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A Shrewd Scheme

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An attempt is beiog made by certain demócrata to a-ain citeat the labortng tman in a politica] svay. ili.-n fxi-ci t body o! American ■ citjzems wKJ ag-alu allow Iteeli u l deeeived nnd Biaugïhtered, remains to be Been. Thousantte ui workfugpien who lelieved 'ilie ialsehoods toid them by the democrate fcwo years ago and voted i democratie ticket have luid good reaaon 'i éee tthe ïoiiy of the cinirsr thcy pursued tlicn. Many of these .moa had been republicana, i'y appe&Ls to clase prejudice tOie democrati- orators succeeded in niaking ilit-in belieYe that the republica.ns wcrc tlii'ir oni'ii]H'; that rep;ublicaai lawe were eaacted in the Interest oí the rich, and that the gwenfineni liad been admiaistered by republlcans in the interes! oí the eaine class. They were told that they -vould have more work and better wages, and, in fact, that tliere wonld he a general improvmeal in thoir conditioa if the dcinoirats on ihe ek'Clion pi 1892. Xot ome oi t.lie promiees made to the workingmen by the deraocrats two years ag üias leen fulfilled. Never Ueiore lias the condltion of Labor been i wcxrae than dnring the last yeav and a half, luider democratie admintstratiO'ii of both the exeoutive and legtelative branches of the governiment. Tlie wwkingtnen have good reason to le di-gnsted wit.h deraiocracy, ajid it caunot be expected that they wil] support the party of false pretenses and bi-oken proraiises at tlie coming eXeetion. Tlie democratie labor leaders realize tais 'act. That is why they are comtoig out in favor of "independent" actioii at the polls or as advocates oí thie -j.-ri.ïi 'liles to which the populfets adhiere. Tliee aemooratic ialor leaders hope to holdthe disgueted democratie workingmen in line and prev-ent t.heir voting Wtfch the república .iis, and at the same time they expeet to draw away from the republioan party to tlie populist organization enough tepublican workinginen to offset the rotes of those who are sure to leave t.he democratie party. A child, ipom putting ita ringers hito tlie fire and gettlnjg them lirned. has eufficieat wisdom not to put its fkigers in tlie blaze a seoond time. Do onr democratie, breUiren think the laboring nien of this nation are not eiliialiy intelligent ? They will mot follow into the pit of destruction tlie second time. If tlie young man who manufactures politieal dispatclies in tlie Detroit Evening Xtws office, out of hifi oivn braln. nnd tlien credlts them to country correspondente, vrill cease tliat aart of wxrk. and atlow eorpespooidente wlio tire right on the lii'ound and know wliat lliey are talkhig about, to send their own disp-atclies, lie 'wiU not only get better informa tkm, buf more truthlul statements, 9a vi' Iliat papsr's correpondents iro.m being püaoed in yery annoying and ecwnetimeg very embaxrassing post tious, and whiat is still more important, he will be dolng the Evening News a tmost admirable service. The House has had to bow to the will of the Senate at last, 'and the Senate bill, which with a few notable exceptions is about the same as theMcKinley bilí, will become a law, and the tariff controversy euded. Mr. Crisp, the Speaker of the House, is said to have j brought it about, and yet in a speech this gentleman asserted that the bill was in the interest of the sugar trust which would make $40,000,000 by its passage. And he a patriot and American citizen, and advise such a sleal Erom the pockets of the ])oor people of this nation ! The McKinley bill gave the people free sugar, this bill gives them tariff that meaus not only dearer sugar, but sugar which every poor man who eats it must pay tribute to the great sugar trust for the privilege. It is one of the most gigantic jobs ever saddled upon the American people. Will they resent it? Wait and see !


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier