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The Republican Candidates

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sheriff the republicana of Wa 1 t-ii ; ( . ■■' to vote for Wni. Judson, oí Sylvan. He is rightly callea a hustler. No grass is fei allowed to accumu'ate ander when ie sete nut to accomp anytaíng, and he is uw after the tt and proposes to capture it. It has been a great many ;e AVasliiriiaw county has ],;,,! Lican sherifl. In fact som.' o' the fi'ood (republicana b grown gr flay, bal their of matting s about over, the handwriting is on the wal] tl . ' Judson, of ( 11 move I to Ami the last and for I b at as sheriff. We epe'ak positively aboul this for we believe that the ettled aow. Win. Damsingburg, the republi candidato for county clerk, is a man county can afford m honest, eapable, hard workimg man. and one in whom utmost ei 's placed by friend and foe alike. He is a man. ! who i( choeen to the posltion wil) not be obliged to htre eome one bo do the work for him, but will be ab"e to do it himseir. He was born in this country to be stuc but that ought not i i. anything against liim. He is very popular at !i:s home, having been repeatedly elected as supervisor of Augusta, when no other republican on the ticket pulled through. The Courier homeetly belleves Mr. Dansingburg will be the next county clerk. ■ peilanti didn't ú just the right thing when she came up to the repub1lican county convention with a quarrel on band, and torced fche eonventdon to decidí xap. But the convent ion did the deed and placed C. I'. McKinstry, th gentleman wlio inadí' such a grand fht for E ter in Deeds two years ago, on the ticket again. "Ki" McKinstry is known all over the county as a man peculiarly fitted for the office, and the people can just make up their minds to meet hi.s genial face in the corner oïfice of the court house for the two years following Jan. 1 st next. for there is where he will be ïound. Win. H. Ehefuss, the nominee lor treasurer is a resident of Manchester, .. He is a Germán, ti business and one uiin is thorouglily competent to fill the office. He is popular, aleo, ímd he is as sure to be elected as the Bun is to rise on Nov. 6th. The entire flalegations from the western portion of the county were solid for him and t ney promise sucli a majority from that section as was nover before rolled up íor a i dldate. And it might abt be om of place to add rlght here that the central and eastern portions oí tíie eount.v will iuit be backward about eomug 1 o l.i support. Setb C. Randall, for pwosecuting attomey, is an old soldier, a good lawer, and a fine gentleman. He lins o fices in Mllan and Dundee, but liTes here at Ann Arbor with his family going to and from his place of business mornings and evenings on the T., A. A. & 'S. M. R'y. Betng the only representative Ann Arbor has on the ticket with one exeeption, )ie cerbainly oughi to and will poll a magni'fieent vote in this city, one that will him far toward success in I l'e connty. The eandidatcs tor circuit cour) commissioners on the republican ticket, Mi-. Webli, of ypsUanti, and Mr. Butterfield of Ann Axbor, are gentlemen who are startlng in their jirofession .ma i,d are bright, energetlc youngkiwei-s, thai .-mi.v person in this eoiinty majr feel At an lionor to vote for and ranke mi mistake. It is altogether probable that they will be caúed npiui to gain Bome extra experience in their line by filling these poeitions íor a cou[iie of years. The republlcaii candidatee íor eor:■■!'■■ Dr. W. B. Barton, oí Ypsllantl, and Harris Ball, ol Ann Arbor. Mr. ; igL a I preseal llvlfag in Aun Arbar bas nut resided tere long enougb to become tainted or contaminated n . itli the awful and coaibinations ol the couniinitn!. He has lived here on a year ar so, coming from tJie pleasant and naghboring village of Drxter. No man could wet wlth better grace iu' defnnct carcaes of the deteated democraey tha n conld thle gentleman, unies il should be his running mato, Dr. Barton. For survcyor 011 the republican ticket is the of a staunch and tarue man, Jerome Allen, of Tpeilanti. He will 'be called upon to lay out a oharming plat in the democratie county grave yard, ■wherein will be interred in a most becomlng and Miiirly nianner the dead politica] corpses of MesBrs M.inly, Sehuh, lirenner, (?uièliey, Hughes, Eearney, Kernan, Towner, Qark, Batwell, Mills and KHne. There wil] be quite a body of mcrarners, but nó as many as Ie popularly supposed. pallbearers who have all been selected wil' be M own, Duffy, Norria and Beakes, of Uiis city with Nate Schmidt and i-om the interior. It wil] be a grand and mournful occasion. Tiie burial wil! be private by request. Xo ione of fche corpees will lay in state, unless the present arrangem ; changed. Date of death Nor. 6th. Date of funeral Nov. Tiii. lite funeral comes pretty close upon the in m'xr, but on account of re at tliat time it is tliougln ' the public good tliat immediate inte ment ihould foll


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Ann Arbor Courier