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Call For The Republican State Convention

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. .? republienn electora of the State of Mlphfgan, and all othera who may deslre to nntte wltb t hem in upholdlng the principies of the repubUcan party, as declared in the plíillorm a.iopted by tlie Inst Dátional renub Hoan oonventlon, are bereby leaaested u senil delégales to the state convenlion of jald party, tobe, held at Hartmau Hall in the city of Grand Rapids, beglnnlng at IC p'olock a. in.. Tnesday, July 81sU )MM for the purpoteof nominatlDg candidates for state officers, the election of a cbalrman of the repubUcan state central eommluee, and two menihersof that committee from ach congresslonal district, and for the transaction oí thêbcoOnvlnUonneSSaS USUa"y 0o"'es before Every county will beentltled to one delégate for each 500 of the total vote cast forgovSïïïtf '?.. LW le,n (November, 1892), uu 1U wut ciuuiuijuiti ut't curtí lor overv fnc tion nmounting to 00. biit eaeh onmnlied county willbeemitledtoat least two dele gil tos. Under the resolutlon of 1838. no delégate w 11 heentltledtoa seat In the convention who does not reside In the county he pro" poses to represent. p The delegates from each congresslonal district, are requestod to meet In caucas at I) oelock on the morninE of theday nf theconventkmto select eandidates to be presented tothes ateoouvention for conflrmatkS m kpp,p!S: vloe-presldent, one asslstant secretary one member each or the oommltteeson "credentials," ■permanent organi zatton and order of business." and "reSolu tlons.-; and two members of the sta'e central oommlttee, and for the transacUon of "nel other bwlnessas may properlyoome before i.ï,"".:.',0";'" with a resolutlon, odopted June2S, 18,0. the seeretary of each countv convention Is requested to forwaTd to the secretary ol the state centra] committee N , l.Nfberry Building. Detroit, Mich.,by' the earltest naait, after the delegates to the swie convention have I n chosin a "r ed I list of the delegates frore thelr respective coun tries, hp are entitled to seats in the conv",!gaTfcs'rllU'"!lW' c""'ny is e"titlfl to 21 dele_Republican state central inmu, JaMKs Mfí ri r . a -w Kreia.ry. Chalrman.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier