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Call For The Republican State Convention

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The republioan electora of the State ol Michigan, and all others who may deslre to willi thein in upholdlng the principies of the republlean party, as declared In the platform adopted by the last natlonal repub ficau ronvention, are herpby lequealed to send delegatea to the state conventlon of said party, tobe held at Hartman Hall, in the cuy of Grand Raplds, beglnnlng at 10 o'clock' a. m., Tnesilay, July 3lsl, 1894. for the piirposeof nomlnaliiiii candidates for state cfflcers, the electlon of a chairinan of tbe republican state central committee, and iwo members of that oommtttee frora eaob congressional district, and for the transacción ot such otber business as usually comes before tbe eonventlon. Every county will be entitled to one delégale for eaob 5Öfl of tbe total vote cast forgovernor ac the last electlon (November. 1S92), and to one addtltonal delégate for every fraction amoimting to S00. but eaoh organized oounty will be entitled to at least two dele'ünder the resolution of 1858, no delégate will be entitled toa seat in the conveution who does not reside in the county he proposes to represent. The dek-gatesfrom eaoli congressional district are requested to meet in caucus at il o'clock on tbe morning of the day of theeonvention to select caiulidaies to be presented to the Mate couvention for eonflrination, as follows: One vice-president, one assistant secretary, one niember each of the commlttees on "credentials," "permanent ornanization and order ot business." atnl "reeolutions." and two members o( tbe sta'e central commlttee, and for the iranSactlon of such other business as may prupurly come before thein. In accordance wltb a resolution, adopted June 23. 1870. the secretary of each county convention is requested to forward to the secretary of the state central committee, No. 1, Newbérry Buiidiug. Detroit, Mich.. by the earliest. mail, afier the delégales to the state convention have been choseu a cerlirted list of the delegates from their respective countries, who are entitltd to seats in the convention. Wushtenaw county is entitled to 21 delegates. Republican slate central committee,


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier