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That Income Tax

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After bowling through severa! campai'ftis about the injustice of "war taxes in times of peace"and "class legislation" the present Democratie, admin istration has resorted 1;o one of the most oft'ensive '-war taxes," and most Klaring pieces of "class legislation, -the Tncome tax. Without stopping at present to quote the eloquent denunciation of that form of taxation made on the Hoor of the senate by 110 less a Demoorat than Senator llill, or to note the manv other objections that mav be urged against it, let us uot'.ee the Detroit Free Press' recent account of hovv it worked during war timas. It was an interview with au old internal revenue otlicer. After alluding to the temptation which existed ander the old eonditions for capitalists t.,i nnderrate tlieir incomes, which dvvindled fearlully wheu they were confronted with the obnoxious tax, the account proceeds: "Somerather elose-tistcd millionaires received a pitiably sniall ineome aecording to the Bworn records. Hut a time came when there was a change; the newspapers began to publish the iucoines and sevcral persons went before the public as comparatively men. One capitalist liad liis incoine published and it caused general comraent. The capitalist came tearing up to the office. " 'How is it those Bgurcs went mto tlie paper that way?' lic detuanded. " -That is the way you swore to them on the record.' " 'Th'at is impossible. Why. those figures are ridiculous. What do you suppose the public thinks of them? Really, sir, it was very in you to permit such figures to go in print.' " 'We can settle that by referring to your statement, was the repiy. '■The statement was produced and there were the figures as published. The capitalist was visibly einbarrased, " 'What can l do about this?' he asked. "'You eau seud in au amended return.' "This was done, and thereafter a tolerably fair estímate oL the old geutleman's ineome was received. l!ut if a few wealthy persons underestimated their incomes, insolvent men threvv the balance the other way by quite handsome incomes and reluctantly paying the taxes rather than to beconsidered bankrupt." ]iut the Democratie ineome tax ]aw takes away this safeguard against false swearinjT- newspapor publicity- for, UNDEB TUK NKW LAW THE RKCOKO8 A uk privatk. Dishonest miUionaires may swear falsely to reduce their taxes and liave tli'eir perjury hiddeu frovn the public, and dishouest bankrupts may liide their insolvency from their creditors- all through the grace of Democratie law. What do the people thiuk of this kiud oí legislation?


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Ann Arbor Courier