Referred To The Argus
Dexter, Midi., Aug-. 28, '94. Ed. Courier : Last week I clipped the followlng fi-om the Argufl rclative to the nomination of Gen. Sjialdins ior congress : "He is a bamker. Tibe republicana faithful to their servility to the 111011ey iniluence, piostiated ithomselves befone the god of.ftaiance, ignoring the dimand of the people, ,who tliis year of all years, asked ,for a candiilate of the people,- 011e 11 touch ,with the yoemiani-y and the laboring .element and not .a representativo 01' the ntoney power. Banker SpiuWing ,will be defeated." Notv I wiah ito change just two wtwrdfi intJie above - in tlie fii-st ILne to "democrats," "palding,'' in the last line to "Fisher," (Jiaviing in unind President S. O. Fishe.r, of Lumbermaii's State Bank, West Bay City, and democratie candidate for governor) and wouM tJien like to know whether the .still holds to the era vfishes.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier