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While some did dlne on turkey fine, Their heartfelt thanks expressing, Alus a few did have to do VVith crow and chestnut dressing. - Washington Star, Christmas is coming - sure. Only three weeks fro.m to-day. Gen. Spalding's expenses are published in the Monroe Commercial as being $1,956. The Ladies' Charitable Union will ineet in Harris Hall on Thursday afternoon next at 3 o'clock. Bemeinber the annual meeting of tiL-e Y. M. C. A. this evenimg at tlieir rooms on Washington st. There were only five entertainment about town last evening, besides tlie numerous society meetings. Considerable gravel ie being placed in front of the Michigan Central depot to fill up the depressions. ■George Spathelf, Jr., has put in a new teJeptoome at liis place of business on the Northsdde. No. 42 three rings. Ir. Herbert Burke, dent. '92, has opened dental parlors over the Abstract Co's offices, in Lawrence's new block. Secretary Childs ihad about eixty pensioners in nis office before 10 o'clock tbisia. m., to have their papers made out. E. V. Hangsterfer moved out to-diiy, and Edward Cadieux, formerly witli l'aul Schall, wiU opea a barbea: sJiop in 'the store vacated. The ,winlow of Eberbach's hardware store on Main st. looks as ii tliey expected lots of skating this winter. A farm house ssi'tuated about three and one iialf möles north east of Ann Arbor, occupied by Mr. Mills, burned Wednesday. 'Ui e individual who starts the with a kerosene can is not entirely dead yet. We hear of him or hei occasionally. It ivas a 1ely quiet Thanlisgving here in Ann Arbor, almost as quiet as Siuiday. EA-erybody not out of town remained indoors at home. The first man to pay bis taxes this year was Samuel N. House, whose p-roperty is 0;n the North side, but who now Ci'ves in Owosso. Down in Monroe they fine men for küling muskrats out of season. Next you know there will be a law against kiMing house rats and fleas. &urvcving turkeys may now come out trom undor tlie barn. - Argus. 'XJiat is the s!y way the Argus man projjoses to secure his bird for Christmas. E. D. Alley, who was at one time witli A. íi. Xoble, but who has been ïn business for himsedf at Brighton for the past two years, has gone to Denver, Col. "Hit am a fack," eaid Uncle Eben, "dat it ain't no use ter worry. But liit ain 'jes ■ much er fack dat it ain't no ase ter teil er man dat liit ain't no use to;1 worry." Tlie Jackson Citizen did not compliment the Universitj' Glee Club very hlghly, upon their recent vlsit to that i-ity, hut eays that tlie "Banjo Club was passably (tood." Fifty-five orders were fiMed tbis moi-niiig at the Courier office for Sprague's Abrklgement of Biackstone, a work whicll is published for tlie Sprague School of Law, Detroit. The annual meeting of tlio Xeedlo Work Guild will occur to-morrow, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, at ;! o'clock p. in., at the residence of Mrs. V. S. Perry, til Washington St. All interested are invited. A pleasant surprise party was gwen at the residence [ Mrs. Pauline Ilawkes oñ S. Fiftli ave., last eyening, in honor of her l'ather-in-law, who celebrated his O tth birtlulay yesterday. There was : rood sized audience at the Unitarian church last evening to listent o Rev. Lee McCollister, and look nt the pictures of "Constant.nople and the Sultan," wliich he gave with a magie lantern. Rev. TTm. Collins, pastor of the the A. M. E. church, and E. Thomas, chairman of the recent bazaar, report the net .proceeds frcwn the fair to le $57.19. A total oí $70.19 was taken in. i The Michigan Central has invested in a bulletin board which will be placed at tliO entrance of the depot, and on which the latenees oí trains will be registered tor the acconimodatlon of patrons of the road. Tlie Sawyer & Co dancing club was re-orgnnized for the tlv.rd year, at Gramger"s Academy last evcning. It will consist of about twcnty-four couples, and meet every Mondá-y evening, aft-er next Monday evening. Harvey Cornwell, of í. División st. has just completed the work of making connectlon with, the main sewer. He had to run a line of p'.pe from his residence to the crossing of the main sewer on Detroit etreet. Rescdents around the corner of Fííffch aw. and Washington st. complain of being annoyed evenings by ! boys tlirowing stones against the doors and otherwise creating disturbance. D:d you e-r see one of those innocent looking "Indian handcuffs?" If you ha-ve not you should get one rig-ht awa:y, aud show it to yo'ur friemds. It is a very coniicaj. little article made of woiein basket sp lints. J. E. Trojanowski will move Í .is barber shop to the store on State st. now occupied by the Bowdish & Matteson stock, on Jan. lst. The building will be refitted and an entirely new outfit of chairs and miri-ors will be put in. The machine set items appear to get bndly ,mcxed sometimes when they appear ín "the weekly edition of the Couréer, oud somo of our neighbors are 'haviilng considerable sport over one or two of them. Tliat's right, boys, its cheap. It :s noticeable that the merchant wh o cüngs to obsolete methods, or does not fldvertise, is the one most ready to oneer at the pi-ogressiveness of hls competitors. But the progressive merchant gets there while the obsolete one isn't in it. At .the ajuiual meeting of the Brotherliood of S. Andrew Friday eve at Harria Hall, II. J. Brown was elected director ; H. I. Mars, secretary, and ïed W. Blake, treasurer, for the ensuing year. The next meeting will be held Dec. lOth. There was a good eized andience at the Methodist cliurch last even'ng to listen to the CanadTan Jubilee singers, wlio gave good satisfaction. Tlietr troupe are all they pretend to be, and are deservimg of excellent patronage wherever they go. John Flynn died last Weduesday at his Jiome, cot. N. FLfth ave. and Benkes st. He was about 60 years Ojd; a -ieteran of the late war and a jnember of the G. A. R. post here. Tlie funeral will take place at his late B-e&:.dence on Friduy mrning, at 8:45 o'clock. Welch post will attend in .a body. There were more than the usual number of vacant chairs at tlie fanii'.y reiiinVns held Thursday. The year seems to have beea a sad one for many a íamily here in this city and vceinity. Of course, every year has its list of deaths, but 1894 seems to have eclipsed other years, as f ar as Ann Arboir ís concerned. One week troon Sunday ■will occur .the dedication of the new Zion Lutheran .Germaji church at the corner of F.ifth ave. and Washington st. Th ree services will be held during the day a.nd several prominent speakers trom other cities will be present. The ,musJc wlll be furaiished by the chaïr oí he Ypsila.nti cliurch. Ann Arbor's se welig school is largely atteoided and many young ladiee are betng in'tiated into the mysteries of makiing, patehing and (larnúig. Slioujd any of those dear giriB ever marry country editora they :!1 fiaid itheir knowledge in tliis diïei-t'on i most useful and necessary acfomp'jishniejit. - Dexter Ia dor. Tlie horse of Mrs. Chas. Nedthammer took a lively i-u.n on its own account on AVednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ntebhammer was drlvlng and left her horse in front of Chas. Dunn's house. Tlie animal became frightoni-d and Iran down Broadway until it struck a tree, emaahing the carriagB and 'injuring the horse wliat. Ypsi'.anti's high school buiding had ghosts, 'but :t hasn't ajiy more. Tyuisdny niiiht 'Live marshall phieked up nis courage, got a firm grip on h's shootiiijj iron and started in to capture tibe hade. He gtt hím. But lie was ri ehe - a Avoma.n slig'htly unbalanced in mind. Now the marshal feeJe hig to have captured a real, live ghost. Ground ,was 'broken for tJvo new edifico .to e erected in Detroit, as a meinonia,l ,to the late Bishop Harris, Frtday last. It will be a $G0,000 church, and Rev. Tr. O. Waters formerly fissistant to tlvo rector oí St. Andre-w's church ín thia city, and curator of Harris Hall, is tlie rector, which gives onr people an unueual .'ntercst thereiji. The good people of Detroit appear to be iuterestiug theraselves considerably in the Columbian organ concert. Jas. E. Scripps, of tlie Detroit Tribune, said he would take ten $25 tickets, and il" anv other Detroiter would do likewise he would take twenty $25 tickets. That other gentleman will in all probability be found. In the mean time a committee has been fonned there and a systematic push made for the sale of tickets. Cards are out annouiicing the marriage of Mr. James Rowland Angelí, son of President Angelí of the Unie versity, ajid Miss Marión Watrous, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Leaeh Watrous, of Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesdny, 13 ec. 18th. Th-e ceremony will take place in St. Paul's church of that city, at G o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mts. Angelí will be "Át Home" after Feb. 20th, at ."712 Monroe ave. Chicag-o, 111. The Epyvorth League of the M. E. chu'rch is to organize a glee club of male voices, and on Saturday evening Prof. Stanley will select the singers frorn those who makeapplication for membership therein. H is understood that the League is to establish a lecture course to be confined to ]laces in the immediate vicinity of Ann Arbor, and tho glee club will accompany the lecturer each evening to enliven the meeting and inake il more attractive. One of the B. Y. P. U's informe us that at their social Friday ]iight in the Baptist church pailore, those who come will be furnished witli chicken p!e, pumpkin pie, pieplant jjie, squash pie, apple pie custard pie, peach pie, and pie, pie, pie, of all known kinds and descriptions, and many that have never been known or described. The only way to get this pie is to go after it. The iDelta Sigma Nu fraternity oí the high school gave a very delightful party Jast Wednesday evening at Granger's 3ia.ll. About 30 couples were present. The music, which was furnishcd by L. Jones, was very fine, and the two-step which he wrote for the fraternity made a great hit. The patronesses were Mrs. AV. Tiiton, Mrs. E. B. Hall, Mrs. "VV: G: Doty and Mrs. A. R. Seavey. The program consisted of 20 regulars and ten extras. Wednesday Last at 7 o'clock, at the home of 'the brkle's mother, Mrs. Dowdigaoi, No. 38 Wiiliaans st., M:ss Mary Dowdga was undted in marriage witli Mr. Oliver Carson, of Indianapo'.ls, Ind. Uie immed ate í imily only were present. The grooni ís ,a g-raduate here, law '93, and is iiow practicing his professon at his home. The bride has ma.ny fri&nds in tliis city who will wlsh her a long and ueeluil life. The couple left on the eai-ly train for Toledo. lile Adróan L'ress maltes this remark : "President Angelí, lias, in some manner been drawn as a juror 'in the Washtenaw circuit eourt. He proposes to serve, too. About tli e Karst question somie lawyer will ask wSU 'be 'do you read the newspapers ?' 'And t is in-k bottles aga-lnst a foot 'ball, that there'll be no Angels on nuiy jury ths term. As he is an IAj. i., i. e. Doctor oí Laws, lie may le able to lo a little something for sTOiie oï the sick laws passed by the last tegislature." This pretty hard item is going the rounds ,oL tlie pires : "One of the cuwosities of Brazal is a tree whose wood and bark contain so much si:ica that they are used by potters. Both "wood and bark are burned in equa.l proportions with clay, produc■:ag a very superior ware. The trees gpow to the lieqght of 100 feet, but do not exceed a loot in diameter. Thr fresh bark euts like sandstone, and whien driíul is brittïe and hard.'1 Perliaps l!ro. iSm'tli, of the Argüís, lias a póece of that bark to continually rub that penoll of his 011- he k-eeps it o sharp a'.l the time. Isext Monday e■enin.:, at tlie Inlaad League, will be glven up t-o the ladi-es, -vho will have eoitire charge of the progTa.mme. Ttoere will be three twetny niiaiute speeches by Mrs. .1. B. Angelí, Mrs. J. IV, Martin and Mrs. Elsie Jones Cooley. Mrs Ang-cll will speak on the customs of tlie Chinos!', eepecially of their women. Mrs. Martin will glve au account of dier .suminer's outing in the west. Mrs. Elsie Jones Cooley wjll talk aboiut Italy. A special musical programme will be prepared for the evening.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier