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Cost Of Legislature, 1893

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lïoport of Auditor General, 1893. EXPENSES OF SENATE. Officers. Memb'rs. Total. Perdiera- S16,O24 50 $14,91S 00 Í30.942 B0 Mlleage Sli 10 820 80 1,7:12 90 Stationery.. 5 00 153 00 160 U0 Total S16.8U 60 Í15.993 80 $32,83,5 40 Incidentals ''"2 91 Total expense of Senate $31,828 31 EXPENSES OF HOUSE OF KEPRESENTATI VES. Offlcers. Merab'rs. Total. Per diem- $22,918 37 $46,191 00 $69,109 37 Mileage .... $1,155 60 2,765 70 8,961 81) Ötationery . i3ö 00 43.3 00 Total $24,073 97 9,391 70 73,:03 67 Incidentals $3,833 9j Total expense of House $77,339 62 Total expense of Senate 31,828 34 Total expense of Leglslature- $11-2, If7 !'g DAY 0F0FF1CEKS OF THE SENATE, 1893. J. "VVIgbt Giddings, president $478 00 Denuis E. Ahvard, secrelary $1,045 80 KlbertV. Ohilson, assistanl seoretary 730 00 James G. Clark, bill clerk 717 4o Wm. S. Carpenter, engrossing and enrolling clerk 229 00 Mrs. Florence C. Betts, assistant engrossing and enrolling clerk- 455 40 Jennie H. Clark, extra engrossing and enrolling clerk 251 06 Gee. H. Bussey, sergeant-at-arms. 747 00 Daniel U. (Jrotty, rirst assistant, sergeant-at-arms 459 40 John Bette, seeond assistant, Bergeant-at-armu 450 60 John V. Suell, janitor 451 (o J, P. Mimay. assistant janitor 200 (o OrvilleE. Uarnum, ass't janitor- . 448 fi'J Jas. R. Murray,assistnnt janitor._. 460 60 A. E. Ross. assistant janitor 161 00 G. W. Bowker, assistaut janitor 300 00 Isaac Harrls. assistant Janitor 152 80 Adah F. Browne, janltress 456 80 Joseph C. Ford, keeper of elouk room 451 00 George W. Bowker, keeper of document room 154 40 J. P. Murray, keeper of document room 243 00 Edward Roblnson, keeper of commltteeroom 451 CO S. D. Anderson, assistant keeper of committeeroom 444 60 Thos. F. Farrell, committee clerk- cities and villages 455 40 G. S. Frenzel, committee clerk- appropriatlon and flnance 457 40 Mark M. Powers, committee clerk- Judiciary 451 40 Chas. 8. Campan, committee clerk -liquor traffic, counties and township8, roads and brldges 245 40 Eli Bidleman, committee clerk - liquor trafile, counties and townsliips, roadsand brldges. 210 00 Herbert C. Kead, committee olerk state affairs, supplies and expenses 202 00 E. E. Hice, committee clerk- state affal rs, siippl les and expenses 244 00 J.B. Powell, committee clerk- railroads and flsheries 546 80 C. V. DeLand, committee clerk - election and electlon laws, taxation and tax law 446 40 CoraB. Weber, rammittee clerk- electlon and Insurance 455 J0 Stewart Grlswold, presldent's messenger 309 40 ir. a. rost, seeretary's messenger 303 00 Herman Marks, sergeant-at arms messenger 309 40 Morgan Parker, senate messenger. 309 40 Roy H. Marsh, " 310 80 Mark C. Wixom " :jio 00 Ward Koyce, 375 40 Lewls Campan, ' 305 00 Thos. A. Gulllter, " 309 40 E, C'. Fox, " 3ii 4U Í16.841 60 Mileage to officers did not average more than $20 each. The remainder of their expenses was per diem. The I average per diem of senators from the lower península was $438; from upper península, $73 '. Tlüs is also true of ïnembers of the house of representatives. PAY OF OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. LewlsM. Miller, clerk _ $1039-10 Samuel K.Cook, journal clerk ' 1)54 80 Daniel S. Crossman, correspondine clerk __ _ yj2 8o Monter L. Munson, tinanciaïcïêrk 447 70 John N. l olter. engrossing and enrolling clerk 451 e_ E. H. Rockwood. assistant engrossing and en rolling clerk 140 00 Isaac Koster, extra engrossiug and enrolllng clerk g m V. 8. Bennett, extra engrossing and enrolllng clerk 3i8 80 M, Í-. Braluard, extra engrossiii" and enrolling clerk 33 62 E. C. Sissun, extra engrossing and enrolling clerk 205 00 Laura C. Heely, extra engrossiu" and enrolling clerk 9 00 Carrle Holt, extra engroselnu and enrolling clerk _._ 24 00 Jessie Holt. extra engrogglne and eurolling clerk 15 75 Fred Green, exira engrossing and eurolling clerk 4 50 Laura Guy, extra engrossing and enrolliug clerk 4000 Helen Carliam, extra engrossing andenrolling clerk 300 8. Sanderson, extra engrosslngWd enrolling clerk 87 je Mabel Gale. extra engrossing'arid eurolling clerk __ _____ 6 qq G.L.Suraner, extra engrossing aiüï enrolling clerk „ „ 6 qq B. B. Fosler, extra eugrossiug and enrolling clerk jqj 25 M1U1 Koster, extra engrossluir and enrolling clerk 7 50 George H. Geeen, extra eugrossing and enrolling clerk 675 M. liorgardus, extra eugrossing and enrolling clerk 3 75 Miss Stanton, extra engrosshi and enrolling clerk B 6 00 Anna Newton, extra engrossing and enrolling clerk.. _ i8 On Ella Wilcox, extra engrossing'and enrolliug clerk ___. B e 00 Llzzle Mationan, extra engrossing aud enrolling clerk lü 5j I -Mac. Pickard, extra engrossfim and enrolllng clerk 12 im Mrs. Adele M. Hazlett, po"sTmI' tress... r 4,t( sn Mrs. Adelaide G. Mosher, assistent postraistress _ 45] qq P. G. Stoner, sergeant-at-armsrini 584 20 Henry Bpaulding, flrst assistaut sergeant-at arms 468 40 John ebert, second assistant sêrgeant-at-arras 4ss _n David Collins, janitor II 7? o Jas. A. Btoops, assistant janitor.... 456 U0 yalvm H.Torrence, " __g _n Harían Colé, " „I tí, LevlJ.Traín ÍSS W.T. Hamlin, ■ f ñ EdwardBecket, 7S S R. B. Larzelere, g Stanley Jackowski, " 226 U0 Win. Minter, " g X," Jiilius Caesar, Janitor committee rooms .„ . „, Mrs. L. J. Boyce, Janltrass, „ Jy 00 Samuel ï. Kggieston, assistant stationery room _n.2 n Wm. Tomlinson, keeper of 'cföak room ..,. .„ Henry Harris, assistant keê"për"öf cloak room .„ Wm. H. Spencer, keeér'o'í""doc'üment room 104 40 A. A. Whitmau, assistant'keëper 01 document room. _ ws _n F. H Chamberlain. ass" t""kTe"pr 4U of document room _ 570 7.1 O. E. Dermont, committee olerk- ways and means, ilsheries and public lands 467 m Jos. E. Greusel, commlitee clerk- municipal corporations, drainage and public health 4V, 4, A. W. p'Keefe, committëe'cïe'fk9 judiciary and elections 4__ 00 J. W. Fitügernld, committee clerk - state atfUl rs. t (iiu'iition and agriculture '. 440 4 G. L. Sumner, cmnmittee clerk - military affairs, liqiior traffic and printing 452 4 George w. Bunnell, committee elerk.- mllroads, private corporatloDS. iiiid labor 451 George A. Dyer, committee olerk- hisurance, ronds and bridges, loivns and countles, local taxation _; 43S 20 H. A. Hopkins, press .clerk 458 0 Kobert H. Arbury, Ciovernor's messeneer 304 40 Bert Way. speakf i's meftsenger 305 ( Lamben Pawson, Clerk's messenEer 30S 0 Norton J. Miller, Journal elerk's messeneer 309 4 Herman Wagner, sergeantat-arms messenger , __ 375 4 John H. Dubois, post office inessenper 308 60 Geo. Hill, document room keeper's messeneer 315 00 Will O'Rielly, committee room keeper's messenger 325 40 Elmer K. Orano, liouse raessenger 302 00 Louis Warren. " ;7 (XI )la Xorrington, " 812 00 Cllfton Brlsrgs, " 808 B John Morse. " 303 00 Frank Connellv, " 299 60 Wlllinm Moll. " 329 40 Ralph C. Miller, " 309 40 Wm.J. Covell, " 309 60 Wm.Zimmerman, " 30'! 40 Harry C. Cole, " J9;j 00 S24.073 97 incidestai, expenses of committees of the legislatuke of 1893. Sesate: Committces- SnppHesand expenditures- SJ51 &S Soldlers' Home 36 00 Contested elections 212 74 Fis erles, __ 301 Si .Mining School i-tf 00 Norm-'il School _ .... 45 00 Statp Public School 4[ 7(j Industrial Home for Girls 20 20 State House of Correction aud Prlson, U. P 140 80 Detroit House of Correction. 70 10 state Prison 2 10 Agricultura! College .__ 20 00 . Unlverslt.y 37 23 Asylnm for Insane 322 50 Asylum Tor Insane Crimináis 24 90 State House of Correctiou 7 IS School for Blind "" 5 ('m School forDeaf 31 00 $1,992 97 House: Committee$ - Suppliesand expenditures,-. f384 26 Contested elections 827 34 Sokiiers' Home I "'"" 54 15 Special. In vestigating charges of briber 10 m Umversity _ 5i) 9fi Mining School ZTZZZ 375 00 State House of Correctiou 34 00 State House of Correction and Prison, U P 347 00 Funeral of Eepresentativê Kirkwood gg 93 Funeral of Representatïvê LeaVltt oan fii State Prison ." ,, 50 Agricultura! College.. 31 00 State Puhllc Schoof 5 41 Industrial Home for Glrls. 83 10 School for Deaf..... S 0 School for the Blind ..I 75 20 State Normal School UI 75 00 Fisheries 44 Aüytum for Insane Crimináis Í8 50 Eastern Asylum... s? S MJchigau Asylum , óo Northern Asylum lti 25 $3,833 ÍI5 1.992 94 ?5,826 89


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