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IVORY Ut Floató BE5T TOR 5H1.RT5. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE CO.. Oiiilke the Dotch Process IKo Malies Other Chemicalsare used in the preparation of V.Bibr&CiL1. Breakfast Gocoa, which is pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mi.ed witli Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilï DIGBSTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co Dorchester. Mass. IyooAStHMAPi ISCHSFFWiANN'S Aslhma CureB Sis ever fails to give instant relief in the worst 38 fSc&ses, and clïecjl ourt wbere otlitirq i'%il BB I Trial l"iirtr,s! FUE E of Drngglits or by Muil. ONE ENJOYiS ooth the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts geutly yet proiiaptly on the Kidneys, Liver aud Bowels, cleauses the systera effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efiécts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CÖ. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KV. NEW YORK. N.Y. f At the expense of little $i&áJ moi'cy and his spare vfeíjLBo?C' ' time obtain a fair "J1 W' t ing education. '"'■7' ' JSTUDYATHÖMEl THROUCH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprisingtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. i R A 111 The School of Law prepares pupils for admissíon J II dV to the bar, by an extended, thurough course. Hasj '. ■ " over 1,600 students in every part of the country. i iniinilll ICM This school teaches journalistic iJOunWALIèm -- -ö-f- - ínnnll lFCniUP Tllis school is condurted by I Í K IIK-Khtr NU Olle of eWest teachers of { J UPO I1L.W IHU book-kceping in America, j i PlinliT IM MM Thisschool teaches short-hand by KHtiH I -nAi9u th= bt srsK". "d from 5 J OliUil IIWHU gin„ing the best expert work. inOrrlf ! I ITIU This school teaches f t lirirrK 3(1 LA I IN composition and J Stion to the most advanccd work in the classics. t The above schools teach by the i ence metliod only, and recoguize no rivals ii ' thelr respective flelds. m Address, stating in j spJÏ ' ' ■otfii$ l'ZY cloüe ten cents in J 4 JSfcrK 'S ■■ ' "%:■ 'Y stamps for catalogue. 5 iiïïi ■C''tfl'sk Each school has sep J j jSPl 1 )? DETROIT, MICH. { QBOL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, gure Cure for Weak Men, as proved by reportsof leading physicians. State age In ordering. Price.JSl. Catalotnie Free. ü% O ff% A safe and specdy U & M cure lor aict, w rk w Strlcture and aU unnnturaldiscbarKes. PriceSS. nREEKSPECIF!CTos„aü Wand SklnS1fleane8,Scrof' nSoTis Sores anctSypliHitic Affectïoiis, with. outmercury. I'rice.SíS. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL GO. 189 Wisooaeio Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. I Reprint Franb Lesiie'g Hlnstrated B I Weekly V;ir Illustrations 1861-65, two ■ ■ vols. folio,8l0.50, payablo $2.00 ■ ■ ïy. Deliveredbyeipress prepafd. Sond ■ ■ for illustrated circulara. Al salesmen 9 H wauted. I STANLEY EEABLBYPUB.00. I J 5 EAST 16TH ST., N.Y..U.S.A. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair I Iighest Medal end Diploma.


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