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The Point Made Clear

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Will somebody name the provisión in the new law which is an improvement on the o!d ? Let us stop generalization. Iet us know what you mean. li is asserted in some quarters bhat it is better because the ratee oí duty are less and the average peieeniages lower. In whose interests .-re these lower dutiee? Whom (o they be Senator Mills answered tliis wel when lic said in lis recent speech : "Wlhat has -been the fact in i ence to every tariïf act in the Mstory of the governmont that reduces duiirs '.' Importations Inereased and wtth increased importations caine increased revenue. It was so in the Walker tariff of 18Í6. with these facts before us, and they are mathematica] and cannot be contradieted, there is to be a very large increase of iinpurtation under this bill, and a large inerease of iraportations means a large inerease of revenue." So we start with the declaration from those who framed the law that importations are to be increased under it. Eut w;hat does this mean to the American people ? Increased importations of articles we maice in the United States means diminished productions in the United States. It eannoi mean anything else, and diinhiishcd production in the United States means diminished employment to ou American labo:1, and ditninlshed wages to those "urho are enijiloyed. You cannot escapo from that conclusión.- AVm. McKinley. (ov. IïicU has appotnted John H. Grant as Judge of probate of j tee county vice N. W. Nelson, deceased. Judge Granb is a gradúate of the Dmtversity, Ut. clase of '82, and a lawyer of much ability and good practioe at Manistee. In making this appointment, Gov. Iüch has shown that lie has the best interests of the people of that county at heart, tor his appointee is an honest man and the interests of the wldow and Orphan wÖl be perfectly secure in his hands. The taril'f fight is to be continued until the "good times'' oí forty years ago are fully restored, is what the democratie leaders itell us. In other words, it is to be continued until wheat sells for forty cents ,-i bushei, farm hands -woirk for eight dollars a montli, laboreare reecive Ewenty-five i-mis ;i day, calicó sells at 37 1-2 cents a yard and eggs and butter and turnipe and onions will not pay for hauling to market. Tlie leaders are mistaken. Thèy Avill not live ! to see those good times "fully restored1' if they live to the age of Methuselah. - Cedar Springs Clipper. Tlie effort of the Courier to make Ann Arbor aj)pear as Jiaving more than her share of the democratie can(lidates ie not i winner. By custom reoognized by both old pa-rtiee, wellbehaved county officials are given a second nomination. Michael Brenner was Irom Manchester ; Andrew 1 fughes, from Scio ; Thomas T. .Kearney from Xcn-lhiield ; P. G. Suekey from l'ittsfle-ld. These ware entitled to renomination and there were no oppoetog candidates. The county cli'h 'gatcs reeognized the custom l'rope.rly the city of Ann Arbor gets clcik, one circuit court commissioner and one coroner. Iet ithe Courier saA'e it s tcars to water the tombs of the republican candidates after election. - Argus. Bro. Smitii wae importad from Adrian to write funny articlee for the Argus, and we take it the above is a genuine specimen of his wit. Of course things are not what they are but what avo want them to be. il!' sí; gentlemen are not residente here, of course not ! Judge Babbitt isn't ia resident of Ypeilanti, he's a resident of Ann Arbor. Ilro. Smitli, himeelf, should be credited to Adrián. But wo are still of tlie opinión that tliore may be a little difficulty in making the people understand it that 1 way.


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Ann Arbor Courier