Some Of The Results Of The New Tariff Bill
taONÍíON, Aug. 17. - Many tin píate works in Soutli "Wales, which have been elosed for some time, are píeparfng to resumo work in view of the passage íí the tariflf bill in Washington. Lvoxr, France, Aug. 17. - The eilk markei is tremendously active in view of the passage of the United States tarilf hill. Big orders have been placed at Yokohama.for silk to be worked up ior the United States. H.woltox, .Ont., Aug. 17. - A iinn of vool dealers in this city lias over a milüon pounds (jfwool stored in. its ware-. liouses here, nearly all of which will be shipped to the United States when tlic new tariff bill beeomes a law. This year's Canadian wool clip. as w.ellasthe clip of last. year, is nearly all in the country warehouses. Bostox, Aug. 23.- The Portland bark, Grace Deéring, trom Rosario to Boston, is lying oft' Cape Cod with a large cargo of wool waiting for the new tariff bill to become a law. Shc was sighted several days ago. Under the present law a duty of eleven cents per pound vvould be collected. Under the new law the cargo can come in free. It is estimated that the consignees will make over $60,000 by delaying the vessel. Madüid, Aug. 21. - El Nacionale today declares that the moment the new United States tariff, by which Cuban sugaris handicapped 40 per rent. is enforced, the minister of the colonies, Signor Becerra, proposes to ask the Spanish government to denounce the existing treaty between Spain and the United States in regard to Cuba. El Xacionale continúes : " This is the only way to put matters on a fair footing with the United States, which country is monopolizing Cuban trade to the disadvantage of the colony." Baltimore, Md.j Aug. 15.- Officials of the Edwin Bennett Pottery Company of lliis city have decided in conjunction with other finns which are represented in. the Potters' Isational Association to close up their establishment in consequence of the new fcariff bill. The reduetion of 60 per cent. to 35 per cent. in the pottery schedule caused General Manager Brune to notify bis employés of a reduction in wages. The men had recently aceeptcd a 12 per cent, cut and refused to go any lower. Tlie kiln hands quit yesterday. ín a day or two the 350 employés will have completed the orders on hand and the pottery will then shut down. Washington, D. C, Aug. 22. - The anticipated enactment of our new tariff bilí has affected the wool market in Englaud, according to a report to the state department froni Unijd States Counsel Meeker, at Bradfort. It has caused quicker sales than ever known before, buyers being eager to anticípate a brisk demand from the United States and farmers were anxious to turn their their fleeces into ready money, because of the depression. The prices showed an averaged advance of from one-half to one cent a pound over last year; also caused by the tariff bilí changes, as tlie consumption of the home trade did not warrant the advance. According to disp'atches in the dailv press the dyed goods inanufacturers and exporters of Saxony have petitioned the Germán Imperial Government to support by diplomatic means their protest against the United States demand that invoices of imported goods disclose the date of their dyeing and the name of the dyer. The petitioners characterize the demand as an outrageous attempt to pry into business secrets, and say that it is impossible for them to comply with the repuirement. The Chemnilzer Nachrichten declares that thfi only object is to bolster the infant industry in the United States and exclude Saxon goods.
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Ann Arbor Courier