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THE DEYELOPMENT OF THE SOÜTH Is being furthered by the Queen & Crescent Route by ineans of a special series of 31onthly Excursión to Southern point.s at üne Fare for the Roum! Trip. These rates are in eft'ect ftom Cincinnati, Ohio, and Lexington, Ky., on November 6th and December 4t.h, good twenty days from date of sale for return. They are sold on these dates to all pointe in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabauia, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida (except Key West J and to New Ürleans, and all points on our line in Louisiana. Stop-overs are permitted on these excursions at any point soutb of the Ohio River, witllin the final limit of the tickets. This offers an excellent opportunity to those who desire to go South to lo'ok into the present great inovement of Northern farmers to that section. The Q. & C. has over a million acres of farms and timber land for sale along its line at $3.00 to f5.00 per acre, on etisy tsrms. Send us your name for advertising matter and any information you may want as to lands and iminigration to the South. Chas. W. Zeil, D.P.A., Cincinnati, 0. W. W. Dunnavant, T.P.A., Cleveland, Ohio. C. A. Baird, T.P.A., Detroit, Mich. W. A. Breckler, N. P. A., 111 Adams Streel, Chicago, Illinois. Notice To Crbditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hereby given.that by an orcti ol the Probate Couxt for the Countyof Washtenaw, made on the 24tli day of September, i ! 1894, six months from that date were all for creditors to present their claims againa! the estáte of Andrew Bell, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court. at the Probate office in the city of Anu Arbor, for examlnatlon and Hllon - anêe, on or tiefore the 25lh day of March next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on the 2)th day of Decemberand on the 25th day of March. next, at ten o'clock in the foreno-vn of each said days. Dated, Anu Arbor, September Mth, A. D„1894. J. WILI.ARD BAHBITT. Judge of Probate. COMMISSIONERS' XoTICK. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, Counly of' VVoshi tenuw The HiKh-isitned bavmg been appointed by ihe Probate Coi:rt r said rounty, CoiötnissiODers Lo reeeive, examine and sidjiii-t hII olüiins aud demnnds of Hl persous agaitisl Ibe estáte of Kaat1 ■('. Ilaudy, late of sald County, deceased, hereby K;ve notlce tliüt six months froin dale ure alluwed by order of said Probate Court. for ilreditor to present their claims against Ibe estáte ol sald deceased. and tliat tney wlll meet at Uie store of lira' ii S Koath in the city ot Ann Arboi in said County. on the Bevmteen day f Decomberandon theeighteenthday Ma re tl next' at ten o'clock a. in., ül'each of said days, to receive, examine and adjnstsaid claims. Dated Sept. lTth, 189J. Z.EKoSvm,(iOO1J'iICH' i Commissioners NOTICE TO CrEDITOHS. STATE OF MICHIGAN, (,'ounly of Washtenaw, ss. Notice is bereby Elven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the C'ounly of Washtenaw, made on the elghlb djiy of October, A. D., 1MM. six montlis from ibai date were allowed for creditor'a to present, their claims against the estáte jf Adelberl L. Nobie, late of sald conuly, deceased, and thal all credttors of saiil deceas. d are required to present tlieir chiinis to sid Probate C'onrt at the Probate urfiee in the city of Ann Arbor for exainination and nllowance, on or befoie tbetighth day of April oext, and that such claims wiil be heard before saki court, on the elfihth day of January and Dn theelghth day of April next, al ten o'clock in the foreooon of each of said days. Uated, Ana Arbor October 8. A. D.. 1894. J. WILLAR1) BABBITT, Judae of Probate. I Sale of State Tax Lands. STATE OF MICHIGAN. ) Auditor Generajs Office, Lanaing, Nov. 5, 1S94. ) Notice is hereby given that eertuin lands situated in the County of Wasbtenaw bid off to the state for taxes of 1891 and prevlous years.and desciibed in statements which will iiereafter be fonvtirded to the office of the Treasurer of said County, wiU be sold at public auction by said Treasurer, at the County Seat, on the first Monday of December next. at the time and place designated for the Aunual Tax Sales, if not previously redeemed or canceletl accordiug lo law. Said statements coutain a ful 1 description of each parcel of said lands and may be seen ou application at the office of the County Treasurer after thev are received by him. STANLEY V. TURNER, Dec.l Auditor General. ADIROÑS 'S01KÏBÏ3B TRADg MARK íJraamnBT ■ .' ' - - í %3i Js a ti JSk. in mii i i ■-■ - -mam '■í i H íí wT M j mmm' POSITIVELY (JURES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATIOM, EPILEPSY. leeplessuess and all cierangement ot the Nervou3 Svstem. llnPYPpllprl fnr RpqíIpw RahÍPQ U IIGaUCIIuU lul llüollüoO UQUIüOi Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free froin opiates. One-hundred full size doses, 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Reoeiving Teller Grand Rápida (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too mucli in favor of " Adironda," Wheelers Heart and Nerve Cure. Preparad by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springa, Mich. Sold by John Moore, Druggist. Sklin HoulfT Corner Bates and Lamed sts., only a block from Woodward and Jefferson aTCS. DETROIT, MICH. The house has beenthoronglily renoTiited and is m the heart of the city, convenieut to all car lines, depots and boat landings. Per Pay. 1.50. H. H. JAMES. Reprint Frank Islie's Ilhistrated I I Weeldy War Illustrations 1861-O.í, two ■ R vols. foIio,Sl0.50, payable $2.00 M 1 ly. Deliveredbyexpressprepaid. Send ■ ■ for illustrated circulare. Al salesmen H ■ wanted. i STANLEY BEADLEYPÜB.OO. I 1 S EAST 16TH ST-, N.Y.. U.S.AJ


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Ann Arbor Courier