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IN 1895. The Simpletons, a new novel by Thomas Hardy, will be begun In the December nunibcr, 1894, and coutinued lo November, 1895. Whoevermay be one's lavorlte among Knglish novelista, iL will be conceded by all crilies that Thomas Hardy stands forera;st au a masterartist iu flclion,and THE8IMPLKT0N3 inay be expected to arouse enthusiasm tiot inferior Id degree to that whicn ha raarkeil Trllby- the most successlüKslory of tlie year. Anoiher leadlng feature will be the Personal Recollections of Joan of Akc, by tbe Sieur Louis de Conté, Her Page and beeretary, under whieh guise tbe most popular of living American magazine writers will present t he story of the Alaid ot Orleaus. Iu the January number will appear a profusely illus rated paper on Charleston and the Cauolinas, the flrst of series of Southern Papers. Nortbern África is attracting more attention Ihan at any ol lier time since it was the seat of empírea. The next volume of HARPER'S MAGAZINE will contaiu tour Illustrated artleles on this región, and three ot them will depicf present life there. Julián Ralph will prepare for the magazine a series ol eight stories, depictiug typical phases ol Chinese Life and Manners. Besides ihe long stories there will begin in the January number the flrst ebapters of A Three-Part Novelette, by Richard Harding Davis- the longest work yel attempted by this writer. Complete short stories by popular writers will continue to be a feature of the magazine. SoïmS for lllustratcd Prospectus. The voluiik of the Magazine begin with tbe Number for June and December of each year. W hen no time is mentioned, subscripi ions will begin wilh tbe Number current at tlie time of recetpt of order. Cloth case for binding, 50 cents each- by mail. postpaid. ■ i Indt -■' si ni "" application, tlemitlance sbould be made by Post-office Money Order or Dra ft, toavoid chance of loss Newepapers are nol In miii this advertiiement without tin ( xpress ordt r of Harpt r & r.nilhirs. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, - one year, $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, - " - 2 00 Postctge Fr ( uil subscribere in tlie Unitfd, States, Canada oud Mexico. -"'' HARPER & BROTHERS. P. 0. Box, 959 N. Y. City, HarpSS Bazar. IN 1895. Elegant and exclusive designs for Out-door and in-door Toilettes, drawu from Worth models by Sandoz and Chatos, are an Important leature. These appear every week, accompanied by minute descriptions and details. Our Paris Letter, by Katharine de Forest, is a weekly Transcript of the latest, styles and caprices in tlie mode. rjnder the head of New York Kashions. pluln directions and full particulars are giveu as to shapes, fabrics, trimmings and accessories of tbecostumes of well üressed women. Children's Clolbing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Paltern-sheet .Supplement enables readers to cut and make their own gowns. Tbe wornan who takes HAKl'EH'S BAZAR is prepared lor every occasion in life, cereinonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requiMle. An American Serial, Doctor Warrick's Daughtèr, by Hebecca Haudikg Davis, a stroug novel of Atnerican life, partly laid in Pennsylvaniu and partly in he far South, will occupy the last half of the year. My Lady Nob Hiy, an intensely sxciling novel, by Maarten Maartess, author ol ■'God's Kool," " The Ureater Glory,:' etc, will begin tbe year. Essay and Social Chats. To thisdepartment Spectator will contribule her charming papers on "Wbat WearcDoiug" in New York i Society. Answers to Correspondents. Questions receive the personal attention of thé editor, and areanswered at tbe earliest possible date after their receipt. Scnd for LUustrated Prospfctus. The Volume of tbe BAZAR begin with the flist Number lor January of each year. When nu time is meutioned, subscriptions will begin with tne number curreut at llie time of the receipt of order. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, poslpaid, on receipt of fl.OOeach. Tiile-page andindex sent on (ipplicdtion. Reuiittance should be made by Post-omce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Kewspapers are not to copy this adverlisemenl without the exprese order of Harper (L■ Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, -$4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - - 2 00 Postage Fice lo all subscribas in the Vmted States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 959, N. Y. City, IN 1895. HARPER'S WKUKLY isa pictorial history of the times. It presenta every important event promptly, a'ccurrately v.nd exhaustively in Illustration and descriptive text of the highest order. The manner in which, during 1S91, it bas treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and tbe China-Japanese War, and the amouut of light it was able to tbrow on Korea tne instant attention ivas directed to that littleknown country, are exainples of its al most boundless resources. Jui-IAN Ralph, the distinguisbed writer and correspondent, haa been sent to the seat of war, and there joined by C. 1). Weldon, the well-known American artist, and lor many years resident iu Japan who bas been engaged to co-operate with Mr Ralph In sending to HARPER'S WKEKLY exclusive Information and illustration. During lSltt every vital question will be ■ dlecussed with vigor and without prejudice I in the editorial columns, and also in special articles by the highest authorities in each department. Portraits of the men and women who are. making history, and powerful and and CHUStio pollllcal cartoons, will continue to be characteristic features, 'ibis Busy World, with iu keen and kindlycomment on the lesser doings oL the day, will remaln a regular deparlment. Khtion. There will be lwo powerful seríais, both handsomely illustrated- -The Red Cockade. a stirring romance of olden days hy stanley J. WEYMAN.anda novel of New York, entitled The Son of His Fatlier by Brander Matehews - several novelettes and many short storles by popular writers. Send for Illustrated Prospectus. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the hrst Number for January of each year When no timéis mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of $1 00 each. Title-page and Index sent mi appticoMon. Remittances should be made by Post-office loss"67 or Drafti to avoid chance ot N-wspapers are not to copy this advertiiement without the express order of Harpbk & BrothHARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year -E4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Pree to all suóscribers in the United States, Canada or Mexico. ' Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 969 N. Y. City, lUITU liin UniUril Cau ootaln pleas ffltN AN WIIMI-N latnndprolitable IIILI1 HI1U IIUllILii work bv addressing the CON1EKXVILI.E Mfg. Co., Manville, E. I., mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 14 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention tuis paper. '' 9 aíWiURlDmiHCUSPATliiíliJ.UISÜÍiJliilt'JiHi íífÍ THE AMERICAH TOBACCO COHPAHY. SUCCESSOfc W ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Has stood the Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINEO rAKYOÜRH0RSESHCm ijj W OWINTER USE. It ABSOLUTELY prevenís slippingr, I and insures perfect sat'ety and comfort to horse and driver. Shod with the " Neverslip," your horse's feet are always in good condition - kept eo by not haring to constantly remore the shoes for sharpening. The CALKS are REMOVABLE, Steel-Centered andSELF-SHARPEmHG Whon worn ont new Calks can be easily inserted without remoying shoes. Baring an immense amount of time usually lost at tbs blacksmith shop. On receipt of postal will mail free onr tescriptire circular containingprices of Calked Shoes, ready to be nailed on, for trial, offeied this winter at very low pnces. HEAVY HARDWARE CO., Toledo, Ohio. dkalkhs in Blacksmith' íú Wagon Makers' Suppliss. So!d Agenta for Wasbtenaw Coanty, ÍLEAD3 THE_WORLÍ f I SU% ,rr"AJBERïCAN I LflUOVj 5 CÜTÖLASS. $ S lllgSest Av.ard World'a ISalr. Ig I ío ïf yu A'ant the l'rVA finest quality cut fëi3)g!ass, buy goodsl I Vi'LïïIv having ihis tradef ÖLDo5 mark. $ t Por Sale at Wm. Arnold'8 Jenclfy store g J2ÖÖLLAR8 ■v PER MONTH In Your Own Locality made easily and lionorably, without capital, during spare hours. Any man, ■voman, boy, or girl can do the work hanclily, without experience. Talkinfr unuecessary. Nothiug like it for moneymakiug ever offered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted in learning the business. We tc.icli you in a night how to succeed from the flrst liour. You can niake a tri:il without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish everythiug needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you asainst failnre if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you ave In need of ready money, ana want to know all about tlie best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. OíE BNJOYS Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant aud refreshiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system eiiectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of' its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any 3ubstitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. IH.Y, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure (rape Cream of Tartar Powder. Nerve jv Blood Tonic jPuilder e p.r si.5i.5j0T schenectadv. N.Y.' WAÏÏTED Men towork for us whodesire tomake money this fall and winter durlng slaok times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have spare time, out of work, or looking for a paying business write me at once. Pred. E. Young, Nurseryman ROCHESTER N. Y. Oiilike the Duteii Pracess tRo AMes Otter Cnemicals are used in the preparation of W. Bato k Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa, ■wfiich is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strcngfli of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easili DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester.Mass. SGHIFFM ANN'S Aslhma Cursi Never fails to give instant relief in the worst EÉ cases, and cifcuL eurea whcio otlitra fall. M Trial Pnclmge F1ÍEE oí il rugiste or by Mali. AddraB DB. R. SOHiFPÏANN, EPanlinnJ CAN I OBTAÏN A PATENT? Fora prompt nnswer and un bonest opinión, write to MUJÏN fcCO., who have bad Dearlyflftyyears experience in the patent business. Communications strictly coTifldential. A llandbook of Information concerninf? Patenis and bow to obtain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechanical and scientiflc books aent free. Patents taken tbronph Munn & Co. receive snecialnotieeintbe Srintific American, and 'tbus are brouirht widely before the public without cost to the inventor. This pplendid paper isued weekly, elesantlyillustrated.hasbyfarthe larfiest circulatiou of any scientiflc work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, íí5 cents, fevery number contains beautiiiil plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans, enabling Duilders io show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MÜKN & CO., NEW YOUK, Stil BROADWAT QEÜL DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES, Sure Cure for Weak Men, as proved by reportsol leading physicians. State age in ordoring. Price, 81. Catalogue Free. H% a e A safe and speedy B5 U BW cure for O Ie et, M W. 'M Strlcture and all unnatural discharges. PricetëS. jlREEKSPECIFICitTo ":ind Skin BlseasesjScrot" n3oa Sores andSyïihilIlic A fie ct i ons with outmercury, Prico, #2. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. J52S189 Wisconsin Street, MHWAUKEj. WI8. iWMECAinöiayl i At the expense of little ]xyiJ0T 5 ( mo.'ty and his spare jp$j&w$fS i time obtain a fair work '%S ■'s } ing education. F 1 v jSTUDYATHÖMEJ THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, f Comprisïngtheleadingcorrespondenceschoolsintheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. II III The School of Lew prepares pupils for admission J ï LM 11 tothe bar, byan extended, thoroiiffhcourse. IIas f f over 1,600 studeiits ín every part of the country. ♦ Í inBIDIlAMOM Tllls schoGl eaches journalistic Í JUUnNAuÖEll anclliterary-work from the , w ammmmmm.- catión up, f i ü (I n 1 ICCDIUr Tll'S school is condurtl by l 'PUnDT UIMn This school tcachcssliort-handliy f í bHÜHI-HAWU sffitíSiSSSÍE Í PDCCl nnrl I ÍTIIU This school teaches i GREEK and LATÍN Bfe.$-fisjj ti on to the mo5t advanced work in the classics. Tho aboye schools tcach by the J J enee methoit only, and recognize no riïals in t j their respective tieiiis. t f a Address, stating in E f w - Oeíf ■ & which srliool you are J Í ". J, ,A' V & plose ten 'cents in t J T'íí ' : '"y stamps for catalogue. 5 ' -■ :h Hach school has sep 5 I arate cataloBue. j J. COTNER, JH.. Í j vP('':'ilëyv]V Scc'y&Treas.. I ?1J?$Í.'J] 'J DETROIT, MICH. Í ! 'StJ Víí5KTelephone Blds. Uw. ,,i I nrRer,r!nt Franb LesHe'a niustrated I I Weekly War Illustrations Í8M-65, two ■ ■ vols. ■ ■ ly. Deliveredbyexpressprepaid. Send I ■ for ïllustrated circulars. Al salesmen I ■ wanted. I STANLE7 BEADLETPUB. 00. I 5 EAST 16TH ST., N.Y., U.S.A.


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