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Tlie república electors of the State of Miouigan, and all others who may desire to unite v.iil. tin-in In upholrtlng the principies of the republican party, as declared in the platform adopted by tlie last natlonal republican pouvention, are iiereby tequested to seml delegates to the statu convention of said party, to be held at Hartman Hal!, in the city of Grand Raptds, beginning at 10 o'elocka. in.. Tuexdny, July 3lst. 1894, tor the purposeof nominatiug candidates for state officeis. the election of a chairnian of the republiuan state central committee, and two membersof that eommittee froin each congressional district, and for the transaction l sncb otber business as usually comes before the convenlion. Evi'ry eouniy will beentltled to one delégate for each 5Ö of tlie total vote cast forftovernoracthe last election (November, 1802), and to one addkional deleprate for every Braction amounting to 300. but each organized county will beentitled toat least two deleünderthe resolntion of lí8. no delégate will be ent-itled to a seat in the convent-Ion wiiodoesnot reside in the county he The delegatesfrom each congressional district are requeeted to meet In caucus at ü o'clock on the mornine of the day of the convention lo select candidates to be presented to the Mate convention lor connrrnation. as follovs: Uue vice-presidenl. one assislant secretai y, one mernber each of the committees on "credentlals," "permanent organi zation and order of business," and "resolu tions." and two member of Ihe staie central i-oininitlee, and for the transaction of sucli otber basineseaa muy properly come before In accordauce wilh a resolution, adopted Juno 23. 1870. the secrelary of eacli county conventlon iR requested to forward to the secretnry of the state central conimittee, No. 1, Newberry Building. Detroit. Mioh., by the earliest mail, after the delegates to the state convention have been chosen acertifled list of the delegates froni their respective tries, ho are entitled to seats in the tion. Washtenaw county is entitled to 21 delegatfes. Renubliciin state central committee, JAMKSMcMILLAN, Seoretary. Chairman.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier