Where He Stands
In Oiis i-petch at Adri.m. upan the 0 '■!-;... in' Jiis iiuiiiination, General Spalding" íiad tille to uy sa regard to sUver : "I endorse ernphatioal y ihe platform yuu iiavü adopted lieiv tó-Uuy, l cause, as I iiuderetand it, ít endorses pLauiom adopted by the ütate (onvm.iou at G-rantl liapidH. Iu-ni a republioau from t.He erown 01 my liead lu' ihe aode oí iuy leet. ;Appjaüse.) 1 am in (avoir oj both mecate a.s moiiey niet als (applause), and tJiu iu-ioratiu:i Ol KiLver to its o.dtime i la.üilaiil- i -li ■ Ji..slory .t.mi::( 01 wo:iii. (, ries oi 'good, goud,' aml appJiauaeO -1 '" ''"' ;l 'suilclea cónvert ui that doctrine.; lli.ivv si nu: d ü Eosc j eture. At the Chioago i-unv. n Ion uii. ca n.iininated tin; Honorable liuijainm Haxrison, 1 'lieiped drait. the re.-(j.; nio.il wiiiell the cosnnüttee unaii'inou-iy adopted, and wihiob the ■ mimii ion unanjmousiy put lOi-l.h is iis view.s upoh that questioin. I beüieve that the best mlnds ai Knuland, tmd the best minds in üerniaiiy are in iavor of bimetalltem. I do i;ot beUere in the extremes oí fiat nioaey, but t,here is a happy medium Avliich the wo.ld bas i 8tab i lied, maktag Ko.d and mon y : it is the constitutional money oï Americü, and it has been ever since the coustitution oí tlie United States was adopted. '
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier