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E.f. Mills & Co.

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20 S. MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. tJiiTtf -- 4mtt CÍ -% 1 e snan tnis year surpass all our past eiForts in our Magnificent Offering of Holi JL t? UCl d LvJ J V CjCl Lt? day Merchandise. We have in store for our friends and customers this year many A tJ "" pleasant surprises, and no one who consults their own interests can afford to buy their Holiday presents without first looking through our line. BUT to properly display this superb assortment of Holiday Novelties takes spaoe.ani co make room for it we shalloffer fromnow untü Dec. 16 th REDUCTIONS IN LINE AFTER LINE OF MERCHANDISE to speedily close them, prior to above date. NOW JllSt NOAT ! is tne time to make your winter purchases on the basis of the usual January prices, but with the unbroken CLOAKS KL$$GOO$ Every garment marked down to 3-4 and some to 1-2 their preImmense lines of Dress G-oods to be closed out regardless of vious prices. This includes Ohildren's as well as Ladies Garformer prices. ments, and applies to every garment in our stock. 1500 YDS.,New Shades and Styles in Novelty Dress Goods, including 48-inch Panama Suitings, 46-inch Laura Suitings, 54-inch í l Jfc Broadcloths, Etc., Etc. Regular prices from 60c to 75c a yard. 1 VIXV All will be sold at 4Sc a yard. TTT , . . „ ' . .- T i+i 1000 YDS., 40 and 42 inch Novelties and Plain Weaves in Winter We desire to close out every Fur Cape before January lst, and ; ALL 5Qc - ds E d in shall ofFer every one at a reduction of from 20 to 40 per cent. , . ,_ --., lImb,1" ESLECTRniS SeI WoIl Seal, Etc, Etc, ranging in EVERY NOVELTY PATTERN DRESS in our stock largely reprice, originally, from $8.00 to $60.00, it will be easily seen that duced to close out at once. Superb 48-mch Black Serges-such every purse and every taste can be satisfied at a saving of from as you have paid 75c for, will be sold at 49c. Ask to see them. $3.00 to $15.00 over early prices. A MOST EXCELLENT TIME TO BUY A DRESS. ALL. DOMESTIC GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES IN FIFTY YBARS. Simply compare SPECIAL DRIVES IN OUR CARPET AND CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. our Prices on Cottons, Cotton Flannels, Shirtings, Cottonades, Prints, Ginghams, All wool Ingrains 48c, worth 65c. Special offering of REMNANTS of CARPETS Outing Flannels, Etc. Etc, with Others' Prices on Same Goods. and MATINGS at less than 3-4 regular prices. If yon have a room to carpet, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR are always sold by us in better grades for the same come in and look these remnants over. If you can flnd what you want you can save money than by our competitors. Try us and one purchase will convince you of this. several dollars buyinL a remnant instead of goods from the piece y y F OUR LARGE STORE -four floors, 22 by 100 -is packed with BARGAINS, and you will OUR GENTS' 50c NATURAL UNDERWEAR AT 39c is specially desirabla. Ask to loge nothing by calling and at least looking through our stock. Our immense busiSee - ness enables us to offer values which cannot help appealing to your economical tenEVERY SHAWL in our entire stock at 20 per cent. reduction. Good time to buy one. dencies. WE SHOW GOODS WITH PLEASURE, AND NEVER WEARY BY IMPORTUNITIES TO BUY. E. F. MILLS & CO., 20 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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