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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of Washtenaw County image
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Mokday, October 15, 1894. The Board met pursuani to adjournmenl : ealled to order by Cliairnnm pro tem Edwards. Roll called, and quorum present. The onrnal ui yesterday was read and approved. .Mr. Davenport, Cliainnanof the Comïnittee ofjhe Whole t i t the County House, made the following report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Ynur Committee ei the Whole to visit the County lii.use beg leave to repm-l tbat thev have perfot'Dipd their dnty, and have made a careful examination "f the County House and other buildings; also the management. The House iexceedingly clean, the imiiates appear tobe proyerly r.ared for, and everything is done for tlieui thal can be reasonably expeeted. We rpcoiniuend that a vote be passed by the Board commending tlie excellent management "i Mr. and Mrs. Shanklan. All of whicli i. re8pectfully submitted. A. DaVENPi 'I.' ■' . Cliainuan oi the Committee of the Whole. Report adoptpd. v Thereupou the Board took a recess untü 1 :30 p. m. AFTBRNOOK SER8I0N.' The Board niet pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman Younr. Roll cálled and quorum present. Mr. Hunter offered the following; Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Township of Lyndon is hereby instructed to assesa the nevera! amounts reported te the several Supervisors of this County last vear, in the matter of Claris Lake drain. Carried. The special hour having arrived for tlie report of the County Drain Commission, Mr. Barry, being present, made the following report, whfch report was received and referred to the Committee on Drains, and ordered printed witli the prooeedings. Tiie following is tlie report : To tlie Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Gentlemen: - In accordance with the provisions of the Statute in such case made and provided, 1 have the lionor to submit my annual report as the County Drain Commissioner oi the County. of Waslitenaw, covering the period from the first day í January, A. D. 1894, to the day of October, A. D. 1894. The following named drains were found uiilinished when I entered upon the duties of my office, to-wit : Theöalioe Rlver Dralii oi tlie Township of Saline. Tlie saline and Bridirewater Drain of the Townshlps ofSaline and Brldgewater. The Linmbardt Drain of the Township of Freedom. The above named drains are all completed. FINANCIAL STATKMKNT Of the Saline River Drain : INCTDENTAI.S. DR. Dec. 18. To Jerome Allen, for surveyinj; $ 15 oo Dec. is. To M. T. Woodruff, for printing. 18 oo Dec. 3. To.I WWard Babblt. Judge ol Probate 5 00 Dec. 80. To Séneca Bugley, special commissioner .: g 00 Dec 80 To George Palmer, special cominisMoner ö 0q Dec. : 'M. To Jonn Russell, special commissioner _ g 00 Dec. :iJ. To 11. luitliruiï, commissioner's fee? __ 77 50 Dec. 30. To Julius Feldkamp, for board and helping: survey 7 50 Dec. 30. To Kred Feldkamp, for helpini; survey _ 1 50 Dec. 30. To M. Klager, helpiiig survey 1 50 Dec 30. To Win. Keldkamp, heiping snrvey 1 50 To Julius Feldkamp, board and help on drain - 5 00 D. W. Barry, commlSBtoner's fees 42 t'ü Atin ArborArgus. for prlntlng... IS 60 H. Kuilniilt'. Belp on drain 4 50 EXTAVATINQ. .I.'in Thorn, tbr ditching 72 00 Julius Feldkamp, for dTiculng _ 4a 20 J. D. O'Brlen, for ditching as 00 J. C. (Ji mier. for ditching 50 00 James Thoin, for dilchlng 33 00 Geo. Klager, for Oitehiug 33 40 J. Manly Yonng. for dilchlng 47 20 J. D. O'Brlen, for dltchlng_ _ 3ii 00 .T. D. O'Brlen, lor ditching 34 ro Ueo. !■'. üoi'i'tini's. I-.i' lütchiiii!- 2)S 00 Bmauue! Elsasser, for cliiching.. 114 40 Ten per ceut. added '117 72 Total _ j jan 1.12 _ Cu. By amount assessed to the township of .Saline at arge ? 12ii 50 The township of ]i i water is ussessed 2.) 90 To Hinount assessed the flral year 1,139 52 Total $1,294 92 The Saline and Bridgewater Drain : KXeAVATING. Dl!. To James Young, for ditching s 3e 00 i). HltcHinghouse, tor dilchlng _ 77 '9 Albert Kolklash, for ditoblng. . 237 öo Peter V ledmayer, for dltelilng 176 S0 -Martin Ebeiie, for ditching.. _ 7G 00 Cdrls Finkblner, for ditching H2 40 James Mcuuire, for dilcliing. 0 00 Wm. Bnebtn. fordltcbtng . 41 00 OUver Hewlett, for ditching 44 50 John Kolos, for ditching jg 50 chas Finkblner, for ditching 122 00 Fred Finkblner, for dttching. 27 20 Robert McCast, for dl tctilng 71 nu Pred Lahn. for ditching 1 20 Byron Rhodes, for dltehlng 68 80 Leonarit Khodes, forditcliius - 8160 Peter .Morton, lor ditching ,jS (K) Walter Parker, for ditching... 3:! 60 Frank Baterle, for ditching 3720 Fred Lahn, for ditching 28 ÜO INCIDENTALS. Jerome Allen, for surveyine drain 25 00 H. T. (,'oe, for priutlns -Í-? xn J. Willard Babbitt, JadgcöTpröbate e 00 Leouard Khodes, board and" help on drain lc' CO Fred A lile, lor heJping survey and work on drain g q() W. (;. Hogers, board and work on dtHiU .... 3 ,jn Alberl Kolklash, helping survey imcl board .„ ■ = m Emniet McColluiii, heltolbïïnï; vey _ 9 „- Charley JlcCollum, Mlplilg sürvcy ....__.. 9 9E. M, Oole. special commissioner 10 oi) Séneca Bagley, special oommls1 sioner ,. o0 Thelea iiuek, special commls' HJ."giñ;#qtr-Sfl ï llllssl.imTS il i ,11, AHr,u,„-d a?fSrrtfesTof LÖ' rlglitofway 32 m For bridge across liighway 5 00 il. Ituiliruil, c-ominisH oner'a rees 118 00 i 1 (i29 (ü) Kivo percent added 81 ís Total TÜiilW Cii. Bynmomit nssessed to tlie ii jilnp of Saline ut lar(t. - 11 Aniount usseHwed t i tic towiishfp il Brldgewater at Jarge 85 55 !i alDOUlli ;1-■.' the tí I's t year. - 1.B81 42 Total - t 1.7U US Laiubart Draln : INCIDKNTALS. DE. To Jerome Allett, for surveying draln H 00 Coeand Smith.for prliiting 21 75 Help, survpylng druin.and board 5 00 11. KiithiufT. commlBSloner'e fees 68 00 THe torhlgbwaj 12 OU tiro. Palmer, special cominissloner 4 50 Séneca lïauiev, bpeclal coixmïiaslo.iei- 4 50 John Kussell, special cominissioner i 50 EXCA VATING. The John Blrd Dralu of the Township of Augusta, and The Superior, No. I, Draln of the Township ol Superior. I ani aiso having the Back ('reek Draln cleaneü nut Ironi ns tt nninns to where it cnsses UieS. I.. 4 u alwsli II. K. Saúl clraiii will be coinpleted ihis fail. FINANCIAL SIATEJIK5T O! John lilid Drnin: IliCIDE.NTAT.S. DR. To Jerotne Allen, for surveying draln - - . S fi on Ann Arbor Argus. lor printing- 9 SS t . H. Groenman, for board and heiping survey 2 41 Rosco Gre nman, for lielping sui vey 94 Poster Hamnnd, belping survey. 114 Henry Hatnond, lielping survey 94 Dauiel V. Barry,comiriiSKlonêr'ii lees - 21 00 EXCAVATtONS. Krank Gotts. con 1 1 art 'ir IS (II) Martin ' luns, contraclor 32 1)0 ('has. (jolis. eontractor 18 00 C. H. Green man, con tractor 43 60 James Bnntlng, eontractor 31 5S lienry Hamond, con tractor J8 40 H. Kllior , contrariar __ 12 8:1 Ten percent, added 2! 61 Total $ 238 05 Cr. By amonnt assessed 'the township of Augusta at large $ 23 81 Uv amount assessed theHrst year . 214 24 Total S 2:iS 05 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. OfSuperior, No. 1, Draln: Dr. ToOltver Twist, eontractor $ 29 22 1). V. Barry, commlssloner's fees 3 uü Total $ 32 2- Cr. By amount left in fmid $ 32 22 Total $ 32 22 Ypsilautl City, lst District- Willhim Scherdt, eontractor 16 00 Jacob spüihelf, eontractor 55 64 .Jolin snyiler, contraotor 70 00 Christ Gïl'bach, con tractor 77 50 Ten per cent added 35 03 Total - $ 886 42 Cb. By amonnt assessed Freeilom township at large $ 77 08 liv üinount assessed flrst year 308 34 Total.-.I $ 385 42 The following named drains have been begun by me, during the year, and are oniy partly completen, to-wit : The Mili I,Hke Draln of the Tovvnships of Lima and Sylvan. The Suidlcor Extensión Drain of the township oí Ypsilíinti, and Deepeningand wldenlngof the Salem, No. I, Drnin olthe Township of Salem. Sni.I (lpaius have all heen surveyed, but I haven' l got the rlght Of way. as y et. And I do hereby certify that the above embraces i full and true report of all the drains constructed, flnished, or beKuu under my supervisión, or applied for durjng the year now ending, and that the Bnancial statement of each ilrain. which accompanies fhi report, is truc iiinl correct. All of wliich is respectfully submitted. Daniel W. Iïarry, Coiinty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw. Dated thia Pifteenth dav of October, A. D. 1891. Mr. Miner moved that the Washtenaw Abstract Gompany be allowed to piare in tiie Court House a small sign to indícate that the Abstract Office can be found in the Lawrence building, said sigo to be placed in the Court House under the direction of the Building Committee, and the size, shape and design to be subject to the approval of said Committee. Carried. Mr. Loomls, Superintendent of the Poor, made the following report, which report was referred to the Committee to settle with the Superintendent of the Poor, and ordejred printed with the proceedings. Tlie following is tho report: Rporl ofthe Buperintendents of the Poor of Washtenaw Couuty for the year eudiuir September ai), 1894: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Wii ihtenaw County: We. tlie underslgned Superintendente of the Poor Dl said County, respeetfully subinit following report of onr work 'for the year ending September 31), 189Í. We have recelved moneyas stated below and from thesources named Ann Albor City.... $ 9S5 91 - Town la.Jlfí Augusta .;s-, o-, Preedom 40 S(i Ij 111 tl (x ., .i, ::::::;- li Manchester 7q m l'ittsfleld . """" " ..Z SS -1- ::::::::::::::::: L Webster ZZIZZ 57 S J ( R .__ ig -jy 'i psilantiTown ""I UB 7(1 Vpsilanli City, lst District, Í348 3s" '21 " 3S1 75- 730 18 Í 2,892 98 Philip Du (fy, guardián, Koper Whitman ni r. Hoi.,,1 MoGardy. II 1 oï Samuel Wooster. _ x w Byron G. Adams " g i, Daniel Carroll, Ann Arbor City 10 ', (alvrs sold . 7 ?A Butter __.." " f!SS pucks, $9 21: eliickens, $5 ÏÖ 14 01 Lard, f7 68; hldes, Í8 52.__„Z!III 11 15 Bones, tl 1 ; old lawn mower, (1 00 2 10 Goal, SI 51); Margaret Kane, 75e _ 2 2ó Bubjects 10 the ünlverslty 4$ no Ruruil account- 1 colli 11. _" 3 qq Freight on coal refuuded II 17 77 8 309 52 Accounts for temporary relief in the differenliutieB and township have been audited nd ].aid lioiu the Puor Fund. -V tin ArhorCily- Fo„d $ ,„; eg Fuel 711 26 ilediciil attondauco . 5 ou Transportation to eoiinty house......-.'. 14 2-5 ï 195 09 Ann ArborTown - i''uneral expenses. 10 oo Auiïusta- Tninsportatiou to county house.. 2 ,vi ■ Supervisor's servit-es... 7.1 3 -r, ialcuiFood ■_ -, Traiiaportatton to eoiiñ" ty house 4 50 Supervisor' s servk-es 150 6 50 Superior- Food 3 6!) Transportation lo oounty house 1 20 Supervisores services 7 74 12 63 SCiOrPood 29 08 Medical ittiiiulunce 15 00 44 03 Sylvan- Food 2 53 Fuel - 9 65 Clothing 4 24 Meiiiral mil nurslng 28 50 Transportation to county house - 3 15 4Í 07 Food 123 90 Transportation lo count.v house. 8 00 Supervisor's services 28 60 1555) Ypsilanti City, 2d District- Food 127 10 Transportation to county house 100 Sqpervisor's services 3U 50 lfS 60 York- Food.. 7 05 Fuel 2 05 Medical and nuralng 83 15 Transportation to county house 4 15 Supervisor's services... 10 01) 56 40 811 96 Superintendente Services- E. P. Masón 150 10 Elisha Loomls 80 45 C. H. Kempf 22 00 252 55 Transportation to Friends- M. C. R. I! 49 95 T. A. A. & N. M. R. R- 6 60 5B 55 Oulside Relief- CUles and Towns 811 96 Superintendem's services 252 55 T r a n s p o r t, a t i o n t o Friends 56 55 1,121 06 We report the followingamounts expended at the County House and on t iie farm: HelpKeeperand matron S 600 00 John Hanaelman 131) -10 i uristinn Hanselman__ 91 80 Lew 1 6 Hanselroan 21 5U Clias. Wagner 21 93 Help threshing 12 00 Gotlieb Zeeb 7 00 L. A. Fullerton 4 64 Chrlsllan Frey 2 00 AnnaBrown 121 00 Lydla Hamberg 7!) 30 liosa Perktns 48 07 Mam i e Parker 71 27 Anna Jamison 13 50 Mary Keebler S 00 Ray smüh 42 16 Hrs. Caldwell 3 00 1,292 57 Blacksmithlng- Wnster& Kirn 19 85 W. G. Martín 6 40 Klriis & Alber 140 27 65 Books and Stiitionery - V. I, Shunkland. 3 01) K. P. Masón __ 1 75 Klisba Loomis 1 12 Aun Arbor Argus 1 00 Ypsilanti Sen ti u el 1 00 J. Frank Smit ü 85 8 72 Beef- Henry Matihews 289 24 Fairchild Uros 82 36 Jas. Geraglity 26 51 Hammoud & Co 26 54 Harria liros. & Co 10 45 Christian Frey 13 18 398 28 Boots and Shoes- Doty Feiner 22 80 Win. P. Shenk & Co 6 50 Ii. M. Dugan 2 50 V. h. Sbankland 1 25 R. A. Snyder 1 00 Wm. Alaby 100 3 05 Dry Goods and Bedding- Geo. II. Kempf 29 88 V. H. Sweet... 19 50 Maek & Schinid 16 55 Kempf Dry Goods Co 10 3:! lí. C. Mills & Co 8 47 C. H. Kempf 7 3S Bach & Rolli__ 6 (!4 H. S. Holmes Co 5 88 Wm. P. Shenk & Co. 5 0!) Beba irer & Miller __■ 3 04 Martin Halier 2 0D F. K. Rexford & Sons... 1 f-0 V. L. Shankland 120 117 76 Clothing- Geo. H. Kempf 31 82 Densmore & Fell 30 00 W. EL Sweel 18 00 Wm. 1'. Shenk & Co 17 00 C. S. Worth-v fc Co 8 50 Jos. T. Jacobs Co 6 94 Wadham. Hyan & Co._. 6 90 C. H. Kempf 2 25 K. H. Snydtír. 1 95 126 36 Drugs and Medicines- Goodyear &Co 2'51 B. B. Sudworth, M. 1) 2 08 J. Frank Smilli 70 5 29 Freiiíht- V. L. Shankland 2 27 E. P. Masón 2.3 2 52 Farm Implements and Seeds- Wm Bacon ' 32 36 O. E. Thompson A Sons 22 05 .1 'mes G. Rash 16 .5 K. J. Rogers 4 00 V. L. Shankland 4 o J. H. Miller 1 80 80 46 Hay, Grain and Feed- Wm. Bacon 46 31 46 31 Hardware- Scbuh & Muehlig 39 70 C. Eberbaeh 24 50 Taylor Lafuige 13 51 .1. n. Bassett 5 00 Hoasr & Holmes 2 80 C. H. Kempf 25 85 76 Lmnber - Follmor & Scovill 1 05 1 05 Tobacco - Dean S Co 17 22 Globe Tobacco Co 15 00 O'Hara, Boy le L Co 14 25 Daniel scottén & Co 14 00 Casper Kinsey - 13 02 73 49 Groceries and Provisious- Casper Kinsey 229 91 C. King & Co 154 75 Hinsey & Seabolt 66 90 Dean & Co 65 57 Geo H. Kempf __ 32 22 llarris Bro.&Co 12 (;G V. L. Shankland I1' BU Gottleib y,.el 6 97 J. II. Beardsley 5 70 Bobt. McGardy 5 25 592 23 Pork acnouut- R. A. Snyder 41 00 C. H. Kempf & Co 26 15 ('. King& ('o 23 UO V. L. shankland 38 ÜO 53 Paints and Oil- O. E. Thompson & Sons. 36 14 Harding L Shaefer 75 Williamllerz 30 37 19 liepai 1 s- C. H. Sinclair 16 00 Doty & Feiner 8 70 o. K. Thompson & Sons. 7 10 Georgelrvin 410 Mináis A .Miller 2 05 Geo. F.Shufl'er 1 35 Archy McNiool 1 20 Hutzel&Co 92 (' G(jodwin g5 Harding &8chaefer 70 K. J. Rogéis 1 25 44 12 .Medical atteudance- B. B. Sudworth, M. D._. 92 00 92 C0 Stock account - Wllllam campbeli 10 00 (i. Howe 75 10 75 Wood and Coal- NewPittsburgh Coal Co. 451 14 Wllliam Campbell 56 25 O. E. Thompson i Sons. 26 16 Charles H. Merritt 24 75 Roben MeGardy 12 00 568 30 Wood and Coal 58 30 Lodi- Food 3 00 Luel - 16 00 Transportation to county house _ 3 00 22 00 Manchester- Food 24 75 Fuel 4 ()U Medical attendance. 40 89 Transportation tocouuty hoüse gg Supervisor's services... 1 80 71 79 Xorthficld - Kood ___. 21 50 t Inihinír ;j 00 Transportation to county house : 8 0d 28 10 Groceries and provisions... 29-í 23 Help account 1,292 57 liiMi. SVunebecker 2 3 2 0 Patrlck O'Ne.iI 1 17 Robert Carroll 1 (a; Walter Jones -2 3-; Lonisaliowe 11 1955 ltutli Bésale Keebler.. 4 2 4 SW Miss E. Ehenbery 1 (i 2 li 806 86 Less cash by Daniel Carroll 1Ü 00 S 7110 88 Aun Arbor Town- Weeks. Days. Vvilliam Davls 52 59 80 W. Curtís Davis 4 5 5 4ü 05 22 Augusta - Beet account 39S 28 Clotbing account 126 8fi Dry gootls and bedding 117 76 Medical atlendaiice 92 00 Pork account 90 63 Hardware - 85 7G Farm implem ntsand seeds 80 45 Tobacco account 73 49 Repairs account 44 12 Paintsandoil 37 19' Boots and shoes 35 05 Blacksmlthlng 27 6j H.y, grain, and feed 4ti 31 Stock account 10 75 lïooks and stationery 8 72 Drugs and medicines 5 29 Freight account 2 52 Lamber 1 03 3,736 39 KECAPITULAT10N. Cash from tlie County House $ 309 52 Townsand cities 2.S92 98 Appropriated by Supervisors 2,500 00 Í 5,702 EO Overdrafts, October lst, 1893- 26 73 Orders paid 4 589 69 OutstandlDg orders 472 09 Balance, October 31st, 1894 613 99 $ 5.TO2 51) The following aniounts are due the Poor Fund from cities and towns tor lastyear's board and care ol their poor at tlie UÖunty House, al $1.15 per week: Aun Albor City- Weeks. Days. KateBehan 52 $ 59 80 Jacob MUler 52 59 80 Edvvard Oram 12 6 14 78 Tlios. Gunion 52 :m 80 I Uaoiel Winegar 52 59 80 Hannall Stronü 5-2 59 80 Jlary Keebler 14 5 16 92 ■'. B. Hall 52 5a Ml 'Arthur Hagan 2t 2 30 23 Nancy Baldwiu 46 3 53 40 Patrlck OTSrien __ 26 9 !)ü Nat.han Bruiljdage 35 G 41 24 Frank O'Donnel 23 2 26 78 Thos. Tuomy 10 2 11 83 l'red Standell 35 2 40 58 Daniel Carroll 9 In 35 OsmuuBailey -24 5 28 42 Wiliam Ball 46 1 53 07 Josepli Flood 32 30 80 J.McKernan 20 1 23 17 Weeks. Days. Rispah Foster 52 59 80 Frankie Mackneish 21 1 24 32 Una " ... 5 5 B 54 Thompson " ... 27 3 31 55 Melautbon " ... 27 3 31 55 Michael McCarty 7 1 8 22 üuperinteudent's services 14 75 176 76 Lima-Weeks. Days. George Lindowei 52 59 8U John Lowe 41 1 47 32 Lodl- Weeks. Days. Francis 52 59 80 Jacob Webber 22 1 25 37 Manchester - Frank Wright 52 59 80 Northfleld- Roper Whitman 38 5 44 52 Pittsfleld- Christian Stabler 15 3 17 75 Superior-John C. Near 52 59 80 Sharon- Fred VanGilden 52 59 80 Saiine- Oscar Forshee 33 37 95 limma Muuy 52 59 Í-0 Jacob Mohortor 3 50 I 9825 Scio- Clarra Wade 52 59 80 Aniiiew G. Wade 32 5 37 62 Kzra Adams.. 28 5 33 02 James Shannon 3 4 4 11 ' . $ 134 55 Webster-John Darling 52 59 80 Ypsilauti TowiiMichael Owen 52 59 80 Ypsilanti City, lst District- Weeks. Days. Tilomas Davis 52 59 80 llosa Sohlappacasse 52 69 80 Mary Ellen Kand 52 59 80 Chauncey Benedict___ 3! 3 45 35 James S. Peneil 4tj 4 53 56 EmmaHoliday 11 .4 . 1331 Alice Pearl 1 1 15 Ida McHardy 1 1 15 S 293 92 psilanti City, 2d District- Weeks. Days. Peter 8haw S2 59 80 Sally Shaw 5-2 59 80 Joon Ivliker 6-2 59 80 Millle Blount 52 59 S0 Mary Lambert 52 59 go Susan Willson 52 59 80 Sinion Slater 16 2 14 Í 880 94 Anu Arbor City $ TÜU 86 " Towu (5 22 Augusta __. 17(j 7B Lima 107 12 Lodl 85 27 Manchester 59 80 Northfleld.. ___. 44 5-2 l'ittsüeld "" 177.5 Superior " 5I) 20 Sharon 69 80 Saline gg 25 Scio 134 33 w ebster ___. 59 m psilanti Town 59 80 City, lst District 293 93 2d " 360 91 t 2,480 16 The county farm consists of one hundred and twentj acres. Estimated value of 120 acres at $60..$ 7,300 00 Estimated value of buildings 14,000 00 S 21,200 00 Farm products for the year now closed are t ■ timated as follows: 367 bushels wheat at 50c _ _5 833 50 450 " oatsatSOc 135 50 300 " ears corn at 25c 75 00 SO0 " potatoes al 5'Jc 150 00 12.) " barley at 50c H2 50 '■6 " ryeat 45c _ n 70 20 " beansat$1.25 25 00 35 tons hay at, 17 245 00 Garden product 100 qu Productof 11 cows at .f15. 105 oo Calves sol d _ 4765 Increaseof swlne, SS pigs at $2" '111 66 00 Estimated valueol pauper labor I luo 00 Í 1,506 85 Estimated value of personal properiy; 4 wurk horses at $25 $ 100 00 II mileh cows at $30 __ ___ 330 00 I calves at $10 40 00 " 17 óld hogs at $12 """I 204(0 33 pigs at Ï8._ I 99 o 100 lowlsat 25c 25 00 II dueks at 25c ,__ 2 75 700 75 Estimated value oí goods on hand: Furniiure In the house $ 1 500 00 Clothlng ou hand 25 00 Boots and shoes " 40 yu Dry goods and bedding. Tobacco Z -l öö , Grocerles __ 50 o(J S0 cords 4 ft. wood, prepaired, $3 150 00 80 tons soft lump coal,$8 _ 90 00 ' Estimated value of larm lmplements 400 Or Mail paupers maintained m Female " " __ I 35 128 Average uumber paupers 62 Add. help ia house and on farm , 6 Total _ __ (g Natiönaiity of paupers - American o irish ::;;-_:: ?2i Germans _.: _ . 20 Colorad Americans "1111""! ji Caiiadtans """"" "" j: EugUsh Z ' "- -- - ? scotch Huliuns iriIIIIII"II 1 -. t . . . . 188 - Whole number deaths 9 (Contiuued ou Becoud l'use.) BOARD ÖF SUPERVISORS, (Contiuned frotn Second Page.) births- 2 " '■ under 10 years of agf: n Idiots _ '__ H Mutes _ i Blind _ 1 Harmless insanity or demented 7 Average cost of maintalning paupers at tlie county house exclusive of the product of the farm and pauper labor_$l 15 We efe ti mate fortheensuiugyearas follows: Beef 8 500 00 Blacksmtthing 51 OU Boots and shoes 100 O1' Books and stationery L'ö uu Clothing umi dij Cook, and help In the house 5T.ï oo Crockery and glassware 25 00 Dry goods and bedding 200 W Drugs and medicine 2ï 00 Farm labor 400 00 Farm implements and seeds 150 00 Furniture i 00 Freight 25 00 Oroceries and provisions 800 00 Hardware J00 00 Improvement 200 00 Keeper and matron 700 00 Lumberand fencing 100 00 Medical attendance 1(10 01) Paintsandoil 50 00 Pork 100 00 Repairs 200 00 Wood and Coal 600 00 Tobacco 100 00 Transportation to friends 100 00 Hay, grain and feed 50 00 Outside temporary relief 1,000 00 % 6,500 00 Of the estimated expenses for the eusuing year $-2,480.16 are due frora the cities and townsfor last year's board and care of their poor at tlie County House. We have a balance of $613.90 In tne hands of the Treasurer. This will leave us thirty-four hundred dollars to be provided for. We would respecUully ask you to allow us twenty-flve hnndred dollars for the ensuhi!; year- and wlth no prevailing dlsease we will try to keep our expenses wlthln that limit. We have the Supervisors to thank for some very mnob needed repairs and improvements, one of whicli is the alteration of ihe connections of the boilers by which we can now use one or both of them for the heating of tlie house and the tanks oi water, which. we have never been able to do since the steam heating has been in operation, and which it was promised they would do at the time they were put In; also tlie much needed improvement of a new hog-house which all of you that bave been in the habito!' coming here atimiallv mustknow we have been very much in need of for these many years, and we think the most of you eau testify to its utility and convenience. All of which is respectfully submittert by the utidersigned Superinteudents of the Pooi' of Washtenaw County. KL1SHA LOOMIS, CHARGES H. KEMPF, KUASTUS P. MASON. Mr. Kobert Martin presented a j tion in reference to liis assessment in ' the Township of Superior, tlie íition of which was postpoued until 1 :30 j p. m., to-morrow. vThereupon the Board adjourned until ! to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Akthur Brown, Clerk. Thomas Yolxg. Chairman. Tuesday, October 16, 1894. TIig Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called, and quorum present. Journal oí yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Oestej'lin, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported the followiiig teills, and recommended their allowanee at sums stated, to wit: Chümed. Allowed. 994 Frank Staffan, burial of soldier,- $ 40 00 í 40 00 995 ü. M. Martin, bnrial oí soldiere 120 00 120 00 996 Miic-k & Mack, burial of soldier 40 00 40 00 997 O. M, Martin, biirial of soldier 40 00 40 00 99S W. G, Dieterle, burial of soldier. .- 48 00 40 00 P9Í) A. K. Hale, witness iu Probate Court 5 00 5 00 1000 Dr. John Kapp, wii ness in Probate Cour c, etc. 46 00 46 00 1001 O. S Darliii;: witness Probate Court 5 00 5 00 1002 J. W. Morton, witness in Probate Court 5 00 5 00 1003 E A. Clark, post mortem examination 5 00 5 00 1004 John Kapp. witness ti Probate Court 5 00 6 00 J005 E. M. Conklln, witness in ProBate Court 5 00 5 00 1006 W.J. Herdman, witness in Probate Court 5 00 S 00 1007 Jolm Kapp, witness in Probate Court 5 80 5 80 1008 ,T. M, Forsyth, witness i n Probate Court 2 00 2 00 1009 William Dansingburg, witness in Probate Court S SO 3 80 1010 J.W. liabbitt, expenses in insane case.' 2 10 2 10 1011 W. B. Osborn, witness in l'robate Court 6 00 6 00 1U12 C. Eberbacb, supplies at Jail -... 3 L5 3 36 1013 H. J. Brown, driles 1 00 1 00 1014 E. Bal lie, witoess in Probate Court TOO 7 00 1015 J. N. Gregg, witnese in Probate Court 8 63 8 60 1016 Thomas Speechley, witnees in Probate Court 6 00 6 00 1017 L, Gruner, slioes for prisoners at jail 4 50 4 50 1018 Wm. G. Doty, postage tor Probate Office.... 25 00 25 00 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterlin also reported the bilí of Dr. W. B. Smith, without lecommendation. On motion of Mr. Miner the bilí was allowed as claimed. 1019 W. 1!. Smith, post mortem ezamlnatlon $25 00 $25 00 Mr. Braun, from Criminal Claims Committee No. 2, reported the followiiig bilis, and recommended their allowanee at sums stated, to wit: 1020 Charles Fox, constable $1 45 $1 4r, 1021 Daniel geyler, inquest.. 7 2l 5 21 The following is a list of jurors and witnesses before F. P. Bogardus, Justice of the Peaee: 10S2 Zina Buck 48 00 48 00 1023 Jonas Kelly _ 48 00 48 00 1024 Zina Buck. 48 CO 48 M) 1025 Clifton Hueston.. 100 1 00 lO-'fi Charles -eger 100 1 f 1027 Frank Stöwell - 100 100 1028 Hurlow 'Wells.-. 100 100 UKO George Barnes 1 00 i 00 1030 K j llsrris 155 LM 10:11 HowardPost 155 165 lom Bert Hooker 155 l SE 1 -: Geor e towler 155 156 1034 E L Britts 1 56 I ■ 1035 Ollfford Landereon 1 55 i 56 [036 L Sniitli 155 1 .1 1031 James liogan 1 55 1 55 lu'S w Greenman 155 155 1039 Charles Long 48 00 48 Oü li'4O E W Burrougbs 48 00 48 00 1041 Albert Jones 48 00 48 00 1042 James 8malley 48 00 48 00 Witnesses and Jurors bef ore E. B. Pond, Justice of the Peace: 104;j E. G. Butts i 0 48 $0 48 .1044 .1 K Caris 96 96 lm.". DFTaylor 85 85 1046 Frod h Davis 85 85 1047 Ed Keni 85 86 1048 Nieholas Hendelang.-. 48 48 1(149 HerbertWest 48 48 1058 HE Johnson 48 48 10'iO George M ClarSbn 50 r0 lüiil MichaelDonahue.. 50 50 106a Joseph Donnelly 60 50 10(8 George Hawea 50 50 1064 Samuel Langsdorf 50 60 1085 Francia M. Stoftiet 60 50 1066 Cnarles F Braun 48 4s 1H67 Fred Welnmann 85 85 1068 A A Bedel 1 48 48 1069 M Duffy 48 48 10TO Charles J Jones 175 175 1071 Jolra Thum 175 175 1072 Edward L Watkins 85 85 1073 Charles Fox 85 85 1074 Charles M Flower 48 48 1075 JohnBKeating 48 48 1076 George Wahr 50 50 1077 Ale.xRatti 50 50 1078 Gáorge W S rover t 50 50 1()79 George W Haves 50 ■ 50 1080 Wm K Burchüeld 50 50 3081 John H Maynurd-, 50 50 1082 Martin Riyen.--. 175 175 1083 John McLaug-hlin 155 155 1084 Martin Ryan.Jr 175 175 1086 J W Morton 48 48 1086 George Allmendinger.. 48 48 1087 Daniel Maroney 155 145 1088 Austin Gavin 1 ;Vj 1 55 1089 Anthony liurke 1 56 1 55 1090 Mary Maroney 155 166 1091 Augustus Gavin 48 48 1092 Ernest Muehllg 48 48 1093 Oscar Wiren 4S 48 1"94 Mrs. H Allmendingrer .. 48 48 1095 Mrs. E Bycraft 48 48 1086 William Merrithew 48 48 K'97 Gustave Lutz 48 48 1098 Samuel McLaren 48 48 I(i99 Samuel M Benham 48 48 1100 Thomas Jones 48 48 1101 E. J. Knowlton 98 98 1102 PSBanfield 48 48 ïteport adopted. The special committee appointed to examine and report to the Board the necessity of procuring new indexes for the Register of Deed's office, reported that they had examined such subject matter and recommended that the County continue in use the indexes now in use in the Register's office. Report adopted. Thereupon the Board took i recess until 1:30 p. in. AFTEBNOON SESSIOX. The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called and quorum present. The petition of George F. Gale in reference to the assessment on his property in the township of Superior was presented to the Board. Mr. Edwards moved that the Board consider said petition, and also the petition of Robert Martin, at 2:10 p. m. Carried. Mr. Seott moved that the petitions of Martin and Gale be laid upon the table. Carried.' Tlie petitioD of Albert Smith in referenee to his injuries received while trying to arrest one Jones, was presented to the Board. Mr. ïorsyth moved that the prayer of said petitioner be granted, and that the sum of $50.00 be allowed liim. Carried. Mr. Lighttaall, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the followiug bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: 1103 DPhelps. dept. sheriff ..$ 23 15 $22 15 1104 Edwarü Jackson, looking for one Jones ■ 12 00 12 00 llf5 Geo. H Jacivson, board oí prinoners at. Ypsilanli 8100 8100 1108 M Brenner, sheriff 21!l 50 219 50 lliiT Ben E Buek 12 00 12 00 HOS Jacob Staffan, deputy sheriff 144 00 ]; 40 1100 Patriek .McCube. deputy sheriff 19 40 19 40 1U0 George Palmer, deputy sheriff 10 50 10 50 1111 Pair ck MoCabe, deputy sheriff )") 00 95 95 1112 A J Polhemus, hack 2 00 2 00 Report adopted. Mr. Oesterlin, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at siims stated, to wit: 1113 O M Martín, burial of soldiere f SO 00 Í80 00 1114 Telephoue Conipany 48 00 48 00 1115 Jas A Robison, hacks to County House 21 00 21 00 1116 T Sbaw, wttness In Probate (ourt 7 00 7 00 111" W II LalrcL witnesa in Probate Court 3 20 3 20 Ills EdwardA WarJ,witness in Probate Court ; 20 3 20 1119 Georg-e A Young, wilness in Probate Court 3 20 3 20 1120 Samuel l.'Guthrie, witness in Probate Court 3 20 3 20 IÍ21 Thomas Swarthout, ness in Probate Court 3 20 ; : 0 1122 Eugene Oesterliii. wiines-i in Probate ('ourt 0 00 0 00 112:) Martin Clark, coroner.. 45 14 43 14 Tlie following is a list of jurors and witnesses before Martin Clark, Coro ner: 1124 GBRhend Tf T5 1125 G W Cranscy 75 75 1126 W H Kicbmond 75 76 1127 WmFletcher 75 75 1128 George Jewett 75 75 1129 Z S Fosburg 75 r,o 1130 Mrs H I Hockwell 75 7S llöl Betsey Lee 48 48 1182 Mrs. D Lathrop 48 48 II -3 John Moore 2 25 2 25 1134 G W Crqpsey 2 25 2 25 1135 ICHandy 2 25 2 25 1136 JAFreeman :.. 2 25 2 25 1137 Alanson Moore 2 25 2 25 1138 FrPderick Schmid 2 25 2 25 1139 GFKey 48 48 1140 Charles E Greene 48 48 1145 JFPhuli 48 48 1146 Charles Collinfrham 48 48 1147 Nelson Suthorland 48 48 1148 Alex Schloupe 48 48 114 Cari liurch 48 48 1150 Patrick Reid ".. 48 48 1151 Hu!?h McGuire 48 48 1152 Fred Sipley 48 48 1153 FHShielde 75 75 1154 John Haf er 75 75 11B5 K ij Thomas 75 75 1188 WW Hoe 75 75 1157 PWHestcher 75 75 1158 Daniel Flinn 75 75 liflil Wm Dnpslap 48 48 ](i0 S Devine 48 48 1101 A F Esslinger 48 48 1102 GWi.ropsny 75 75 1163 Hughjenkins 75 75 llf4 HOWUmot 75 75 1105 Jo.seph Donnelly 75 75 1100 AOarney 75 75 1107 JIJ Martin 7;, ::, 118S Charles Shears 4 48 4 48 1 JIM T-m j ■ W M mili Pi ter lian son 4 48 4 48 1170 PYpíI iMorrlll 4 48 4 4S 1171 GHfiroli. 48 48 1 17a Charles P Kettle 4 4 li;; Cliailcs Llndsley 4S 48 1174 John líoss 1 50 1 lo 1175 A M Robioson I 60 1 fio 117IJ .Tíinics Mnrray 1 60 i 50 1177 Moses Seaboli I fo 150 1178 EKFrueauff .- .-. 1 50 1 50 11HH Q W Cropsey..: .... 1 SO I 50 1180 Elmer R, Beal 48 41 111 Henry K. Herzer 48 48 1 1 S'3 ' Brenner 48 4s 1183 V MeCabe tg 48 1184 T A Bogle ... 4K i$ 1185 C F Darling:... -ís 48 1188 Amos Corey ,h 11í7 L Donovan 7ñ Ví 1188 Alfrea Bartlet : 75 1189 N 11 Pieree 75 75 11'." Franit Westerlv 7:1 75 1191 David 7ñ 75 11H2 Kllza Neatbammer 4s 43 1193 Mary Neatbammer 4s 48 ll!)i John NFeathammer 48 48 ll!5 John McNally 48 48 1198 .1 0 Wells..... l BO 1 50 11M7 W GSnow 1 50 í vi ñas MDuke :::::::.: i ih llí)9 Mosea Setcbolt rn 1 50 1200 LGruner 150 i fin 1 A Oarney 150 150 2 Henry McNally _. 48 48 8 Miehael Kinney... 48 48 4 Miehael Donahuo Jfi 48 5 Richard Kearns - 48 48 6 FredNellis .. 48 48 7 Krod Rosser 48 48 8 Thomas Olarken 48 48 h Isaac Revnolds 48 4k 10 Barney Morrisoq 48 48 11 Nolile Monroe 48 s 12 tudwlgWaltz 75 75 lii J O Gi-ossman 75 75 14 Christian .lenter 75 75 13 .TCSchmld 75 75 16 Adam Dieterle 75 75 17 l'aul Christman 75 75 18 Mrs A Qraf 48 48 lü Gottlieb Knapp.. 48 41 20 Herman G Graf 48 48 ■-'l Prederlok Hciinold 48 48 Ü2 Ensene Oesteriin 48 48 23 (i l Rhead - 48 48 24 .r O Watts 1 50 1 50 25 Jacob Hofifstet ter 150 1 SO 26 W S Loomls 150 150 27 TPorter... 1 so sn 28 GWCropsey... 150 1 50 29 E A Clark 150 150 30 SE Park... 4S 48 31 w B McMlUan 4S g ii'2 R S Greenwood 48 48 33 Peter Duff 48 48 Report adopted. Mr. Braun, from Committee on Criminal Claims Xo. 2, reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated. to-wit: 34 E A Ward .Tustice of the Peace 774 774 35 Albert Guthrie, iuror.. 160 150 Samuel Guthrie, juror. 1 51 1 50 Si Ja Dancer, iuror .... ] 50 1 50 38 Geo. W Beckwlth, juror 1 80 1 60 39 M M Campbell, juror... 150 150 40 W H Laird. juror 150 ] 50 41 Thomas Kei y, witness. 4S 4,s 43 Abner Spencer o en 43 Wllliam llunt 78 78 44 Jolin Rosa. witness 78 7L 45 G A Youngr 78 78 MT Prout.JP .; 5 0 4 15 4i Wiluam l'ease, juror... 75 75 48 AS Strinyiiam 7 ■ 7= 4U William Kusliton. ..'." 75 75 50 SO Clark 75 w "1 Hicbard Green 75 75 W Albert Aylesworth 75 75 53 William Payne 40 U OFKapp .! I e 70 55 -l ■'tiiiii..... ;;: m m w u - 100 100 o. H Owen... i oo i m 68 William G Snöw .'.""."."." 1 00 l 00 59 FSchmkl loo 100 :' W P Vogy i 00 i (vi 61 Charles BChott i o 1 OU SÍ f.,1"?!1 Brown ! 00 1 00 n.i U SïlOW 1 ni) i 00 64 PeterPicquët .""I i qo , ? MPyogel loo J nn '"' ' ';i''r,s fd'ott i üo i oo 1)7 m Walsh i nn i 0) H WHMoTntyrë.. "ï 50 89 Henry Meuth .. 50 50 71 EH Clark ,,0 50 Tl O Comiskie... . km -,n V3 WHCIancy .;;;;; 5(, $ i4 John llcinzumii 1 00 (10 MPVcHiel 100 100 ??i5terle - - 1 00 1 00 i7 J KMuriav i ofi 1 00 76 PaulSchalï 100 1 00 m Jg'iyt'nöenschmidt ... 100 100 SU v Hl Molntyre 1 nn 1 m si wospow .:...: i 00 S 82 MP Vogel loo {pn 83 HKittred.; .j; Í 00 00 ïfoHwen ---■ 100 1 en OO ( i AIXOI1 1 00 1 1)1} mí OW VoeeJ .... „ } ffi 11 w in Clark 1 o 1 im I Michael Clark ""' 1 00 m i2 E B Pond, Justïcëïf th „., T',?'i''e- 2H5 90 285 90 93 J V liemiett, .lustice of the Peace.... 24155 2 55 Report adopted. Thereupon the Board adjourned 1111til tomorrow at 10 ivcloek. Sipned, Thomas Young, AurauK Beown, Chairman. Clerk.


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