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John Bernha.rd, Of .Jarksmi, is tístttng his inirtht'i' in thiscity. Miss GrTaCe Merritt. oí Jarkson is yislting in this city. D. C. Goodspeed has gone to Eiclinwxn-d, Ind., a. few days. 0. AV. Wagiipr is in Xoi-tlirni Michigan for a short, tune on business. Mis. Ilarris JSall has returaed froan 111 extended vistt In Kansas. Mrs. Mary AVood-Allen Jias returned from a -visit wifch friends in Chicago. Dr. and Mis. George are eratertainiing Miss Elizabeth Sniith. of Btriialo, N. V. Miss Charlotte Poumd, of Pontlac, is vi-iting lier sister, Miss Maud Pound !)(! Ut. S. Friedb.'rg', ttie ïs. Mitin et. jeweler, wil! sell out his stoek. uul return to the fatherland. Dr. iind Mrs. D. A. McLachlan have both been euiferimg trom au attack of the griippe. Mrs. C. H. Bennett, of Plymouth, has been visiting Mrs. (iles Lee, on State street. Deputy .Sheriff Sweet has been ill fOP ia, few days and miable bo'get out oí hUs hoüise. AV. 1). Chureh, oí Detroit, is speaid; several days in the city, theguest of liLs parent. Pred C. Brown who luis been spending a few day in the city, left for Chicago Bigain ye.sterday. M:.s.-i Lema Mivhael returned Tuesday even ng ïroai a rtay oï several montlis at Orlaiwlu, Florida. Miissee Lilali qjkI Clara Turner, of Battle Creek, have been visiting I'rof. and Mrs. Josepii H. Drake. J. D. Kyan lias gone on a pleasure trip to Ark ansas and will probably visittNew üi'leans before liis return. Dr. A. Kent líale nml Captain Harrls wliom the doctor has been treatbiK, leït ilonday for Ada.m, V. Y. Mre. J. J. Benjamin, of Tlushing, Mcliv is visiting at the home of Jlr. and Mins. M. licnjaaiiUi in the 2d ward. Dr. I. N. Merritt, oí Battle Creek is the city fo.r a few days, coming to the Uiniversity Hospital for treatment. ilrs. Br. Rayniond a.nd daughter, and Miss E. A. Croanaii, oí Grass Lake aire visiting Mits. F. A. Howlett. Mrs. E. F. Gay, foa-nierly of Amn Ai-boa-, is lectures in the Ujiiversdty of London, social ))roblems. It will be good news for the many Menas of De Wltt C. Fall, to leara tJiat he is Blo-wly reocwepiag ir om his serio us illness. Mre. Loia H. Alien, -who has been the guefct oí her párente B. ,T. Conrad and wife, for eoone -weeks, has returneü to Chicago. Invitations are out for an evening receptiou given by Dr. md Mrs. W. B. Smith and their daaghter Mrs. Boutwell, 011 tlie evening of Feb. 12. Mies Mary Pollock has reslg-ned her positron :as stenog-ra.pher for the Crescent Clasp Woi-ks, and will probably go to Toledo to a similar positron. Mrs. A. W. Broek, tog-ether with her son, oí Detroit, fe visitíng her i'iiUier uid mother, Mr. and Mrs. p, B. D. Kellogg, of the Fraaiiklin House. Mts. Nelliie Gleason, who has been visiting her pareuts, Mr. vnd Mrs. W. K. Childs went to Cleveland S,-rturday to jo'in air husband. Tliey will reside in that city penmamently. Mrs. J. J. Lavio lette, and Miss Bernadette Rousseau, oí Detroit, wDl arx&ved in tlue city Satarday as the guests for a f&w days, of Ixmis C. Lartolette, of Jacobs & Allniand. Miss E. H. Wies gave a very pleasant ï-eeeption las-t Saturday evening at her home, Gl Washtenaw ave., to a comipafny of about tliirty young pepple. It was a soap bubble party. .T. T. Jacobs and öhas B. Hiscock left on "I uesday morninir for an extended trip in the eoutli and west. Tïiey wül vi=it California and Texas before return to this city. Tliey will be gouie at least a montó. Prof. H. W. Daniels, of Clinton High School, will soon move to this city Ln order tthat he niay purgue work in tlie University. He and his wife have already been in Ann Arbor lookiing ïor a suitable reeiilence. Miss ciara Feineir, who has been quite ill l'or some weeks, was made very happy Wednesday by a iiumbw of her friend's coming in to remiud, lier of the 20tb amvivHii-sary of her birth, md leaving pleasant femeniln'ances of the ocoasiom. Oranond F. Hunt, lit '81, now Assistant Attoraey of Wanye conwty, was tnado the victim oí a shi-ewd trick yestrday. "White descemding the eleiato.r in the office Hülding wliere he is locat-ed, a man pretenddng: to be intoxioated, feil agaimst him, and rsince t:hat time his diamond stud Ikus lecn missing'. It was a slitk joto, arad worketl on a pretty bright man, too. Ormond will will Hunt for that lost jewel in vahi.


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