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Their Name is Legión. Reader, tliere are mamy biood purif y ing medicines. Tliere is but ome .Hood's Sarsaoarilla. Do not aJJow high-sountUiig advertisemeats ar otlier device.s to turn you h-om yourpurpoee to take Hood's Sarsapariila, becinse in this purpose you u-e rlgJii aml wüU not be disappointed in ,tdie result. , Hood's Harsaparilla is au honest mlieüie, honestly advertised, effecte honest cures, and gives .every pereom a fair equivalent tor bis inoney. AVJiat inore eaq you reasonably ask ? A fair trial ;-uai-a.ntees a complete euro. What Can't Pull Out? Whythe Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled watch Cases, made bMjie jCeystoneatch Case Com= Pgny, Philadelphia. Itp"tectsTheWahJrom_thejÏHc jpocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only bejrnd with' cases stamped ,S(E, with this trade mark, jjf Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, orsend to makers. Nortfoíi Michigan Resorts Few places offer so many advantges for tired people as (lo the popular resorts on the shores of Lake Michigan and its trihutary bays. Bay View, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Gharlevoix, Traverse City, and Grand Traverse Bay Resorts are peeuliarly invitingdnving the hotweather she braciug air, cool nlghts and freedom from dust contribute to make this rprinn annti.r! Tanitarium.for the recuperatiou oL exhausted euergies. To those interested. Bay View offers special advantaees iu thegreat Cbatauqua course aud Assembly. held in July aud August, the program of wiiich wil] be of uuusual excellence this year, comprising classes in manv branches of learnlng and lectures by notod professors aud teachers from the highesf colleges aud umversities of tuis country. The Way to Reach these RESORTS IS VIA. THE CHICAGO AND WEST MICHIGAN Raihvay, ivhich rmis through the entire region.and is known as " ïhe Scenic Line," on account of the beautiful scpuphv thmmri. whicli it passes, traverslng the shores oí lakes, nvers, and baya, for miles, whicli. with the splendid service offered by this liue makes the trip a dehghtfnl one. Throngh parlor aud sleeping cars from Detroit to Petoskey and Bay View, are run duringJuly, August aud September: via. the Detroit, Lansing & Northern Etailroad to Grand Rapids, thenee via. the C & W. M. Tourist tickets ut reduced raies aré soldat principal stations ou these and other lines from Jime lst to Sept. 30-good to return GEO. DeHAVEN, Gen'l Pass's Agent, Grand Rapids, Michigan. . S.- Send for our book, "Tours in Michigan. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, f" I o -MONUMENTAL .._ o J GEMETEBY w o BUILDING _ co I A AIso, Stone Walks. - Estimates cheer fully furnished. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts.. ANN ARBOR, MICH DRmgBÜFLOÖRS Stable floor always dry, horse has a dry bed, stable and horse easily taken care of, no beddin? wasted and the offensive stable ordoravoidecl by usingournew Palent Stable Floor brainers Easily put into aoy common plank floor' floor can be level Ifdeslred. Highly appreciated by every one who likes a clean stable. Mali orders fllled at $1 per set for one stall, charges prepaid. AMERICA FLOOR DRAO CO., ANK ARBOR, Mkh. Samples eau be scpii at SCIII'II & III FHI.Ui's stokk! 'UiK ST0KK """ MAi"'s ïuSSmS A. W. HAMÏLTON'S Life and Fire Insurance Agency. No. il, 2nd Floor, Kamilton Block. Fire Insurance written in first-class compames. Loiv liates. Losses liberallv adjusted and promptlypaid. ' (usieu Cali and e'xamiue the Mutual Life Iusuranoe Company's nnv forra of Policies. The Incorae and Continvous Instalinent Policies will return larRe dividends. A l'olioy i the Mutual Life Insuraiife Corapaiiy is & Safe, Sure and Satisfactory Investment. It will pay better than a i per uent. Investment. Wlien yon insure take the best and wnte a policyiu The Mutual Life throusrh mv ageucy. . A. W. H All ILTOX. TEACHER OF VIOLIN. Pupil of Emil Sauret, Berlín Germany. Cau be seen Tuesdays and Fridays at his Cbms'NBSD Street' AUU ArbOr OrSan FOR SALE! My stock of Farm Imnlementg and Seeds; also stoio pioperty -o-i7. lletroit St., jimction 5tb Ave., tor sale or rent. Inqnire at residence, No. 7 N. División St, L'2 K. J. ROGERS. ÜpHI W. H. BUTLER, Postoffice Building. WHERE THE SÜMHËFbREEZES bW. Would you fly tí you eould To a glen in the wood. Toa spot in the shade Thnt L ature hmh made: Ricli with i'erus and wild flowers One of notare's fair Bowers? What is life to the soul If to labor is all? What is joy to the heart Wheii Lor rest we depart To the woods aud the dells. Does your heart cry lor rest In a place that is biest, With uo shadow or sorrow Nor-care for the morro1? aul Railway. Geo. H. Heafford Oen'l Passenger ChlcagoT 111'. AnÏArböTiruiFïS Small Fruit and trees from Ellwanger nd Barry, the oldest uursery iu the Jnited States. Easpberry and Blackerry Shrubs, Domestic AVines, Plymouth Rook Eggs, and Artichokes. E. BAUR, Ann Arbor Mich.


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