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Th:1 new tootó íoq the labrarles will, b3 cataloU9(3 tilia Minmer. The Regí nts are very buey with tlie v. .1 ]; , if i ii ■ c ng year. The remate recepfron thte year wlU !■ k-;vi ii ir, tbe gj nmi-ium building. Dr. W. I'. Breakey has been made peimansnl lecturer on dermatology. The gradoiatlng cíase oí the literary departm-eat '.on.istí oí 204 members. Tlie .i ín oi ilüil & Oo., wlll re-rwoí the miust'iun bu.!ialng at a cust of $4,7ÜO. D-. F. G. Xiry 'n:i gome to Europa He -n-.H lija .icition mo-tly Su Germany. The ,- n tr feception held in llie ,uy!]ni;is.uni jast evening was a great mu 3, as ii i U. T.he Comnn iK-'.'!t Annunl i han 1í-onu'ly illustrated tliis year. Buy it. O'nly -" cents. Pioi'. Walter 8müJi, oí Detroit, h.a lien ,api)o írcíi a-si tuit instructor ia the law flepartimsnt at a salary oí $000. Fred. W. Job, lit. '83, law '87, is iu the city ivsdtLng od3 Unlversity friends. Fred is an entihusiastie supporter oí has alma mater. E. F. Joihn.-ou has been promoted to be ;is:stani prolessor in the law departam nt at a salary oi $1,500. A meiiteil promotion. Pro;. T. C. Troebtood is im l'hiladelphsa thia week a-ttemidiag a meetiiií o; t.hi' iN'aiidni.l Elocution A-so ciíatíon, oí wíiich iie halds the !un3s. Eli Mioore, dnt. clase of '90, wiíl le married to day at Bay City, to MV.s Alice Brigs. Mr. anJ Mrs. Eli W. Moore left yesterday to attenfl the ceremon'e-, Dr. Ol:e!z has been asksd to resign his positiom in the Homeopathie silioo'l here by the. national assembly of Homeopaths in 6eïion at Denver, Coló., last week. A gTeat maay ír'.enls oí Dr. Campbell wüll be re] ire.l to learn that he ha- been advaaced to asaistant profeteor oï aaatomy. If any one ever eaimed promotion by perseverence nul hard vpwrk, Dr. Campbell lias. Dr. Herbert Tuttle, professor of Modern History in Corn.U University, an.l during 1880-81 instructor in International I:iw in the U. of M., dieil ri' ■cntly at ihis lwme in Ithaoa, N. Y. He was aai author oí mucli renemi. The dase day exereises oí the law departmemt, held Monday, were oí unusual tnberest, áncl wéll attended. The onusic iuiiiislied by the Chequame gon OTctoestra, was excellent, and tht tooi, pleasant atmosphere tended to add to thu pleaeure of the large asseinlily present. ]5very student vr.U desire to preserve tlie oration-, addressee, poems, etc, of Co'mniFiic-ement week, and the best and cheapest way to do that is to purciiase a Cooiimeiicement Annual for 25 cents. The Annual also coniahu elrgant lialí-toiie cuto of all the principal bui dng.s on tJie campus. Deam Knowlton, of tlie law departmfmt., i eïommends to the regent s the ap po int ment of Tlio. A. Bosr'.e, of tliiis city, as dean of the practice court, at a saOary oí $2,000. Mr. Bogle iis a gentleman wlio can flll the requireinents of the position excel'entlj' well, and nis many friends will rejo'ce over iiis ai)pointiment. live ilHimiination of that part of tlie campus Iroiutdag on State street, Ch'mese lanterns leing used ior the purpose, on iMonday eveiiing, was a beaut;ifu'. edght. It gave to th mind aai idea of what fairy land mlsht le. The tieiii'.ors by this bit of enterprise, have istarted a, custoni that it ís hoped mll he adopted by the elasees foUoTO'nx?, as it gave much pleasure to tliousainds of people. Aim Arbor students have bsen vooiferously and x)luminously active in smeak'n'4; off Kigns used by mereliins and business 5nen, and hiding them in tlieir rooim&. 'live more sins a chap had, the higher hia iiitellectual standing. Tlue o:iicers have been tlie rooms, with search uarraait.-, and arrestng the -depredators for theft. got u ten day's. senten?e in ]:ii'., and luis motto is "In hoek, slgn o vinces."- Adrián Press. A NATUBAL COKSKQUEllCE. A gi-aduate of tlie llt. departanent oí th.6 TJnhie.slty, living at Butte, Mon tiana, wrote ito a frlend liere a few diaye fi'nee that upon learnlng there was n, (Ictach.meiit of Coxey's orauy at that place he went out to look iit theim, and hls astoni.shment couM be judged wdien. he found that the leader was a gradúate of the law depiartinent oí the TJniversily of Micliigan. The theorles of the nu.merous [ree trade professors in that departanent are gettdng in their fatal work, you eee. It is but the natural consequence ol their teachings. MAMMOTH FliAGS FOR THE U. OP M. A frieiid "writes the COurier frorai Chicago as follows : "It may be lnteresting to know that the Chicago Alumni Asfcociation of the University of Miclilgan, has donated to the Univeralty, the largest two flags that tlew íi ora bullidings at the WorW's Fair iinin'1. viz : The ome f rom the Hort&cultural building 53x40 feet, and iii one from the Admlnistration buiiding about 30x20 feet. These ílaga were poirchased only a few wetks beiore ilie Fair cüiosed, it beimfthe apcmion at tint tinne the Fair wuull nm-ii.n npen 1-itei' than Nov. lat. HhOy are im firet etoss couditjor.i anü are by lar the largo-t flags im 1 1 1 i - p.irt oí the country, I! not in tlie üuited Statea. "Fred W. Job. lit. '85, Jobn D. Hibbard, lit. '87, Samuel F. Ilawlcy, Ut. 'S"), go to Aam Arbör on the afternoin train Toesda-y the 26th, and are to eitjisr tak'. the ftaga dowrn ov send tlicni beforehaoad. Thls avUI bj cons'dercd quite a prize í'or tlie Uni■rorsdity anl I ;stppo.-e there "vill be rood ior tlu'in ín the Untevreity Hall during ('oinmenci'inent week ANOTHEE FAMOUS COLLECTION. The Chicago Alumni Assoelatlon of ■h rn'vi'i-.-l y oí Miïhigian hae also pi e-cnea to bhe Univeisity, the AYitte coUectioo öï Coal Tar DeriTitives, con9?s lug of il)out two hun li-eil specimen? of Coal Tar producís- the entiie A Berie?. Th'c co'.lectioa was a .partí -ular hobby Óf the Eamruos chem'st, Witte, who died a-bout tihe ■■lose oi thié ColumbúMi 35xpoiti na an;l it is nut probable tliat any mo-e wMl be gotten together of piah Btyle an:l I ni.-h. It was one oí the attractio-ns oï the Germán ( ii mi -:il Exhïbit at ílic Manufacturera bui'lding at ihe "tt'orld's Fair.


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