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AH 0BD1NANCK BKLAT1VE TO THE L1CENSINO OF DOS. AN1) KEGUI.ATING TI1K RUNNING AT LARGE, AND TilF. SLAÏING OF 1)OGS. The Common Council of the City of Ano Arbor ordain : Sec-1 ion 1. It sall be unlawful for íin person to owd, possess or harbor, or have the care or keopin;; of any dof;, male or female, over the of 1 hree montha, within the city of Ann Arbor, without ftrst ol)taining' a licease therefor froin the said city of Ann Arbor; the f ee f or whieh license shall be: Fora male dogr and a spayed témale dog, one dollar; for a female dogt two dollar?. No license ehall be granted for u period exceediiw one year, and all Uoensea sinill expire on i be flrst day of September succeeding tntlr issue. Sec. 2. Iteball be tho dutyof every person owning or having1 the posseesion or care of any dog, malo or fem-le, to cause such do? to be resristered in the office of the City Ulerk, in a résister kept by said clerk ior tnat purpose, and to pay the license ft e provided in Section One of this ordinaace, into the cicy treasury, and also to pay ;■■ fee oí iwenty-five cents to the clerk ot said city for ttie issuing a n recording such Uoense; also to obtain the rity olerk's receipt for sald license so paid and the metallic plate oi' check bereinafter desciibed, uuaer the penaltles hereln provided. Sec. 3. It sluill be Iherhity of the clerk of said city to provlde such numberof metallic pintes or cbeoka as may be necessary, of ïic'n iize and shape is be may deern expedient (the sha pe of suco check or plate to be changod eaun ?ear), hariiijir stamp -d thereon Dumbere Indlcatlng tbe year r whicb the tax is paid, the Dumberof the lio nse atid fche [etters A. A. D. 1'., and i" delivi r one m I piares toeach peison so pay ing Uoeuseupon any such dog. :'■. -4. Lt shall be the duty of sncn owner, possessor, feeeper or harliorerol any sueh o place or cause to be p & the neuk oi any such i bstanu;il collar, and od such collar securely to attach or cause to be al acbed the metallic píate or chech so furuished by the clerk of said elty; and. if ;.nv pergon shall plac o cause to be placed u pon the col ;i ■ or arquud thi' N te!.: of any suca dor, any connterfeit of the metallic píate or cheok so furu'Shed i v the city clerk. or any such metallic plate, without the lnense for the keeping of sueh rlBg first been paid, he or Bhe will be liai)le to tin- penaities berein providod. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the pound master oL said r-tyto take up and impound any dog, male or iemale, found running' at large, oontrary totberovisionsof this ordinanue, in the city of Aun Arbor, not havini? a collar around lts neck witb the metallic píate or check aforesaid attaehed thereto, huí, it s:iid dog sball not be redeemed as hereinaf ter provided, withiu four days after such dog shall have been lmpounded, it shail be tho duty ol the poundmaster to slay or cause 10 be sla in the same; or t the ainm.l is worthy and valuable, the same shall be sold by the poundmasler, ;u the pouud. by pabilo outcry, to the hihest bidder, ut the houroí rioon nextsucoeeding the said fur days. All inoneys, over and above the pounamaster's i"-.'-. ansitifí f rom such siles, shall be paid to the City Treasurer by thu said poundmaster v. ithin thirty days from saidsales. Hut it is hereby provided, ihai any mi:. tiog so mpounded may be redeemed or taken l'rom Buch pound, upon to said poundmaster a receiptof the city cler, sqowídk that the license in this ordinance iinposed lias been paidfor such dogr, and '.he payment to aaid poundmaster ol ;i pound fee oí one dollar and the furtber sum oí twenty-flve ei uts per day i;n each and everyday such dog shall have been hitoud' Se . 6. i -;iai be lawful for any peí ami it shall be the duty of the marshal and eaeh patrolman oí the city of Aun Arbor, 10 s ze, take iip :i ad deliver to t e poundkeepi r any dog1, male or femaie, t'ound running at large ia said city in violation of aay of the pi iivi:nn ei this ordinance. Seo. ,. The poundmaster of said city is hereby authorized to collect thefeesp ovided forinSeotion l'ive of this ordinance, for ;l dogs impounded, and he shall retain such feea ;- cömpensatiorj for ii - servía poundkeeper under tliis oi-dinance; provided, that whenany dog which shail have been deüvered to said poundmaster by sotue persoit other than the marsbal or a patrolman ni' ibí t i t oi Ann Arbor, sliall have been redeemed in accordance with the provisions of Seetion Five of tdis ordinance, one-lialt' of sisch redemption fee shall by sald p andmaster ba paid to the person who delivered said dor to the poundmaster as provided in tection Six. Sec-, s. It, shall not be lawlul for any owner possessor or person haviug inrharsre oreare, a flerce or dansrerous do;í, to permit or allow the same to gu at lurge at any time in said city, to the danser or aanoyance of any of its inhabitaots. Woenever any person símil have been convicted of vlolatlnz the provisions of this seetion of tliis ordlnance, and shall permit (ir allow such dog to run at large aï ter surh oonvloUon, it shall be duty oEtiíe pólice authorities of said eity to liill such dog. Sec. 9. It shall bu unlawfnl for the owner, possessor, keeper or harborer of any licensed lemale dog;, knowingly to permit her to run at larjrewlule in heat, and it shall be the duty of the pólice of said city to seize, take up and deliver to the pound-keeper any such dog run n ing at large iu said city at such time, It shall be the duty of the pound-master to serve upon the owner or keeper of such dogranotice in writing of the impoundinf; of sucb dog al once, and anv such dofr so impounded may be redeemod or taken from such pound by the owner or keeper of such dog within fortyeight hours after service upon such owner or keeper of said written notice; upon the payment to said pound-master of the iees ás provided in Seetion 5. lu case the owner or Keeper of any such dog so imoounded shall not have redeemed said dost as herein provided it shall be the duty of the poundmaster to kill the same, or in case said dog is worthy and valuable the same shall be sold by the pound-master, at the pound by public outcry to the highest bidder, at the hour of noon next suceèedinj? the expirationof said forty-eight hours. Sec. 1U. It shall be unlawful for any person to own, keep or haroor any do;, which, by loud aüd frequent barking, howllng or yelpIng, shall cause aerious annoyance or disturbance to any of ttie cifcizens of said city. Sec. il. Whenever any danger shall bc justly feared as likelyto resulr fiom bydroI phobia, tho mayor sliail publish nis proclamation requlring all persous owningor havlng j in charge or keeping any dojf ov dogu, to confine Uu-m on their premlses tor n prescribed time, and any person wbo shall omit to secure any dog on Ded it harbored or kept in charge by h i 111, or shall aUow snch rio.ur to eicapeoi gi) from hls premlses, shall be Hable, on convuihíii before the proper tribunal, to the pmIshment provided in Section Thirteen or thls ordinance. Duilog the time presorlbed ! the mayor'a proclamation, any dog found running at large upon tht public streets of -ui city shall be forthwith slatn, Sec. I;.'. Whenever any person shall have been convioted of owning. posessing, keepingr or barboring any 1 hal liaa bitten any perrithia Baid city while peaceably walking Ing without the enclosure ofsueh owner, keeper or har borer, the ■ whom Büoh person shall have been oonvicted, sha'll issue an order in writing direotlng such öwner, keeper or harborer of said dog to kill the anu' vithin six hours after service on him of such oroer. The owner, possessor, keeper or person having in charge any such dogr, who shall refuse or neg1 : to kiil it iiliin si hours alter haviHg received suoh order, shall on rom letion béfore the proper tribunal, be Hable to the pnnisliment provided in reet ion Thirteen of this ojiliuauce, and it shall be the duty of any pólice offleer to dostroy such dog whenever h'e shall be found at large in said oity six hours after service of said order. Sec. 13. Any persoo violating any of the provisions of this ordmance, shall upon conviütion thereof be punished by a fine not eceeding-lifty dollars and cost of prosecutton, and in the imijosition of atiy such fine and costs, the couri may irnpose a further sentenee thatthe offender be and remain lmprisoned in the common Jail of Washtenaw county until such üne and cost have been paid, provided that snch imprisonment shall iiot exceed thirty days. Sec. 1-4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after the lOth day of Oetober, A. D. 1894. Passed in common council this 17th day of September, A. D. 1894. W. J. Millek, City Clerk. Approved September 18, 1894. C. G. Dakling, Mayor


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Ann Arbor Courier