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Mrs. Clirwrtiiiie Rentschler visited in Howell Momday. Sam Kinne hes returned from the wild and wooly west. Mrs. lienj. Boutwell and son ave yisiting ffiends in Hillsdale. Mrs. Will T. AYhedon, of Xorwood, Mass., is visiting her parents. Fi-d MOraler was in Rrighton Sunday visiting with friends. Geo. H. Show, oí 'the Evening Xews staff spt'nt Sunday in the city. James Haudy lias returned from a yisit with relatives in Kalamazoo. Mrs. Dr. J. N. Martin has been visiting relatives in Oliio for a time. Bert Stoll, of Stockbridge, visited bis home here neveral days last week. Regent Barbour, of Detroit, was a guet of Ann Arbor friends Friday last. Mrs. Abbott, of Cliicago, has returned home alter a short visit at C. M.ack's. Prof. Heneage Gibbes was called to Detroit Monday on professional business. Charlie Beldiiig, of Brighton, has been visiting Ims old home here for a few days. Mts. Guy B. Thompson, of Detroit, is 'the guest of her mother Mrs. D. F. Beckwith. Miss Ella Richmond, oí Detroit, is the guest of Miss Emima Schmid, of S. 4th ave. O. S. Reknold. of SagLnaw, has been the guest of Saín Krause and wife durimg the week. ïlios. Holmes, of Manchester, was the guest yeeterday of J. A. Tolhemus and fainily. Louis J. Liesemer and W: B. A'oorheis went 'to Chicago last Thursflay evening on business. HiMi'.y Sttin'.iach spent Sunday in Chelsea visiting his parents, Mn nnd Mrs. Chas. Stednbach. Frank Osborn of Deland, Fla., is is in the city visiting Thomas J. Keech and John Ferdon. Mr. 'and Hrs. Giles B. Lee entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barber, of Howell during tlie week. Mis. II. P. Masón, of Gladstone, has been visiting her parents Mr." and Mts. W. D. Hai-riman. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Henderson, oí Big Rápida, visited Mi-s. H's mother Mrs. Baxter, durkig the week. Mrs. Reuben ICempf and daughter Miles Xcllie, have been visiting friends in the Dakotas for several days past. Prof. Charles Dennison, who has been spending tlie summer at his oíd home in Ye'rmont, has returned to Anu Arbor. J. J. McClelland, of Payson, JJtah, the organist of Bt. Thomas ohurch is expectedt o return to Ann Arbor tliis week. Mr. and Mrs. Láveme Bassett, of I)i'tro-:t, were guests over Bunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. I5assett, oí Thompson st. The family of tlie late A. F. R. Braley, ex-mayor of Saglnaw, has moved to Ann Arbor, the daughter entering the University. Fred Brown, of MAller ave., is now one of the proudest citizens in Ann Arbor. Cause, a mine pound loy wlio arrived ysterday. Amooig the p'rominent visitors to Ann Arbor duning the week were ex-Gov. DavW A. Jerome, of Baginaw, and J. W; BegOile, of Plint. E. J. 'Ottoway', '9-1 Ut., is in the city, the guest of his parents. He has been epending the summer in Petoskey as city editor of the Resorter. John Lawrence, Joe Parker, Fred Beslmer and Dudley Loomie, -ere ut Strawberfry iake yesterday, fishing. Fish bi-eakfasts were in order this inorning. Amos Stpinhaur, one of the substantial farmers of Hand, Wayne county, was in the city Monday to vlsit ith Frank Kellogg of the Franklin House. Harvey B. Freeman, of Coldsvater, in renewing for his t'ourier says : "Here ie hoping oll Washtenaw will set the pace for Branch county in th election." We propose to do it this year, Bro. Freeman. Ex-Senator George W. Jones, of Iowa, wlio was a colleague of Alpheus Felch when he was in the senate, is a hale and hearty man of 91 whom fev wóuld t-ake to bc over 75. H surpa-ised eveiTMle here with his activity anl keenness of intellect.


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Ann Arbor Courier