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Clias Itoehm has gone back to Chicago. C. B. Turner of the Pontiac Gazette, is an Ann Arbo-r visitar to-day. Lew Clement lias returned from Chicago and the west. Mr. Archie Mclndoe, dent. '93, is visitiug in the city. Ghas. Neitharnmer has returned froni a yislt up north. ('has. Eoehm, of Cli'leago, is visiting his old friends here. M:ss Francés Lake, of Jackson, is visiting Ann Arbor fr!ends. Mire. J. A. Gwituier is recovcring from quite a serious illness. Mrs. J. V. Sheehan was among the Detroit Ytisitors of to-day. Mr. and Mrs. SM W. Miillard have returned home from Chicago. Mrs. George 'W'olleN'er, of Detroit, s visititig Mrs. Spencer Sweet. ThelïttlO baby of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Harkins is dangerously 111. Geo. K. Barkei1, special lit, has gone home to Fl'nt for Tlianksgiving. H. Kittredge is visiting his daughter Mtrs. Muir, in Grand Ilapids. Karl E. Ilarriinan leaves to-niglit for Chicago, to be absent a week or so. i Sam Krause is back homO from his trép through the western part of the state. Mrs. B. M. Thiompso'n returned from a vósit with Port Hu ron friends last evenáng-. School Commissloner Cavanaugh visited the Salem unión school yesterday. Mrs. Chas. C. Warmer, ol E. Ann st., se the guest of relatives at Osseo, this week. Mrs. M. F. Griffin, of Grand Kapiids, is visiting her mother, on Lawreuce street. Mrs. Laura Heavener, of Herkimer, N. T., is at Judge Cheever's for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Foote, of Jack&an, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. "W. Robisan. James Clements arrflved home last evwtóng after a two weeks absence from the cclty. DeWdtt C. Fall of Jackson, came dowif Sunday to attend the funeral of Xe'.son Sutherland. Mies Haftie ICeith and Miss Ollle Pacey, oí Dexfer, are the guests of Mrs. E. E. Beal to-day. Mrs. Geoirge AllmendSlnger, of ?ï. 4th a,ve., who has been quiite seriously ill. is recoAiering slowly. SupeircBor Lághthall and ex-Supervisor Gilbert, of Chelsea, were Ann Arbor Tcsitors yesterday. Miss Ií. Gnther has returned to Detroit after a few days visit with her friend Miss TiUie Koch. President Angelí went to Grand Rapids this morniog to attend the funeral of ex-Regent Gilbert. Mrs. Mabel K. Poad and father, E. B. Bushnetl, are TJsiting relatives and frfends in Dexter to-day. Dr. Frank Porter and family of Bay Oity, are visiting Mr. Porter's mother Mrs. C. B. Porter, oí E. Ann st, Mrs. Johin Williams and daughter Maude, oí Mt. Gïemens, are visiting at Chas. Spoor's, 44 S. Fifth ave. Chas. F. Staebler is rapidly improvltag at the Univeirsity hospital, and wül come through all right. Mrs. Hairwood Martin, of Jackson, is m the city, called here by the death ol her brother Xelson Sutherland. Mrs. Bev. T. W. Young, who has been vó&iting her former home in Lou; isville, Ky., is expected back to-niglit. Miss Cai-rie Freeman, of Miller ave., entei"tained sixteen of her friends at her home last eveming from 8 to 12. W. C. Huil, the new secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will take up his duties with the association on Dec. 1, Miss Dora Moinet, of St. Johns, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .H Corbett, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Youngs, of FJjint, are in UiO city, called here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Osborne. Mrs. J. G. Wise who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tlios. H. Corbett, returned home to St. Johns tuis morninig. Street .Commissioner NeLson Sutherland had hñs eye removed this moirnImg and it is hoped the operation will result Ju impro%-ment. Herman H. Mack, advertising agent oí the Michigan Farmer, is doing the Modern Athene to-day in an agricultural way, you know. Chief Detective Hall, of Toledo, O., is in the city, the guest of his fathe-rin-law Jos. Clark, eupt. of the University Hospitals. A. H. Hopper, oí Alpena, dropped in this mornimg, to join his wife who has been a eruest of her brother J. E. Beal a,nd family for some days. E. B. Bushnetl, who has been the guest of Jiis daughter, Mrs. Geo. H. Pond for a couple of weeks., retumed thcs morning to his home in Noble, Branch county. J. W. Hopkins, of Lansing, a prominemt, K. of P. official, of the state, was at the American last night and spent some time with Ann Arbor members of the order. Mire. Win, I-Ioward, of Geddes ave., and siister Misa May Hayden, are in Detrott a.ttending the funeral of their censan M'iss Bliza Ferrell, sister of Mrs. James H. They.


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