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Wtn. E. Stockinsr is home from Lans'.ag tor the week. Mies Jeonie Daniels oí Grogory, i-i visitiiiLí relativos in the ciby. 'J "he Beta Theta's are to arive a m;u; on Friday niglit. rft Auna Bennett epent Kunday witli friend? in Owosso. Mrs. Walter L. Tnylor, of the 5th ward, te quite 111. To Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Looker, oí Geddes ave., a boy. Amarían Hammoaid, of the Nortliside is on the eick list. ' Tlios. (odilen, of the Northside, vho lias been 111, is about once more. Hobert K. Ailes is quite dangerous11 w il:!i inflainatioii of the lungs. Henry "Waid Bcecther Hicks, of Jlissouri, is visiting liis íather íor a few days. Mrs. Wm. PlaiTis, of Detroit, is visiting Tlios. Keams, of División stieet. N. J. Kyer, ivho attended tlie state meeting of the millar at Lansing, is home. Patriok Kennedy of E. Kingsley st., wlio has been eeriously ill is convalescing. Miss Mary Kearney lias gone to Brooklyn, N. Y. íor permanent residence. Mrs. C. Bulus, of E. Ann st., has gone to Temple, Clare couivty for the "winter. Mre. Kathai-ine Mogk, oí Packard st., who has been seriously ill, is coaivalescüig. Mr. Johm Bernhai-dt, of Jackson, lis vfelting liis mvther and sisters in this city. Mrs. C. M. Stone lias returned from a visit with Mrs Lucinda. II. Stone in Kalamazoo. Judge J. Willard Babbitt is in Washington, D. C, the guest of Congressmañ Gorman. Mrs. Roy McCIure and Mrs. Frank Hess give an At Home Thursday f rom 2 to ü o'cloek p. m. Mre. Deam and daught-ea-, of Waterloo, are gnests oí Mrs. F. A.i Howlett oí E. Ann street. Miss Nellie Gaffney who has been visitmg Maggie Cullanane, of Dexïer, has returned home. Miss Nettie Daniels, of the Normal School, spent Sunday Avitli Ajiu Arbor relattves. Miss Mereia House, of liiclifield Sp-rimgs, N. Y., is -iisiting at toe home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peterson. Mrs. Jenlks, -n-lio has been a guest at Moses Seabolt's íor gome weeks has returned hoim to Frankfort. Mrs. M. 'H. Brenner who has been visiting r-elatives in Hanoliester and Ghelsea is expected home to-day. The little daughter of Marvin Iavemport, janitor of the court house is very low witli intei-mittent lever. EU "W. Moore is on an extended lbrij east and soutlx in the interest oí the Aun Arbor Agrieultural Works. Mrs. J. B. Martin, oí Quincy, has been called to Ann Arbor by the illness of her sou, who is in the University. Mrs. H. M. Pack who has been visiting her brotlier A. V. Itobison, i-eturned home to-day to Boyden's Plaiins.. Mrs. J. C. Higgins who has been the guest of Mrs. üiles B. Iee fox a íew days lias returned home to Detroit. The Mieses Jones, of Cedar Ilapids, Iowa, are -sisiting their cousin Miss Miss G-eneveive Cornwell, on N. li■vision et. Mrs. E. Cattaach who has been visiting her sister Mrs. P. N. Tagge, and nieoe Mm. W. J. Miller, returned home to Brantford, Ont., this a. m. Emery E. Beal, the Yp&Uanti druggfet, was in the city yesterday and reporte that work on the new opera house is belng pushed in that city. W. T. Wliedon of Norwood, Mass., passed through the city Bunday niglit on hits way t Bt. Louis, Mo. He wil! stop over on Ms way home in a day or two. SriiM Nathlie Wahr, daughter of Geo. Walir, gi-es a eleigh ride party tof.'ity of her little friends, after which s'ie will treat them to a supper at Hangsterfer's, Dr. Fred. H. Weir, who will be pleasaotly reinembered by many of OUT young people as the organizer oí tlie Cliequainegons, is in LaPorte, Ind. He ivas 1een quite seriously ill for the past fow months. President Angel] entertained Ex-Gov. Russell during bis brief visitto the University. Mr. Russell was accompanied to Ann Arbor by Mr. Eridicott, a descendant of the old Endicott family of Massachusetts. A reception was given at President Angeli's home, Friday evening after the lecture, a number of Harvard Alumni being present. Miss Maggie Simitli started California Tuesday. Mies Mary Sullivíin, oí tlie P. O. foroe, vdaited Detroit Monclay. A. C. Broek, foreniaa of John Baumgardneo-'s Granite works has gone eust on bus:ntss tfor the fii-m. Mus. Tudge Han-imam went to Battle Creek Morad a y a. m., to visit iher daughter Mis. Chas. Hutchinsom. Richard "Budolph" Keams, oí Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents iii Ann Arbor. Edward Treíidwcll Is yery loiv, at his home on E. Hurón st., and it is thought can mot H-ie but a short time. James C. Lewis, of Ütica, Mich., is ],is mother on S. Fifth ave., cor. Jefferson Bt. Ward Howlelt has been conímed to his home om E. Aun et., severa.1 days, by in aitack on h B taiigs. "Wtosh I -was íowji in Intevlaken wi'th John Mieer." That's -vhat all the boys say uch days as these.


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Ann Arbor Courier