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Mrs. I. F. Sc.haire.r left Friday for Chicago, to vlsit a sister. Mirs. Ed. I. Taykw is very ill, at theiir rooms on W. "Huron st. Mrs. ffm. A. Clark has returned fnoim a few day's visit In Detroit. Mrs. Keho, of Milán, has removed to Aaon Arbor permanently. Mrs. W. D. Harriiman returned froui lier vfeit fco Battle Oreek to-day. Herbrrt Knaidall is expected back home trom the cast next Friday. WaJter G-abrelski was m the city Over Smtiday the guest oi hos family. Marvin Swift has returned to 1exington, after a brief stay at hia liome. Win. E. StOcUimg lea res t!:i afteivnooa for h:s official dlatiee at Lansiaig. Prof. l't-kliain leaves Monday for a five week's trip to the Ti-inidad Islands. Miss Susie Smlth, of Jackson, is' tlu' guesi of Miss Minnie Drake, of E. II u ron st. Mrs. Wm. Harris has roturned home to Detroit, after a yisit wibh friends Ln this city. Mis. Olivia B. Hall expects to take an extended trip to New Mexico and California, eoom. Mi. Jolim Stapleton, of Howell. has been vtsiting her daughter Mrs. Buler for a few days. Mrs. Curry, oí Iroowood, is visitinii Mrs. Geraldine Ötaebler, of Clierry street . M:ss Jossic Skeldon, of Toledo, O., is the gaiest of Miss Hattio Long, oí Miller aTie. Robert K. Ailes, who has bee-n very 111 witJi inflammation oí the lung'S is reported better. Dr. Geoirge E. Frothimgliani of Detroit, was in tovvn Monda y, 011 a flytag business trip. Mrs. Mabel Bailey who has been viiisiting her paa-ents M:r. and Mrs. J. D. Stimson has returned home. Freelamd Dibble was in froon Detroit to spend Suaiday wlth hls mother Mrs. Gregory Dibble of E. Washington st. Miss Je-an Phillips, of London, Ont., is the guest oí her brother, Kabert Phillips of the State Savings bank. Chas. Snyder who has lately been traveling in Montana, tvíII return to the senior law class next semester. Mirs. iiHaiter, of EOensEngtoii', arrived im the city Saturday a.s a giiets at Clias. Spoor's for a time. Mrs. E. E. Baxter has rernted her home on Jefferson et., and gone to Detroit to Uve with a daughter. Dr. J. N. Martin will go south as soon as he ds able to make the journey, acco.mpanied by Mrs. Martin. Hom. Edward P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, is oaie oí the speakers at the reP'ublican club banquet .at Pontiac Feb. 12th Mms. Celia Dea.n and Miss Blanche Dean ,of Wateirloo, have been guests of Aun Amar friends during tlie past week. Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob Teufel, of W. Second st., celébrate the ninth annLvei-sary oí their marriage Saturday e van ing. Miases Garr'ie Nisle, Anna Jacquman, and Anna Fausel, of Manchester, are guests of Mrs. Fred 0. Martty, of W. Washington st. The Beta Theta's guve their annual Germán lat Grang-er's Hall last Friiday eveaiing. Tlie cha-perones were Mrs. J. J. Goodyear and Mrs. J. H. Wade. Mits. Otls Haven and Mrs. Oliver Martin will give an At Home Wednesdiay aftertnoon Jan. 30th, froni 3 to 6 o'clock p. m., at the residence of Mrs. Martin No. 18 Fiffch. aw. F. E. Mills neTer was a very extensh-e kicker himself, bnt he has a colt that is ome, and as a conse-quence he now igoes about with a game leg a.nd a carne. " Piof. "and Mrs. Fred C. Clark" have retumed fixnm their European, trip, and are stopping with Mirs. Clark"s parents, Mr. and Mre. J. "W. Knig'ht on E. WüUlam st-. Mr. and Mts. Henry S. Dean, with Mrs. Stebbkus aed Miss Dean ,give an At Ilojne on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 31st, from 3 to 10 o'clock, at their residence No. 57 E. Liberty st. Judge Babbitt re-turned from hls tnp'to Washington, 1). C Friday evenevediing, and was on duty at th,e probate office this moirning-, looking none the worse for hie liob-nobbing with royalty for a few days. The 12th Mrthday of Clarence, the son of Aldei-man C. J. Snyder and wife, of Gott st., was pleasanlly rememb?red Tuesday evening by a iramber of hls young friends dropping in and euirpirfeing him. Alfred B. Sager lüfc. '72, who lias been absent from tlie ciity .1. number of years, is visiting his old' home once imore, the fruest of his sisters Mtes -C. A. Sager and Mrs. Susan Hardy, of State rrt. Ann Arbor has und-ei'gone niany changes rsince tlie day her etreets were (amular "Al."


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