Real Estate Transfers
Louis Khode to Eliza A. Crofoot, Anti Arbor S2.000 00 Emma Webb to Jos. F. Webb, Ypsilanti 200 00 E. A. Crofoot to Louis Rhode, Ano Arbor 4,000 00 Baker & Wallace to Bert ïi. Goodale, Ypsllauti 500 00 H. J. Groves, by ex'r, to Maggie Fntz, Auu Arbor 5 00 J. W. Goodspeed lo George L. Vandawarker, Ann Arbor 200 00 J. W. & II. Goodspeed to George L. Vandawarker, Auu Arbor 800 00 Clias. S. Laird to S. C. Laird, Chelsea love, etc. Chas. S. Laird to S. G. Laird, Chelsea love, etc. Emlly J. Suraraer to John Burg, trustee, York 400 00 Regia ïerhune to Anuetta Stimson, Ann Arbor 700 00 Alonzo Edsou to Lucerne C. Halght, Ypsilanti 250 00 Fred J. Crowman to Isaac Hannan, Lyndon 5,500 00 Isaac llaman to Addie M. Cronan, Lyndon 6,000 00 George E. Sumner to Henrieüa M. Glazier, Sylvan 50 00 Andrew J. Lucas to J. J. Goodyear, Ann Arbor G50 00 A. G. Webster to R. Herbert, Aun Arbor 1 00 luna Belding to Vashti D.Garwood, Ann Arbor 2,506 Ellen Crosby to Ira S. Davis, Ypsilanti 200 00 Tbeodosla Van Allen to Runa R. Hulbert, Auu Arbor 1 00 Mahala Tevebaugh to Runa R. Hulbert, Ann Arbor 1 00 F.lora Webster to Rima R. Hulbert, Ann Arbor 1 00 Ebenezer Steel to Helen A. öalyer, and Josephtne A. Davidson, Ann Arbor 1,184
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Louis Rhode
Eliza A. Crofoot
Emma Webb
Joseph F. Webb
E. A. Crofoot
Bert N. Goodale
H. J. Groves
Maggie Fritz
J. W. Goodspeed
George L. Vandawarker
H. Goodspeed
Charles S. Laird
S. C. Laird
S. G. Laird
Emily J. Sumner
John Burg
Regia Terhune
Annetta Stimson
Alonzo Edson
Lucerne C. Haight
Fred J. Crowman
Isaac Hannan
Addie M. Cronan
George E. Sumner
Henrietta M. Glazier
Andrew J. Lucas
J. J. Goodyear
A. G. Webster
R. Herbert
Anna Belding
Vashti D. Garwood
Ellen Crosby
Ira S. Davis
Theodosia Van Allen
Runa R. Hulbert
Mahala Tevebaugh
Elora Webster
Ebenezer Steele
Helen A. Salyer