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Oh! For Strong Nerves

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The nervous systeni is fearfully delicate. It ia easily deranged, and when it is, beware. The syinptoms are debility, tired feeling, iuability ior much work, trembliug, anxiety; depression of ruind. nervou8ness and often sleeplessness and dull ieeling bead in the morniiiK- These lead to nervoas prostratjon, paralysis or insanito. You run a terrible in neglecting any of these symptoms. Yon can be eured now. IE you neglect yourself you wil] soon become a hopeíesa wreek, as Mrs. W. A. Tinkham, of Stowe, Yt., did. She lites the following about herself: "About six months ago I found inyself in an extreme nèrvous condition. This had been gradually growing upon me for several years and I eannot teil what I suffered, it was beyond description. I ií"t no rest or sleep urghts and n:v work was done in constant igony. "I ijnagined there was soiue impendng evil coustantly hauging over me and ceuld not rid myself oí the idea that insanity was in store for me. 1 knew better than to do lots ot things that I did do but tould not help it. "] was indeed a wreek and was on the point of desjair. 1 eaiployed physicians.who did me no trooiï an(j my condition eontinually grew worse. "Finally a friend advised me to try Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. I cominenced taking it and before using the h'rst bottle np thpre was decided iinproveuient. I have uow used nearly tliree boules and uu entirely eured' of ill iny troubles. "I sleep well and my work is easily and conofortably done. Ju (act, I do all my work tor a large family, whicli 1 was unable to do before and have not done for five years before taking Dr. Greene's Xeivura blood and nerve remedy. "I attribute my eure entirely to thia wonde rfnl medicine and most cordially recommend it to 11 mankind. Please : publisli tliis letter for the good of utfiers." There are countless uumbers of persons in different stages of nervous complaints. They are not sick bnt are just out of order, have weak nerves and tired bodies. You are one of tbem and you need Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It cures all such diseased quicklv and permanentlv. Try it, and feel your nerves grow streng and your health return. It ia the discovery of Dr. Greene, of of 35 West 14th Street, New York, the most successful specialist in curing nervous and cliFÖnic diseases. He eau be eorisulted free, personally or by letter. A Jerusalern man had a barrel of eider in the barn. He was surprised to fi-nd tJiat some onO had taken the eider amd left tJie ba.rTel. Very considérate indeed. It was probably a case of local opteon.


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Ann Arbor Courier