E. F. Mills & Co.
2O ILvÉAJUÑTm CARPET DEPIRTMHT 0FFERS SPECAL BARGANSIN MATTINGS- 3,000 yards of the new choice designs just placed on sale at prices lower by 25 per cent. than last year, and only possible by our importing the goods. At 12}c and 15c Fair Design and Quality Mattings. At 25c, the choice of an almost infinite variety of new and stylish designs, including cotton warp, Inserted Figure work, etc. At 40c, 50c, and 60c the very cream of the Japanese and Chinese artists work in this line, identically same goods as Detroit and Chicago rnerchants get 50c to 75c for. RUGSIn great variety of styles, and in all sizes, including Smyrna Eugs, Japanese Rugs, Moynette Rugs, etc. Ingrains, Agras, Tapestry and Body BrusselsIn the New Fall Designs, are daily piling up in our store. Prices, as always in our store, are the lowest for good goods to be had anywliere. 20 MAIN STREET.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier