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A Boom For Judge Kinne

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The Adrián Daily Times of Jan. 28, contains the following most excellent editorial : "Simoe thO unqualified announcement Ty Judge Lane tluat he was not a candidate fox tlie approaching vacaney on tlie state supreme bench, the sentiment in this part of the state has imdoubtedly centered upon the Hon. E. D. Kinne, of Ann Arbor, more thaai oii any one of the many distingmdslied gentlemen who constitute the iiield of aispirants for that exalted position. Judge Kinne is perhaps better taiown pereonally tliro'Ug-hout this circuit taan any of his opponents. As judge of the twenty-second circuit he has won the admia-ation and respect of tlie bar throughout hte own judicatAire, and on moxe than one occasion ■when called upon to oificiate for Judge Lane im the ftrst district, he has demomstrated an aptltude for magisterial responsibility that would fully justify his elevatiwn to the highest law giiving tribunal oí the state. "The election will be held in April, and the eoürveation has been called for the auditorium in Detroit, on Thursdiay, February the 21st. The time is tRerefoi-e fitting, especnuiy ui uc i the fflCtSve competition that is developing tn all directions, for the friendo of Judge Kinne throughout the state to tenow that hiB name wül be presented before the coming convention. In malding an annomncement of this conclusión the Ann AtTxxt Courier recalls j tbe cia-enwistonce that at the last j -veatüom, notwithstanding the iact that he was ome oí the last candidates to. be brO'Uglit out, hte name wa so well receijved by .the delegates that he was amoing ith6 leaders in the ballort. KBte waa d'ue aioit ooly to liis solid reputatioin thro-ughout the state for lids just dectsioins and hls impartialty in trying cases, but also. to the record he made a-s a vote-getter in his own rock-ribbed democratie Judiclai district where six years ago he con-rted an a4TCrse majoirity oí 2,000 toto a faAXirable majoa-ity of 2,000. "Sitace tbat coiivention he lias again demomstrated his po-pularity and hold oin the confWience of the people by being re-elected wltfo. a majoirity of 1,500, that his first selectiion was not an accidental one. Thus lne has a renewed claiim being called higher, where his abilities will have a fuller and harger scope. He wonld be an acqufeitiom to Midiigan's supeine court- oaie who'so declsions wonld maintain its past recon-d as ome of tliO fiirst in the country lor breadtli, solidity amd streng th. "Judge Kinne sfoould be nominated om his all-ai-ound record as judge, voite-getter amd exponent of law tearlessly admimistered. Judge McGratli's time will OxpirO next year. Judge Kimne sihould toke Iils eeat, botJi beca'use of the necessary quaUiicatioas alxiTO mentioned and by reasom of tfoe JocatLon glving the soutlierm part of tino state the claim for McGratli's place. "Washtoimw lias liad no place on tne state ticket in years, therefore, ber republicams sliould have encouragcnient, especially alter winning such á yietoiry as tliey lid in theilast canipaign. "In endiorsing lii.s name we believe The Times stands in lino wlth tlio most -irile and activo republican sentiment of tUis section, and we hope to seo Lenawee amd the entire first district eend to Detroit a delegation that wül stand solid and unbroken tor the giited jurist whom the people of Wa&htenaw, without regard to party, are eo proud to claim." □ Rheumatisin is primarily caused by acidity of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and cures the disease.


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Ann Arbor Courier