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"gosh! I'm Here."

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Si runikaru" js coming Monday, ct. Ist as aimouneed ín our adverisin.ij; coiumis, the inuisenirni goera u-e ui be treated to two and a-lia f loiire i f pure, solid fun. Then upon Lie stage f ■. opera house will "3i" innounce, ""Gosli, I'm iiere."' Keats ni Bale at, ie box cf.'iee. Tlie Kichnond l'.er says ( ï the presentación oí the pílay Ín that town : "Si Plunkard" set up in.s threshing uachine on the opera house stage Saturday evening, playing te the est business that lias Inca known n Uiclimond f r a long time. What s more, the genial 81 mul bis fïl'ow 11 1 Lsts pleased the behoUU-rs maghti y, uní weni away leavtog a good iminssion behind thom. The piece fe the ppoduction el a clever comedian who' knows the general public wants and has se; himseli at work to : the demand. Tlie resuit is a Yankee Cotnedy ful oí queer rjituations and (iiain) Bayings, and enlirened by thai undífnable "snap" and "go1' which ■s Míe 1 f ■ and mil oí the .Iraní:. Tlie Plittatrargh Chiranieie Telagi-am : 'The play í "Si Plunlcard," i by .T. C. Léwis' Coniedy ('o., is the most laus;hable thtog that hac ever beem piroduced ín this city. Tlie threshing machine which la used ia Uie pday siM-nis to eanry the audience { w back to Borne happy country home v.-liere evoi-y-lhiirj is jnirtb and happiness." On the 18th inst., the barn of John Burns. of Augusta, near Yvillis, was burned. witb entire season's erop-, together with $100 -worth of ho.srs. Only $75 insuranee on barn in Washtenaw Mutual, balance total loss. The A. M. E. chTirch on N. Fourth in,.., are malding an pffort to set arto the auditorium befofe cold weather comes on, and need $300 to finish the interior, put in glaes, piaster the ceiding, ete. This little church has done In-avely in paying as the went along, ko as not to leave a debt. It ís the way all churches should do, and ithere is no now that theyand their friends will BÜcceed in ralsing the necessary rund. Eev. W. M. Collins the new pastor is taking up the wort. J. C. I.cwis. luie original "Si Plunkard" in his hay seed get up, gave a long tobe-remembered entertainment .■il the Grand Opera House last night to a crowded house and the l.)est cl the season. The peiformance was well put on, and the Dutch comedian broughí down the house every time he oipened his moutii. 8i PlTinkard, with his original sayings and f u-meret'ir blunders, made the windows rattle wlth laughter. The play is wellwritten and deservee full patronage wherever it is glfen. Mrs. Lewte, in the charaeter ol the country maidcn. brought In-Ui jiiuch comment as a si ac beauty, and lier graceful actins. Si, -n-e'U not iorget you.-


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Ann Arbor Courier