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And now you'll see the storm doors and porches going up. ■ The dry goods box bosses have all turned their attention to the sewere aiow-a-days. On Thursday evening is the regular social at the M. E. church with supper at six o'clock. The circulation of the Daily Courier has passed tlie 1.100 aotch aud is still creeping up. The color, or shade rather, on the tivo cent postage stamps has been ivhanged agaiiin. The cost of connecting your liouse with the new sewera will be about thirty-flve cents per foot. Loren L. Heaiion has left the road temporarily, and will be with Mack (fc Sdbnvid until Jan. lst. Friday evenhig there will be a social at the JSTorthside chapel, with musdc. exercises and supper. Thirty-three pcople carne down f rom D'exter last niiglit to hear SW Sniith smile, at the opera house. The freshman lits played the high school eleven yesterday on the fair grounds, resulting in a tie - 4 and4. one says that liquoi; ?trengthens the vod.ce. This is a nuiistake it only inakes tlie breath stroag. The firO department boj'S have received their new rubber coats. For which they are thankful. 'Xho bath tubs are stlll wanting. , It ;w eald that tlie firet time a man goes out hunting or fishing, his wife has so much confidence in him that fihe doesn't buy any meat for supper. Mr. and Jirs. George Dengler desïre to pulKáely expresa their thanks to the inaiiy friends wlio were so kind to tliem in their recent bereavement. "Wheat looks fresh and green on every hand. liut the average farmer grows tired when he thinks of the price he will probably get ïor it. TJie colored men's rally last night Avns largely attended by au audience whöch was well iewarded for coming, by hearing the most excellent speeches. The finn of Brown & Cady, the State st. grocers, has been dissolved. Mr. Brown will retire, and the business be carried on hereafter by Mr. Oady. Herman Hardinghaus has a 14 Ib. bass, caught in the mili race, to his credliit. Tliis is a true fish sbory. Afiidavits furnished by the Ann Arbor Sporting Club. "We notice that sonie of our excluwiges are still advising the people to "Spend their Outing on the Great Lakes." Our advine from tlie present ontlook would be : Don't. Thanksgiving will be here before we aro aware of it), and then it is only a short time to the Holidays. Tiane is scooting anead in a lively mannei-, waiting for no one. The deepest cub on the Liberty st. f.ateral sewer is being excavated now, an the block between S. Ashley and S. Main sts. It is abcvut 12 feet', and ibhe soiiil is a mass of cobble stones. Over dn Charlotte the girls have sliown a desire to fit themselves ior public aífairs, by organizing a debating club. One of the rules, it is said Jimit all speeches to five minutes ! The boys should be encouraged in eai-nfiing a lot of money for the holidays by securing for themselves the bounty on sparrows. TJiese pests are gettimg altogether too numerous again. ; , :! '. Tlie people who bought their po.tatoes for 60 and 70 cents a bushei were a little premature as far as piúce was concerned. They appear to be of much better quality and cheaper now. Om one block of one street in this city, a few days since there was considerable exciteinent. One wonian went crazy, another was marj'ied, and a funeral to-ok place, all isa one afternoon. Among tlie recent patents whlch have 'been granted, is one to Eugene Gicgory, Ann Arbor, for a dice box; and one to Chas. H. Itobbins, Owosso, one-half asscgned to S. Denn, Ann ArbOT, fcnr a gas burner. One of tiiO bright ladS', who is alwas tumb'.daig on to somebhing good, bands us he ïollowiuig : "How do we know that Noah understood all a hout electricity ? Because he made an are léght on Mi. Ararat." The Co'uniier has laany times suggested that the people in the country plant nut-beariaig trees for sliade and ornamental puiposes. Why shouldn"t they ? Why did they ever destroy those beautlful trees in the first place ? Miss May Clarken, of this city is the possessor of a very fine harp, and we understand s fitting herself for concert work. The lady is an excellent musician, and has studied for a long time in this special field. She will certainly be euccessful. James Clement Ambrose has been engaged to lecture by the Epworth League of the M. E. church on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 24. His subject will be "The Fooi in Politics." Mr. Ambrose holds two Und'v-ersity degrees beihg a '63 lit and '66.1aw. Marie Louiso Baüey will give a piano recitad in Frieze Memorial liall 011 Friday evening, Nov. 9. Miss Bailey has recemtly returned f rom Leipsic, where she is said to have won ají enviable reputatioii. Miss Jiailey comes i rom Nashville, Tenn. The sewer contractors expect to liave from four to six miles of sewer completed before cold weather settles down upan us. They are using tile made by the Jackson Fíre Clay Co., and it Is the most thoroughly burned and .highly glazed pipe we liave ever seen. The lritest Yankee iaivention is pdllow casiaig woven entire, without iseaniís. A'll a.n oíd bacJielor lias to do now :b to buy a piece oí casing long eaough aaid liem the ends - or pi'm them up. It is called "pillow tubíng" aaü comes in different sizes and at different prices. Bev. Henry Tatlock will take up subjects of instructioii for communi-cants oí his parish on the doctrines and custoins oí the cliurcli, at the AVednesday evening prayer meetings, and wffll deliver short talks thereon. Tlie pa'ayer meetdmgs for St. Andrew's claurch are lield iu the chapel. S'eaisible parents can give no excuse for allowing their boys, yes, and g-irls too, to make a practiee of loafng onfhe streets - especially at night. Jt lias be&n proven beyond contradic,tion, tliat Street loafing rarely, if ever results in useful oí" successfiil ldvies, but on tlie contrary it brings sorrow and troub'.e to the children, and olten death to 1 lie liaren ts. Th-ere ís always some new scheme to tsw&iidie tlie farmers, and liere is llie latest : An a:lüged f iré insurance ageait says he wMl insure the preniises. He presents a circular oí a building and loan assoclatlon and says it also imsures. The gullible tttkee thás all in and paj's over five ot ten dollars and receives a reciipr and ome of the circulars. That is all there is to it. Aid. 3. P. Allniendinger telto us that business is co.mmencing to piek up for the Aun Arbor Organ "Works, of whiich he is superintendent, and says that he feels very much encouraged over the prospecta. Tlj:s is certai'nly good news, for these works are quite a prominent feature in Ann Arbors manufactuniing intevests. Hope tliat tilia tune can be plajred all the year through. The Y. W. C. A. wïll give a musical and literary entertainment at the Baptist church, on Thursday evenitig, November 8th, at 8:00 o'clock. The entertainment pi-omises to be a very good one, as some of the best talent of the oity has been secured to take part. ThO proceeds will be used for the purcliase of an instrument for their rooms. It is hopod it will be well patronized for the benefit of the association. - ___J The lead trrlgatlng pipes on the Iiigh school lawn were torn up last ndjgtot ty some Halloweeners who ought to be made to suffer ior the lci'd, and twisted arouml the trees upon the lawn. It ia such work as that whteh fool-headed youths sometimes term "fun," that tlestroys the real sport of yuch occasions. AVhen pranks harmless the fun is all light. But when property is destroyed then jt ceases to be fun and i criime. Unlicensed dogs in Ann Arbor are 'to be Bhot on sight. Tlie astute poldceman of Jthe, city know if doggy bas been licensed or not by the hang of nis head and taal. Only seventyflve out of the fifteen hundred dogs of the place hare been licensed, and the prospect (or cheaper sausage was never bo good.- Brighton Citizen. Dog on it, what sart of meat do you suppose we feed ou, here ? 0r do you think you are licensed to slander our sausages ? Qutt barking and come over and take a bííe and gee ii you recognize it. John V. Sh-eehan has a relie in the Bliape of a lockt hat was taken from the front door of his home - the former Eogers' house - ,that is astonishing ;.n more wnys tha.n one. The face pinte is eleven inches lom;-, and the lock la eix inclies deep, while the key weitgïis about one pound or less. What 6s still more astonishing is the fact that the Jock cootadins the latest inig-ht lateh impro vement, and the entire inslde mechanism is of brass. This Jock is over a half cetitury old, and its ingenuity is fully as great as any of the modern locks, except the size of the key. Mr. Sheehan will keep it as a piece O'f ancient bric-a-brac. The Coifriek office issues this week "The Physician and Surgeon," of 92 (TxlOjó in.) pp., " The University Record," of 20 (8ixll) pp., "The Hard Times," of 16 (6x9) closely printed pp., the daily and weekly editions of the Courier, as well as a considerable ámount of job work - prominent among which is a job of 15,000 llustrated circulars, representing the wares of a prominent furniture manufacturer of this state. It is at the same time at work on the Beta Theta Pi fraternity catalogue, containing a full list of all who have ever heen members of the 82 different chapters of that organization in the United States, their residences and occupations. Mr. and Mrs. George B-engler have been called upon to pass through one of the saddest events that comes to people in this life. Yesterday momat half-past 2 o'clock their üttle four year old daughter Lolo Etta, but who was famiiarly called "Loetta," died of braiu fever. Slie was a bright, beautiful little beam of sunshine, given to them to make a port'on of their ILves ■extremely happy, and then to pass on before them to prepare their fentrance to that land where parting is "unknown. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, fro;m the reside-nce, No. 33 S. Fairst st. Tliere were two thiiigs that had a tendeaicy to make the Hallo ween of 1894 a quiet one. One was the good sense and dignity of a large majority of the student community, whose influence over those who may have been inclined fco be a little ■vikl was such as to keep them within bounds.' Another was the alert manner in which Mayor Darling and our efficiënt chiei of pólice, Mr. Banfóield, handled the boys of the city who are quite often on misdliief bent on that night. All of our citizens agree that iit was the most quiet and ordeily Halloween that Ann Arbor has seen for many a year. Marshal Bauileld has been dolng some ef jolent work of late in the way of drdvlng women of ill ifepiute out of t,!ic city. Every year euch vromen come to Ann Arbor and try to establdsili themselves here but fail oï (li poirposé. On AVednesday of this week, tour were ordered to leave town and did so, and to the vigilancé and resolute determinaöon of Jlarelial Banfield iis due their prompt depai-tui-e . ïhe enforcement of the laws goes a long way toward maintaiuiaig the sobriety of a city and its iiihabitants should take good care that ui ofiicrr w-hoi does his duty is kipt in office. - Democrat. Mis. JuMa Maria Richards TJrewer, who dsit-ed the home of Chas. Dwyer come mantlis ago, and who had a number of fniends in tJiis city, died on itht' lOth of October, at her home In Grinnell, Iowa. Her husband was at one time a consul to Greece, but later a member of the faculty of Iowa College. He was a brother of Judge Brewer, of the. U. S. Suipreme court. Her unele, James Richards, was one of the föve students oí Willia-ms College, in whose pravers originated the first foreign missionary work of our American churches. Shc and her husband, in 1865, 'iigaged in missionary work among the freedmen in North Carolina, at a timo when such work meant great trial and danger, and continuéd thei-eên for twelve years. The death of Mrs. Brewer will be keenly feit in missionary circles. She leaves four daughters and two sons. The season oí the year is at hand when the regular fall rounds of the beggar brigade commemce, and our people should be careful to whom they give. That they should give is beyond a questian ; but to wliom ío gavie is a matter oí doubt. It is true that lie who giives indiscriininately galves unwiselj', and does more iiarm than good. One should always look ihito the matter, and see if the appücant is worthy. To supply trampa and professional beggars is to encourage vice ajid crime, but to refuse a worthy person in need is a sin. The power of discriminating between the two ie often difficult, and yet thère is a certain marnier about the "profesh" that most always giivies them away. Sol Smith Russell was overwhelmed wiith a magnificent and enthusiastic audience at the grand opera house, last evenimg. He pleased his audience and iiis audience pleased him. He was called out before the curtalns and compelled to malee a speech. It was a good speech, btcause it was just what the audience expected and wanted to hear. Every member of the compa,ny was good and everytliing said was of the emotional order, eiither sad or fumiy. Of course Sol was t;he hero. He foiled the heavy villain of Peaceful Valley, tlvrew hóm over the mountain, and marrflied the prettiest glrl in the play- whk-h was of course perfectly propr - on the etage. SoJ's powers are not faling yet. His entertaining aHUties are as great as they were thèrty years or move ago, when he electrified audieaieea in Hangsterfer's Hall as a member of the Peak Family Swiss Bell Eingers. He is not quite as young a.nd giddy as then, not quite as active in limb or quick in facial expression, but more mature, and gives his audience a sort of sédate fun, that is quite as effective and acceptable. The announcement that Mr. AVLlinm Jlorris will be the star at the grand opera house on next Thursday eveaxing, Nor. 8tli, will 110 doubt be receii-ed with a great itegree of p'easure by the numerous cítentele of this hbuse, who will have the opportunity of seeing him in that powerful play, "The Lost Paradise," under the direction of Mr. Gustave Frohman. When the Frohman Stock Company was plaj-iug +o dclighted audiences everywhere in such favorite plays as "The G4rl I Left Behind Me," and ".Men mul Woinen." 110 member reciivvú so much admira t ion as Mr. Mon-is, and he speedily became so strong a favorite that the menüon of his nanii! in connection with i play was suffieient to attract splendid audiences, fi-om whom he was alwaye the recipiënt of the loudest app-lause.


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Ann Arbor Courier