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Ann Arbor ds in, gala attire this week. Teachers should reaneruber tlie Instituto whieh coamm enees at the High School building In this city, July 9th. 0n Saturday June 30tdi, the Ann Arbor town Clark will bd at the county treasurer'a oïfice to receive woodcliuck scalps, etc. Peopde wlio desire a valuable souvenir of coanniencement week slioulj secure :a copy of 'the Oommeaicement Annual, eontaining all tlie addresees, poems, propheeies, etc. The Aran Arbor Courier i at work iipon tlie premium list of the AVashtenaw Counnty Agnkultural & Horticultural Sooiety, ïor tlie annual cou 1ty íair, to be lield Bep't. 25, to 28 incüusive. A-se-sor O'Hearn reporta 133 blrtlis in Ann Arbor doiring the past year. The record wlll li,aTe to be better thaai that if the census enumeirators make any increase in our population for the year. A cli'ldren's service will be held at ïvewberry Hall Sunday moraing July lt, by 1lie Suiulay School of Trinity Lutheram church. Au excellent prourainnie has been arranged and a pleasant tiime is antieipated. Phiilip Kaeser, au old man who had been in tlie emp'.oy of Chritian Nagel, near Soio, etarted for ohurch last Sunday and dropped vdead on the road. Oíd age and the extreme heat are the causes assigned -for his demise. Frank White, the census enumerator from Pittsfield, wias tlie first to report to tJie tounty clerk. He makea the population of his township 1,088, after deducting the 53 kunates of tiie county 'house. This shows a tlight decline in numbers since 1890. The email pox caused the death of one Ann Arbor boy in Chicago. Will Bush, -whose home was formerly north of tliis city some two or three miles-', diied there recently from that disease. It was thought he was recoverkig, Mrilien hemorrhage of the lungs set ín aaid iie expdred suddenly. Witli graces rare she gally goes C'pon the stage to enow 'em Ber essay is first-rate a.s prose, Put ber dress is juat a poem.- Ex. Secure the Commcncement Annua] tor' 1893-4. It is valuable. The rond to Europa is becomlng yery fashioinable for Anii Arbor psople. Gil., our goodsaatured up Street remarked the oí her d:iy, "th's is hot lough to melt Snow." Jolin F. Lawremce lias commenced clearing liis lot at the corner of X. Fourth live., and E. Ann st., preparatory to erect-!ng au oi'fice block thereoai. Tlie Suabian Aid Society will celébrate the 4th of Ju'.y at tlie park, m! nnnounce aa excellent prógratmme of amusements. 'J'liey always have n. good tdme. The storm of Bunday was awhooper in the city, the wind floing considerable daimage to cha9e trees and garlc ti -. Tlie rain did worlds of good, h o wever. James Snge, of I,odi, was overeóme ly the hent Moiniday and feil ïrom nis wagon, iraotuiino; liis uhoulder blade He wa aitoiiihvl by Br. Breakey and is gettini? altoiag; nioely. The liacalaureate addrets of Dr. Anji-rll wlll be iotind on the 6th page of th's pnper, and the literary class poem and the class pvesidcnt's address -wi'1 be foujid on t.he Sd page. You wil] be intEi-ected in reading' theni. Th? eourt liou-e ílar has the nppsaran?e of having leen through a demodeimoi'ratik: caucu where the referee and antl-ieferee cl ms c'aslied. Query CJan't tbe county afford a new ïlag nw tlnat it is out"of debt ? llr. iind Mrs. Iew H. Oleiment gave a reeept'o'i to the Chequamegon orchestra and 'ilieir iriends Monday evon;iiï. Thei" larn was illuminated wlth. la.nrerns, i;onne exquLsite miste rendered, and a delightfl eveniirx enjoyed. Miiea Martha Simith, wife of Jas. Smitii. who resides on S. División st., died on Simday a. Htt. last, of blood piotiisoining, aged 17 years. Eev. Dr. Cobera condnoted the iuneral services at the res'.dence Monday p. m. The coupïe hnd been married about ome lyear. A rsteann rond oai;riage with naptha as fuel, Ras been laven ted, that makes tem miles a.n honr on common country roads, up Jiill aoid down, earrying twio ipa-'SMigers. It has rubber tire oa the whecl--, and reqiiires no particular skill to run it. Tlie poor old horse dan ese bis day of relief in the near future. The travel: nsr evar.gelists who have been endeavoring to créate a littls reiligious enthueiaem by preaching to the multitudes in 'the open air, at the foutlieast corner of the court house square, have not met with great sueeess so ïar. Tlie seeds sown by tlicm liowever, anay fall upon good soil and lm good time bear fruit. the many candidates mentianed ior nomination 'on the republicam ticket is the naane of Geo. öLarken, of tJiiis city for the office oí sheriff. Mr. Clarken lias been an active republican for a number of yeai-s, and has qualüisatioins that peculiarly fit hlm for that office. He te a hard worker and sbould he be nominated would make a Uvely fight for tlie ofuce. Wim. E. Stock'ng lias been appointed by Labor Commissioner C. H. Morse as a camvassier in tihis oounty to secure ttattotics Cor Vhe labor bureau. 'Mr. Stoík'jfflg will (jo over the county as ïar ae practicable, and obtain stat'stics relative to faitmers, and farm labore. Blanks are furnislied havin 35 questioms to le answered, and upon the correct answers to t hese questioins d-epend the value of the statisti'S. The ngriculturalists ought to le fjiifii ieinily interes ted to e;)iitribnte thir i;hare o! the necessury infornratioai. nnd nu doubt will be. Circuit court fctands mljourned until next Friáay. I Miss Marg-aret Kharpe, oí the side, died nt lier lioime on Wednesday j last, tile result oí being hit sonie weeks ago by a bise ball thrown by a young man wtuo was ball on E. Liberty street, wtliere she was passing. A poót mortem examination was lielj by Drs. Dao-ling and Nanerede, and no posslbie doubt exists oí t.liat beLiiï tliO direat cause oí deatb. Playiin ball 011 our streets i3 iii direct violatioa oí a ciiy ordinance, and should be utopped. It te iiiot only a menace to peopie dri-viinis ipon our Street, but dangerous to human Ufe as wel!. Now tJiat one person lias been kille 1 by it, tlie practice wiü doubt wane ] for a pepiod, but as time pasees tlie fatality iwill be fOi-gotten anl anotlier viictim be necessary to a-gain put a stop to it. AVe have iull íaitli to believe ttoat our marshal will eiiïoree tlie law 'as far as in his power, but lie caauot be tQ all places at tlie same tiiime. Tlie exeaitttdve committee oí tlie Farmer's P.itn'c Asociation of 'NVasli ti.n.iw, Oakl an;l and L.'.vington comí ties, .niet at "Wliitmore Lake last Saturday to niake arraagements íor the animal {picnic wJiich it is proposed to hold August 18, probably at "Wliitinore Lake. The seeretary of the society, Mr. Cooley Reeves, vas Ín stiuoted to write 'th.e nominees for tae dfetinguished office oí governor of the four polittoal jmrtles to make halïhour Qddres-ses beïore the mu'jfaitude at tlxat time. ïhe governors will speak in rotation aecoi-ding to age, tlie oldest iirst. Ii ithese candidates, none of whoim are yet nominated, accept tli's invitation there wLU be a delijfhtful opportunity oflereÜ our citizM to Jiear these gentlemen te.l vrhj they siiould be elected, nnfl the otherthree ftTows defeated. It will be a windy lay, there is ik doubt about it. The oity co-uncil has been asked by the board of review oï tliis city to I eaxact a dog licen-ie ordinanee. The in tent is ito have a number given with eaefo. licemse granted Cor the year, and iiny doy íound without hls collar and nuimber to bs at onse executed. To CO3t $1.


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Ann Arbor Courier