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Ti,,, pars&graph is cllpfeed f rom the Ypsiianti Sentinél : Iï the ffiev. Mr. Shter wan.te '"J' justmcation of his remavks ín relatítm to ilie fuiversity, he can íind It in Pi-esiilPiH AngdU's baccalaureáte, and In Eac-t in many ottoer utterancw, during tUe commeneement soas.m lt SÏÏS be a favorHe fad with the rcvcreiied professors to hoJd up Ou-lsi as the model mam, tlie ínmilU for the foi-mation ot cnaracujr. .n. divimty is kopt In the Iku-U.ctouh.1 só (ar Unit it ïnay be sald to be Lgnorefl, aml by tanpUcatlon denieil. 'JUe preoepteoi Chrifil ean be foUowed ; the ('.M„, „,.,,,■„ , .and Ws behavlor on ;..,,.,,,. (.;i„ „ot be taltated. To hoM „„ Ma i.-is:.n as the perfect man, as ÍEe model tor ' ■] ■' ! " man charocter, te to undignü? Uta, .,,„, piaoe hun ,m a tevel ith f. 11:u ln mani,v iardtos ol his divine SaractEr. B Ís . J ' "lt;n" ,„, taagb somiBg trova an orthoI ,;,., ;;.v Shlertarlght Iverslty caltliri t . .... above Ís sheax- or Sl!il., . se. Huí i sh iws how , ._ oí rnotivee -i n be prererted turoed in thy wereool intended, ií one ohoses t0 atetort Eacte and nd iau.t. good rom picklng riaws our University and its manage, by a isideni oí thte eounty .■iüy. ama a reeident ateo o! a dty i:i wïiii-li ts tooated another Jmportani state e lucatiooaJ ln te p, ■ mprelu :,-i m ol most people. Th eamö line of "argument" adopied by the Benttoel applies wlth ,.,,„al foirce to Mh rcliii.-l.Mis tostmebkwi a1 the Normal. Will the time! johi in aeenseless tri-ulo againsi ,i,at instituí inn. tor the sake oí Xxxxatog Album or other 1enoniin;Uional Rev. Mr. Shier a.nrt tlie editor of ilic Sentaed both liare sbudied the bMgB ..)f .Tcsus Ciirisl tO Uttle ulNMin.-ir. wi.H'nf.y. No wonls oí liis ra.n be comtrtied into ie parecept tney have adopted thai "by puJüing others down Avill I build myself up." The ü. of Jl .is liev. Shler's alma mater. Wliat awrt oí a man is tliis wlio standere hta own mother, in order to make the character of a new fonnd eweetheart appear the more briUlant ? TJie U. of U. is the Normal's eider sister. What sort of au mdividual is he who attempts to destroy the character of one ister in order to poUsh up the chaxaeter of aaiother? AVhilc Ihe fnivemty is strong euouwh to --itlistaiid these nnkind and unfounded criticisme, it does not seem out of plaee to ak it detractors to searoli ih-eir owb hearts, and see how miu-h of the spirit of the Saviour they find therein. One .uiislit bertter toe a wheat grower in Mic.]ii-iii thte year at even fifty cents per lmshel, than a fruit grower in California. The raüróad employés have tied up all the rallroads leadtag out ol tJiat state, and not a car is hiií moved. Bankruptey and ataron staree the fruit growers of bhai stnto In the face as a coneequence. Tliere are about 18,000 nülvoud uien engaged in the strike. l"p at Saailae the editors seem to le pfbniin spolcen people. For nstance, lvere ia BH obituary nottoe cut irom a paper published in that place. It ■in be moticed t.hat it is not of the usual stereotyped order : "George Blank is dead, and clying went as straight to heil as an arrow shot from a bow. For 74 years he has lived ia tliis towu. this time he has opposed every enterprise tlmt ■vould tax him a copper ; he opposed sahooiK, h mever g-ave a cent to c.h ure lies or charity ; liis influe-nce was alwaye 011 tlie devil's Bidé. He left an estáte worth $56,000 and a Ufe bhat emeUa i o heaven." Tlic Kin-siiilit ol Johm Adams. the mnsi forctbie and .■nllnisia.stic supjioiicrs of the Declaration of ludependen, was ivonderful. On the slgning of that do&ivmiMit he vrotc to hls wi;e; "Tiüs will le the most memorable epoch in the hisbory ii Ameria; braited by deecenclíng (jeneratlons as the greal amnAveraary festival, ocwnmemoratecl oe the day of déllverance By eoJomii ru-ts of öéwtion to God A'.imiíiluy, solemiiized with pomps, shows. ,;uucs. sports, ivmis, lic'.ls. loníLres, auil LJumiimations ivom one end of the ccMitinent to the other, ironi tJiis linu' foi-wanl. torever." Spencer O. Ffcsher, the geatleman v.iio licails the democratie ticket for urn ei nor is nol unknowB in Michigan poCitic. lic 1 cpresriitcil )W district in comgrese once on a time, until lils c-dii-iil nrnis concnulril tu.-il iIk'.v preferred a republicnn, and elected Mr. Wln-rliT in nis place. He has loog 'had a desire' to be govemor ol tais stali' and lilis fa',1 that deelro 8 bO be íi.H ttearly consmnoiatecl as il ever wiu be. He wili come witMn about 50,000 votes of oceupylng Uiat honorable position. Howcvw, the reupblioans will do well to rennembéi he is no sliaggard, but a wlde nvakc Jiiistlin?ï ]))litician. Hê repite tin1 Dlekiiiecm or referee lactlom ol Un' ilrui.'ri-acy. and will not be loman Bleeplng dtirtng Üié cainpalgn.


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Ann Arbor Courier