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The folknving is a liet made Ln Taris of tlie 25 highest priced books in the world : "L'Anioaireux Traaisi,'1 by Jean Bbuchet, printed on "vellum. Quarifcli paid $3,200 for it at the Sutherlamd sale iai 1882. "Tlie Psalter of Meaitz," of 1457, Loaiis XVIII. paid $2,400 for a copy of it, -whieh he presonted to the Natioiial libraxy at Paris. Quaritch's price for the second edition of 1450 is $25,000. Tlie Yaldarfer "Boccaccio," printed at Yenicc in 1471, brouglit at the Blajiford sale $10,400. BoucJier's "Figures de Moliere" brought $5,400 al the Pichón sale. Tlie Caxton ''Boccaccio," printed in 1470, brought $4,000 at the Techencr sale in 1886. ■I. office de la Toussaint" brouglit $3,000 at tlie La, Carelle sale. Baron Pichoo paid $9 for it in 1847. "Boccaccio," first edition of 1471. brouglit $11,300 at tlie Eoxbuvglio sale. T] works (f Rabelaie, prlnted iy Dolet, brought $2,S00 at the Teoliener sale in 1887. "Monxuaent du Ooetume," by Preudeberg aad Moveau. brouglit $4,500 at the Behaguo sale In 1880. The works of Origene. bound wlth tlie anus of Henry II. and Diane de Poltiere, bronght $3,000 at the Muller sale iai lS'.i'. Ovid's "MetEunorphOfils," illustrated by Moewau, Bouclier and Eisen, brought $2,000 at the Marquis sale in 1890. "Entree de Henri II. a Paris et de Charles IX. " brought $4,000 at the Dcstailleur sale in 1891. "La Chaise Royale du Hoi Charles IX.," prrated in 1025, brought $2,530 at tlie Behague sale. "Le Songe de Polypliile," printed in 1499 by Aldus, brougJit $2,900 at the Gosíord Bale isa 18S2. "Ivés Amours de Dapímis et Chloe," pvintecl iu 1718, brauffht $3,500 at the Quentim-Bauchart sale. "Ies Quatre Dernieres Clioses," printed by Caxton 'va 1474, was sold by Quaritch for $2,500. The works of Virgil, printed on vellum at Rome in 1470, were sold by Quaritch. $5,000. The works of Homer, printed by Aldus lm 1504, were sold by Qraritali for $3,300. The "Eoland" of Ariosto, pa-inted at Ferrara in 1516, was eold by Quaritch for $2,500. Tlie ïiirst edition, 1479, of Gelius Aulus, brougnt $4,000 at the Sunderland eale in 1882. The woirks oí Manstrelet, printed on Aielluni lm 1500, brougüvt $5,600 at I the feale in 1887. "The Botoe of St. Albaras," iirinted in 148G, was sold by Quaritch for $3,700. "Histoirianum Eomeorum," printed at Yenice in 1470, was sold by Quaritch. for $4,000. The first folio of Shakespeare's plays was sold by Quaritcli tor $6,000. Gutenberg's Bible, second edition, 1450 or -Uiereabout, was eold by Quaritcli lor $15,000.


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Ann Arbor Courier