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Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I COUNTY OF WASHTENAW f In the ruatter of tlie estale of Henry Tower, deceased. Notice is hereby giveu that in pursuance oí an order grauled tu tlie unuersigued executorof the last wlll and testament oi' said de ceased, by ttie Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the 29th day of January, A. D., 1895,tnere will be sold at Public Veudue, to the highest bidder at tlie dwelling house on the fli'St parcel of laúd hereinalter menltoued, In tlie township ol Lodl, in tlie County of Washteuaw, iu said staie, uu Tuesday, the nineteenih day of March, A. 1)., 1895, at teu o'clock ín the lorenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrauces by mortgage or otherwise existlng at. the Urna of the saie.the-followlngdescrlbed Keal Estáte, to-wit: First Parcel- The east lialf of the northeast quarier of section 26; also all that part of tlie noithwest quarter ol section 25, whlch lies west of the highway, excepting that portion thereof owiied by the Presbyterian Church Society. Secoud farcel- Twenty acres off frora the east side ol Ihe southeabt quarter oí said section 2ti. Ttilnt Parcel- The east twenty acres of the westnalf of tüe northeast quarter ofsectlou 35. AU in the township of Lodi, Washtenaw County, Michigan. SERENO BASSETT, Executorof the Last Wlll and Testament of Henry Tower, Deceased. Free Pilis. ( .Sciul your address tO' H. E. Bucklen ( & Co., Chicago, and get a f ree ( ple box of Dr. Kimg's New Lüe Pilis. ( A. trial will coavtnce you of their . merits. Tiiese pills aro easy ia ( tioQ and are pa.rticularly eöective In the cure of OonstLpation and Siok J Headaolie. For Malaria and Liver tro-ubles tliOy have been proved ' vahiable. Tlney are gnaranteed to be ' perfectly free from every deleterious substajice and to be purely vegeta1able. They do not -weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomacli and bowels greatly invlgorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by The Eberbach Di-ug & Chemical Co., ajid Geo. E. Heaussler, Manchester, i EngliiSli Spa-n Liniment removes all Hard, Soit or Calloused Lumps and Blemdisilies from hoirses, Blood Spavims, Ouirbs, Bplints, Sweeney, Bing'Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen 'lliroats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wondertul Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by H. J. Brown, druggist, Aan Arbor, Mich. ABSOLUTELY FREE. THE SEOOND PÏÏBLICATION OF THE PASSENGER DEPARTMENT OF THE C. HL & JD. H. ü. TJtiE Cuaiu Wüftü. Xlie womderiul popularity attained by tJie Llutp lio'uui. ssued by the U. U. óc 'U. K. ii. Go. lenst Unoiaui, luis uiuuced Mr. 1). (i. jbüwuirüs, lue U&neral l'asfteiiger Ag-edic oí tliat ruad, to send out tüe ecoiid series, greatly enlarged ajld witii i tjliglit chaiige. 'llie muuie been cliange-d tn the CHANDDEE WOKICS. Over 20,000 copies oL the Chiip Book were old last mojith. ILundred of ' latory letters werO -eceived by Mr. Edwards upoe tdie itseue, and the bO'OkiS will keep1 om iniproving montü. by momtili. The Jaaiuary nurabor is ■fehe best tliat has reached thls office. It comtains a nuimber oí stoa'ies, prominent aimong wliieh are "ïlie Orlgin oi tlie Dafet," "TtiO Haces on the) "Neva," "The Players at the Chess," "Etching.s : Aftderward,'' "The Man that Never was Found,". "The Original Assessor," and a. n-uinber oi others. Tlie Jnjiuary oiunibei' eontains 50 pnpes, and ís ;i great i in pvi omont over the Decemuber ia&ue. Tlie prioe pemains Stíh píitiip. fiv cents for single copy. Se,nd in yivr niune and addresi, emrlonsf rï e i ent in stamps, in the CH'NTRFK n-paitmcnt of the 'C. H. & T. R. I?., Ciinoinnati, O. 1 1 1 1 H I a E9"g-"M-H I I H I i i (OLIVIA ! i i PAP GALENDAR i i i i A Desk Calendar is a necessity - ' ' most convenient kind of storehouse ' for memoranda. The Columbia Desk i Calendar is brightest and handsomest i 1 ' of all - full of dainty silhouettes ' ' í and pen sketches and entertaining ' i thoughts on outdoor exercise and i 1 sport. Occasionally reminds you of ' the superb quality of Columbia Bi' i i cycles and of your need of one. i 1 ' You won't object to that, of course. ' The Calendar will be mailed for five i i 2-cent stamps. c i Address Calendar Department, ; POPE MFQ. CO., I I 1 ' Mention this paper. Hartford, ConnA ' ' 'i ii ■ i n ■ 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 ii ■ 1 1 1 1 1' ' J The Only Direct Route i From All PolnU ín i ? MICHIGAN AND CANADA TO S 5 Modern Sleeping Cars IMA 5 on NlghtTralns. LSlflM; f JPARLORCARS Clillll lí V è f onDayTralns.1 TIRULAT)} i DAYTONj i mTlandoí SiNDiiNiPONS. öi-rrS mUIAIlHrUUO. V & cincinnatt. m t For rates and full information, address X f D. B. TRACY, Northern Pass. Agt., J son & Woodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. ) JOHN BASTABLE, District Passenger Agt., M 5 Bridge St., Toledo, Ohio. i w D. G. EDWARDS, General Passenger Agent, Carew Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. W TÜTSECRET OF BEAUTY (UtlGUïq f SOAP ♦ ThemosÉ effective skin pnrifying and beautiiying soap in the world. It is the only preventive of piin]iles,blackheads(red,rough, and oily skin, red, rough hands with shapcless nails, dry, thin, and falling hair, and simple baby blemishes. It is so becauae it strikes at the cause of most complexional disfiguratiOns,viz.,TIIECLOGGED,IliKITATi:D, INFLAMED, OVElnVOltKED, OK SLUOGISH POKE. FOR FACIAL BLEMISHES rashes, freckles, bites andstings of insects, irritations, yellow, oily, and mothy skins, chaflngs, and undue perspiration. CUTICUEA SOAP, because of its delicate medication, is the most soothing, cooling, purifying, and healing applieation, as well as being bevond all comparison the purest, swcetest, and most refreshing of toilet, bath, and nursery soaps. Sale greater than combined Bales of all other skin and complexión soaps. Sold throughout the world. Price,25c. Potter Drug and Chem. Cokp., Bole Props., Boston. " AU about the Skin, Scalp, and Hair," iree.


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Ann Arbor Courier