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Theory Of Theosophy Knocks Out Self Destruction

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According to the theory of Theosophy, as interpreted by Mr. Claude Falte Wiiglit, of London, at Frieze Memorial hall Thursdny eveuing the great question of Ufe is not, "Where are we at ?" but, "Where shall we be at ?" He said that the biKical IieaTen and heil wero out of the question, aoid reasoned his assertion out as iollows : "Tliere can be no good in heil . Yet no eoul dies without somO good in lihn. Tliereforc, lie cannot go to heil. Oïi Uie contraa-y thcre is no evil in hean. Yet there is no soul dies but there is some bad in him. Therefore, he cannot go to heaven." Now under iJie old orthodox ory, "Wliea-e shaJl we be at ?" Tliis was only one of the peculiar pieces of reasoning exhibited by Mr. Wriglit last evening. On'the whole, his lecture 011 "TheosopJiy and KeIncarnation" was íull of interest. Although not every one who heard the lecture will agree wlth tlie phil-osopy propounded, yet a.11 were thorough'.y acquatoted wlth the fundamental doctrines of Theosophy. Some oí the most interesting points of tlie lecture were as follows. Ee-Incarnation is one of the oldest beldéis of the world. It answers adl tJie questions of all sciences and rtíígtoas of the day. The theory of Ke-Incamation was givn by a school of sages n ancient India. The HiniIoüs liave long kept back tlieir philosophy and religión, but as they have become known, a deeper inspiration i-n Ufe has been giren and the perception of intuition has grown greater. Tlie ajicients dwe:t upon the nature oí I the soul. H'ow does any one know that lie Is not living in a di-eam ? No one can answer. I defy any one to prove tliat he is mot. Man's constóousness, tliat s the ego, es separate and separable fi-om liis body. The body is the instrument of the soul. Üe-Incarnation nieans tliat after 'death the soul may come back to earty and get tato another body. Everyone has been on tuis earth several times before in other bodies. TJie soul has to pass througn many experiences before it is perfected. God is like a ligílit that sends its rays out imto tlie darkness. Every soul represents a part of tlie central Light. Beimg at the tip of the ray it does not understand the source. Now the question is, "How ,to return to this source ?" carryiing with us this conso:ousness. To return tliere makes you a goë. OThis is the great mystery of tlie time. line reasoa why one man is a genius and another is left to starve, is tliat 011e has done well la his past existence and another lias done 111. TliLs is the beginning of justice. The only othr cxplanations are chance or divine caprice. Tlie soul that suffers has done Hl ; the soul that is at rest has done weíl. Ia my opinión the sinful man, the niurderer, ds Ontitled to more spiritual rest than the one tliat has done good. For -vho can teil what suffering he has goaie through ? His weakness and his sinfulness are not delibérate. If a anaii has done ill in the past be -Is incarnated here in appropriate circunistances. Between the periods oí incarnation, the soal goes back to fite source. There it remains for perhaps a thousand j'ears. Then it i-eturns to eartli agaiji, attracted by active Ufe. Tuis law ia absolute. Since sieep brings us to wakening, and darlaiess bi4ngs us to light, sliould not death briog us to liíe ? Or since life brings us to death, should not death brdng us to life ? How te it tluit a Shakespeare, and a Línco'-n, and a Ohrist hare sprung from humble origin ? Nothing but the law of Ite-lacarnation can explain it. The effects of the past generations are borne íorward, and appear embodied in these great souls. Genius is toorn into poor families because they are neurer to nature and the soul la lees obstructed in its devicCoijmejit. Now as to lieavt'.u and heil. Tliey are wttMn you. That is, the oniy lKeasuro ia in your own sph-ituiUity and pui'ity. lieaven and keil are ou eartli. alie theory oí angels and uai-ps ís oue ol long ages ago. The inyiiest üeaven is on tliis oartli, and there are deepur helis rignt liere than you eau toiicüive ol anywhere else. The oid Curiatians bulieved in IieIncarnatton. TQie Bible says, "Jacob have I loved and Jisau have I hated." Wiiy thO use of the past tense? It is because tliey had had a previous exfatence. Jacob liad done well in Ms past e.NJstence and Eeau had done 11. ■Wlioni suy men that J, ani ? asked Ciuist. Tñese old Christiaus howed belief in Re-Incarnation by K-uppoüing that he was Elias come aga:n. Jesús said nothing against Ke-Incarnation and many things in ita favor. "Who hath sinned, th;s man or' nis fathor, that he was bum bUnd V' There is the doctrtoe of Be-Incarnatíon. John the Baptist was the re-incarnation of the prophet Elias. ■ It íb uselees to connmit suicide for it doean't get one out oí the world. Mr. WrÊjght was careful to explain that Re-Inca.rnatkn was entirely separate and distinct from trans-rnigration. Man is always in the human fonn. Everyone recollects his past incarnation to some extent. T!his is the reason that mathematics comes easily to soanc Tïiey remember their past cxivstoncc. Up to the ago of twenty-ODe man is engaged in getti'tig his past knowlodge. Mr. AVtrijfht closed his lecture with tlie prophecy that the time will soon come wlven this theory wil] be accepted by the whole wprld. This even:ng and to-morrow evening Mr. AVrSight will giX! talks on the subject of Theosophy at thO home of Mrs. S. T. Fisk, 42 E. Liberty street,. All are invited to attend these addresses.


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