Frankfort to Kewaunee and Menominee The T., A. A. & N. M. Ry. announce that the two big car ferries in use on Lake Michigan are now fltted for earrying passengere and will run on the following schedule : Leave Frankfort for Kewaunee Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. m. Leave Kewaunee for Frankfort same day, at 4 p. m. Fare each way , $2.00. Leave Frankfort for Menominee Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday aud Friday a1 9 a. ni. Leave Menominee for Frankfort at 11 p. m. saine dates. Fare each way, $3.00. Above rates include birth on steamer. Meals 50 cents each, extra The Only Preventive of Pimples Blackheads Mothy Oily Skin is CUTICURA 50AP It Strikes At the Cause viz. The Clogged Irritated Inf lamed or Sluggish PORE For pimples, blaekheads, red and oily skin, redfrough hands with shapeless nails,falling hair, and baby blemishes it is wouderful. Sold throughout the world. Fottek DbüO & Che.ii. Cokp., Sola Pro()a., Bostou, Mans. piSTHÜA?! ISCHlFFMANN'SAslhmaCureij S IVever fails to give instant relief in the worst O jHcases, and tllk-t4 eurea where othcr i'iH. r ! Trial i-"ILKK of DrwreieU or bj Hall. g Adilrata DR. R. SCHIFFMANN, St. Paul. Mlpn. K "wantËd" Men to work lor us who desir to mako money this fall and winter during slack times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looktng for a pay Ing business write me at once. Fred. E. Young, Nurserym an ROCHESTER N. Y. Reprint Frank Leslie's Hlustrated I I 'Weekly War Illustrations 1861-05, two ■ ■ vols. folio.SÍC.50, payable 34.00 ■ ■ ly. Delivered by express prepaid. Sene] I ■ for illustrated circulars. Al salesmen I I STANLEY BEADLEYPUB. 00. I 5 EAST 16TH ST., N.Y.. U.S.A. MEN JNO WOMEN S S ing the Conteexville Mfg. Co., Manville, K. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send la cents for samples, particulars, and secure ageney. Mention this paper.
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Ann Arbor Courier