thirteenth and Ann st 874.29 ft. At the s e. cor. of N. Iugalls st. ana E. Ann st 874.29 ft. he elevation given being above the official ity datum andalona the center liue of such valk, and the grade fines to cousist of straight between the several points or stations above tated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Alde. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Aliuiendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kiteon, ïrettyiman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Wiikreas, In the opinión ot the Council the rade of the sidewalk on the west sideof Fifth t. ought to be rhanged and fixed and estabïshed, to the end that such street may be nade suitablu and safe for public travel, thereore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of Fifth st. from north Jine of W. Jefferson st. to south line of V. Liberty st. be, and the same is hereby chauged, fixed and established so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the sti-eet aforesaid shall be as foliows. that is to say : At the u. w. cor. of W. Jefferson st. , . '" Flfth '- - 839.98 ft. At 2(0 ft. north from n. w. cor. or West Jefferson st. and Fifth st 837.88 ft At 330 ft. north from n. w. cor. of West Jeffersou st. and Fifth st 836.86 ft At 396 ft. uorth from n. w. cor. of West Jeffersou st. and Fifth st 833 61 ft' ft. north from n. w. cor. of West Jefferson st. and Fifth st 829.74 ft At 660 ft. uorth from u. w. cor. oí West Jefferson st. 326 74 ft. At ;:D ft. north from n. w. cor. of West Jefferson st. and Fifth st 824.90 ft At 720 ft. uorth from n. w. cor. of West Jefferson st. and Fifth st 826.29 ft. At the s. w.cor. of W. Liberty st. and Fifth street 831.83 ft. the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the lines to comist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Teas- Aids. Wagaer, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Bnyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Tnylor, Kitson, Prettyma.ii, AVood, Pres. Wdnes- 13. Xays- Xone. By Aid. Manly : WhkbeaS, In tne opinión of the Council the grado of tüe sidewaik on the south side of Kast KingHley streel ouglit lo Ije chauged and fixed and efitablished, to the end tnut sacli streel may be made suitable and saté for public travel, therefofe Resolved, and it is bereby ordered tliat tlie grade of the side wa ik on and along the south side of E. Kingaley Si., from east line ofDeLruit sireut to west liue of nortti División Mt., be, and the same is bereby cbanged,flxed and established, so tliattbe grade 01' said sidewalk on and along tlie street aloresald sliall be as follows. Muit is to gay: At tiie SJ. E. corner of Detroit au d Gaat Kingsley street S23.6J ft At a puiQl UU ft cast of S. E. cor. of Detroit st. and K. Kingsley st. 825.96 " At a point 17-2 ft. etust of . tí. cor. of Detroit st and E. Klugsley st 829.70 " At tlie s. V. corner of Jí. División si. and E. Kingsley st 832.70 ft the elevatlon given belng above the official city datum and along tiie enter line of sucli walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as iollows : Yea - Akls. "Wagiier, Bodnier, Martin, Allmeiulingei1, Hnj'der, Fergusou, Browin,, Maaily, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinaiii, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : WHEREASjin the opiuion of the Council the grade of the sidewalk ou the north side of Miller ave.,ought to be chauged aud fixed and establislied, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the u jrth side of Miller ave., from west line of Fountaln st. to E line of N seventh st., be and the same is hereby changed, lixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid hall be as follows, thal is to say: At N W cor. of Fountain st and Miller avenue 817.09 ft At 120 ft west froin n. w. cor. of fountain st. and Miller ave 825.20 ft At 220 ft west from n. w. cor. oí' Fountain st. and Miller ave 828.22 ft At 47U it west from n. w. cor. of Fountain st. and .Miller ave 831.78 ft At 700 ft west i'roui n. w. cor. of Fountain st. and Miller ave 834.60 ft At il. e. cor. of Gott st. & Miller ave.. 838.96 ft Atn. w. cor. of Uott st. & Miller ave- 839.96 ft At 150 ft west froin n. w. cor. of Uott st. and Miller ave 844.68 ft At n. e. cor. of Brooks st. and Milieu ave „847,31 ft At n. w. cor of Brooks st. aud Miller ave 818.31 ft At east line of n.Sevenih street 851. UU tl the elevaliou given beiDg above the official city daium and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to consisl of straight lines between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, ÍSnyder, ï'erguson, Browm, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyrnaoi, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Maniy : Whehias, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the south slde of WillarU street ought to be changed and fixed and eslablished to the end that such street rnay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the soutn side of Willard st. from the east line of E. University ave to west line of Church street be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade oí' said sidewalk on and along the street aloresaid shall be as follows, that is to At s. e. cor, E. University ave and Willard st 864.30 ft At s. w. oor. (Jhurch st. and Willard st 865.57 ft the elevaüon given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated Adopted ae followe : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Alknejidinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manïy : Whekeas, in the opinioo of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the east side of FJfth st ought to oe changed and fixed and establihed, to the end that such Street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, tlierelore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade of tne sidewalk on and along the east side of Fli'th st. from north line of tV. Jefl'erson st. to south line of VV. Ijiberty st. be, and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At the n. e. cor. of VV". Jefferson st, and Fittli st 838.38 ft At 270 ft. north from n. e. cor. of W. Jefferson st. and Flith st 837.58 ft At 330 ft. north from n. e. cor. of W. Jefferson st. and Fifih st 835.86 ft At 396 ft. north from n. e. cor. of W. Jefferson st, and Fiftli st 833.11 ft At 450 ft north from n. e. cor. of W. Jefferson st. and Fiftu st 829.24 ft At oöu ft. north from n. e. cor. of W. Jefferson st. and Fiftli st 826.24 ft At 650 ft. north from n. e. cor. oi' W. Jefferson st. and Fifth st ..824.50 ft At 725 ft. north from n. e. cor. of W. Jeft'erson st. and Fifth st 825 79 ft At the s. e. cor. of W. Liberty st. and Fifth st 892.98 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and aloug the center line of sucli walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight Unes between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagiier, Bodmer, Martin, AllimendLnger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, M.anly, Taylor, Kitson, tyinaii, Wood, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Wherkas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of S. Fourth ave. ought to be changed and flxed and establlshed, to the end that suoh street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, tnerefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of 8. Fonrtli ave. from south line of E. Liberty st. to n. e. line of Packard st. be, and the same is hereby changed, flxeu and establisheil, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. tliat Is to say : At the s. w. cor. of E. Liberty st. and S. Fourth ave 841.35 ft At the n. w. cor. of E. William st. and 8. Fourth ave 843.76 ft At the s. w. cor. of E. William st. and S. Fourth ave 8-13.38 ft At 220 ft northofthen. e. line of Pactara st „843.38 ft At the D. w. cor. of Packard st. and S. Fourth ave 842.10 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of stich walk, and the grade Unes to consist of straight liues;between the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martini, Alknendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Ivitson, Prettyman, Wood. Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By AM. ManJy : Whbrkas, in the opinión of Council the the grade of the sldewalk on the south side of E. Catherine st. ought to bo changed and flxed and establlshed, to the end that such street may be made snitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the south side of E. Catherine st. from east line of N. Ingalls st to W. line of Thirteenth st. be,and the same Is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At s. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and E. Catherine st 872.94 ft At 17 ft. east of s. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and E. Catherine st _ 872 30 ft At 07 ft. east of s. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and E. Oatherlne st 869.75 it At 117 ft. east of s. e. cor of N. Iugalls st. and E. Catherine st 860.10 ft At 217 ft. east of s. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and JS. Catherine st 816 10 ft At 207 ft. east of s. e. cor. of N. Ingalls st. and E. Catherine st 812 75 ft At s. w. cor. of Thirteenth st. and E Catherine st 841.48 ft the elevation given being above the officiai I city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade Unes toeonsist of straight 'i nes between the center pointsor stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yens- Akte. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmeiulinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Tnylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. 18. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : WHBREAR, in lbo opinión of the Couneil the the grade of the sidewalk on the west side of N. l'ifth ave ought to be cbanged and flxed and established, to the .end that such street may be made suitable and sale lor public travel, therefore Resolved, und it is herehy ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of N. Fiflh ave. from ïiorth line of E. Catherine st. to east line of Detroit st. be and the same is hereby changed, flxed and es tabl Ulied, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, thal is to say : At n. w. cor. of E. Catherine st. and N Fifth ave._ f31 70 ft At s. e. cor. of Detroit st and N. Fifth . ave 826.23 ft the elevatton given belng above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade li nes toconsist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By AM. Manly : Whereas, in the opinión of the Couneil the grade of the sidewal k on the west side of N. División st. nught to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that euch street may be made suitable and safe for public travei, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the west side of N. División street from north Une of E. Huron street to south line of E. Ann st. be, and the same is hereby changed. flxed and established, so that the grade of sald sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. that is to say : At 11. w. cor. E. Huron st. and N. División st 855.15 ft At s. w. oor. E. Ann st. and N. División st 861.78 ft the eleviition given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade I mes toconsist of straight lines bet ween the several poiuts or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, MarBrown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, tyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Whereas, in the opinión of the Couneil the grade of the sidewalk 011 the east side of North División st. ought lo be chauged and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and il is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on aud along the east side of N. División st, from north line of Jfi. Huron st. to south line of E. Ann st. be. and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say : At n. e. cor. of E. Huron st. and N División st 857.35 ft At s. e. cor. ol E. Ann st. and N.Divis... loi' st 8rs-09 the elevalion given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the ssrade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Nays - None. Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : the opinión of the Council the grade oí the sidewaik oq theeast slde of ■ Mary st. oughl tobe changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made snitable aud safe lor public travel, therefore Resolved, aud it is liereby ordered that the grade of the sidewaik on and along the east side of Mary st. from s w. line of Packard st. to north line of Edwin st. be, and the same is hereby ehanged, lixed and established, so that the grade of siild sidewaik on ana along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is to say; At s. e. cor. of Paokard and Mary st- 832.40 ft At angle of Packard and Mary st 823.16 ft At 200 ft. north of north line of Edwin street 820.61 ft At n. e. cor. of Edwin st. and Mary st.820.61 ft theelcvation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of sueh walk, and the grade lines to consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, AlLmendinger, .Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, AVood, Pres. Wines - 13, Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewaik on the south side of E. Suramit st. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewaik on and along the south side of E. Summtt st. from north west line of Detroit st. to s. e. line of Beakes st. be, and the same is hereby changed, flied and established, so that the grade of said sidewaik on anu aiong me streel aioresaid snall be as rollows, that is to say : At the s. w. cor. of Detroit and E. Summit st 791.58 ft At the s. e. cor. ol Beakes and E. Summit st 792 44 ft the elevation given belng above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and the grade lines to eonsist of straight Unes between the several pointsor stations above stated. Adopted as iollows : Yeas - AHe. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Browm, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymaai, Wood, Pres. Wtnes - 13. Nays - None. Wiiereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade of the sidewalk on the north side of E. Washington st. ought to be changed and flxed and established, to the end that such Street inay be made suitable and safe for public travel, therefore Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that the grade of the sidewalk on and along the north side ol E. Washington st. f rom east line of S. Thayer st. to west line of S. Ingalls, and the same is hereby changed, flxed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and aloug the street atbresaid shall be as follows, that is to say: At n. e. cor. of S. Thayer st. and E. Washington st 873.45 ft At n. w. cor. of S. Ingalls st. and E. Washington st 874.77 ft the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of such walk, and tlie grade Unes to eonsist of straight lines berween the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Teas- Aids. "Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Alimeiidinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Browm, Manly, Taylor, Kiteon, Prettymaii, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Ma-nly : Whereas, in the opinión of the Council the grade oí the sidewalk on the west side of 9. Thayer st. oughtto be changd and fixed und established, to the end tliat suoh street may be made suitable and safe for public travel, llierefore Jïesolved, and it is hereby ordered tliat the 'rade of the sidewalk; on and along the west iile of S. Thayer st. from north line of N. University ave. to suuth line of E. Washington st. be, and the same Is hereby changed, Ixed and established, so tliat the grade of lald sidewalk on and along the street aforeaid shall beas follows, tliat ia to say: t n. w. oor. of N. University ave. and S. Thayer st.. 87J.27 ft (Contlnued on Fourth Page.)


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