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Nature wiíl soon begin lier animal struggle for freedom from winter's icy iinprisonment. Already beneath the frozen surface, giant forces are rnoving in that direction. Piiriflcation is going on. It is the sanie with the human system. The lengthening days are approaching when the blood seeks to recover trom its sluggish inactivity, and it bears in its course gemis of health or disease, as it has stored up the one or the other. It requires therefore to be enriched with vitalizing and health giving qualities to give tone, vigor and health to the system. For this needed and beneficial service nothing is so powerful as Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. Liki Nature's own wondrous remedies in the physical world, which purify the mountains and streauis as they fill the valleys with new ht'e, and cover orchard and field with flowers and fruit, it brings new fori,e and health to wasted tissues and enfeebled nerves. Novv is the time when your nature calis for help. Dou't mistake; no other remedy will so quickly and certainly strengthen your nerves, invigorate your blood, and correct the action of all your organs. It will make yon well and strong as it has done thousands of persons ; as it did Mrs. W. A. Cutler, of 59 Orchard st., Worchester, Mass. "A year ago," she says, "I feil ill with nervous prostration and neuralgia, which affected niy whole system. My digestión was also very poor. After eating I wouhl be taken with a smothering sensation, while the palpatation of the heart was terrible. "Severe nervous headaches made my life miserable in connection with these other troubles. I was in a fearful condition, and became greatly discouraged. I consulted physicians and treated with them, but with no benefit. Nothing I took did me any good. "Finally as a last resource, I commenced to use Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, which had been wonderfully praised to me. With the first bottle I noticed an improvement, and persevering in its use, I continued to steadily gain m every respect. "JVly nervousness was soon cured. The neuralgia, headaches, palpitation of the heart, indignation and all my complaiiits entirely left me. All tliis was accomplished by Dr. Greene's ïJervura bloo'd and nerve reinedy. "ïhis vvonderful medicine did forme what all the doctors and their medicines could not do. I wish to urge all sufferers to try it." 'o power of words can describe the wonderful good which tliis remedy is doilig among the sick and suffenng. Those who take it are cured. Tliousanda of people, at tlie advent of spring, while not exactly sick, are vet out of order or ailing in sonie way. Tliey do not feel just right, are nut well and strong, cannot eat or sleep well, are nervous, and have no Btrength or ainbition for work or plensure. Their stoniach, bowels liver or kidneys are inactive and torpid. Such people need this best of all spring medicines, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, to restore the natura] actiou of these organs, give strength and vigor to the uerves, and new life and vitrlity to the blood. VVhy lose time in trying uncertain and untried remedies, when liere is a physician's prescription, a discovery made by the greatest living specialist, in curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York City. If you take this medicine, you can consider yourself under Dr. Greene's diret professional care, and you can consult him or write to him about your case freely and without charge. This i.s a guarantee that this medicine will cure possessed by 110 other medicine in the world.


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