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(few cement walke vv being coni Eructefl to the gym. There is much wórk to lo on the campus to get things "slieked up" agaia. Work in the Waterman gymnasium will this year be optional with the studente. It is report ed that there is a marked increase in the patients at the Homeopathie Hospital. The new peiiodical to be known as -the Alumni Monthly, will make its first appearance in u couple of weeks. The Wrtnkle will resume its íun in a few days aud cause the wrinkles to cbase each other over the faces of its readers. First ïat-u'ity concert to-morrow even og, in Frleïe Memorial Hall. All the iacu.ty oí the School of Music will take part. Iniversity of the City of New .York is to erect a ten story $700,üOO building on the tonner site of the college. The School of Jlusic will be a grand success thiUs year so (ar is attendance is concerned, or else all indications are at fanlt. The foot-ball club is the first to eommence business and are determined to kick the stuifing out of all opponent. s this year. J. I!. Macanly, of Princeton ,lias been ecured as coach for the foot ball .team. He has an exce leut record in that line. The U. of M. Gradúate Club conisting of lit. gradúate only, wi 1 be confinued thi-s year, J. B. Johnson acting as president. Profs. Hcott a.nd Gayley are engaged on a new work on Bdbliography of Criticism. It will probab y appear durkig the winter. Next Monday evening a University senate meeting will be held, at which tiane the 'mies governing the "Waterman gymnasium will be decided. Chas. A. Denison. "J4 law, formerly managkig edit-or of the U. of M. Daily is with Wilber, Eldridge, Pinney & Kiiijg, 184 Dearborn st, Chicago. New books, to the number of 7,000 volumes are to be added to the general gibrary Ibis yeat. ïliree of the seven cases have already arrived. Geo. H. Pond, local editor of the Courk'i-, leit ïuesday morning for Grand Forks, X. Uakota, where he will visil his BOib who is located there. Regent Cocker, of Adrián, -vho Vecently returned (rom an extended tour in Eiirope, was in the city yesterday. He carne to yiace i Bon in the University. ïlie S. ('. A. ís to give a reception to bhe studente at Newberry, Hall on Friday evening. An excellent opportunity for new students to becoóae acquainted with their fellOAv toi ers. The School of ilusic starts off with a huudrcd pupil,-, some trom Chicago, Colorado, Maseachu6etts, aad widely scattered piaces showing that it is airea-dy lïaining a ga-eat repiitation,, The attendance btds (air to be in excess oï all forraer years, notwithstanding the hard times. "You can teil your readers that there will be wme big guns here this winter," said an Yfficer of the Students' I.ecture Association yesterday, "but the arrangements are not all i complete as yet." The O. of M. Daily appeared for the first time Saturday, looking prim a.nd neat in its new dress. It is now P'i-inted at the Daily Times office, and a.nd is B hañdsome little sheet. The boys promise great advancement duriing thds year. Proís. Stanley, McLaughlin, Dow and Eïlinger, and Drs. Vaughan and BYeer have all arrivod home fi-om Europa wife and sound, havins; attained considerable foreign poli&h of course. practice eourt in the law department, undea1 the direction of Prof. Thos. A. Bogte, is expected to be a grand feature this yéar. A regular court room has been fitted up, and sessions will be held both forenoon and afternoon. No student can gradúate until he has tried one law and eqnity case. Xo more snaps in the law. Trof. E. P. Johnnson, of the law department, has been Vejry busy í11 summer making an annotation of Blies on Code Pleading, and he has a work now ready that will be a wonderful aid to the law students. Prof. Johnson is an indefatigable worker and is sure to come to the extreme front in lijs work, as he already ''s in the minds and hearts of the Btudents. The newspaper correspondents are glvtng the people a wrong impress!on in regard to the great organ now betng placed In lïniversity Hal', by stntVng that the University purchnsed H. Tlie TTniversity 1iid not purohnse it, hut fi-iends of the University, mostlv nlumn:, contributrd two-thirds of the price of the rrrent instniment, and the rniversity Musical Rociety lio'.d tliemselves resiionsible for th? balance. We have received a ropy of the snopoh of Hon. Marriott Brosiue, of Tennsylvania, delivered in the House of Representatives, on Monday, Aug. 13, on tbe tariff. Mr. Brostus grad; untel from the law department in 186S. H:s speech is eomethlng different from any otlver speech ever dfliverod in the House, from the fact tbat'i't oönatets chiefly of poetry, and some excellent and teling poetry, too. that would make nrood oampaign songs., Everyone wlio enjoys a goorl laugli and a good noem ouabt to have a copy of this speech.


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