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The Dimple-Cheeked Village Maid may not retain lier dimples and rosy cheeks "blooming with iiealth," untii slie flnds a good hnsbaiul. A little neglect or accident may briiiK about some one of tlie inany "female" diseases and "weaknesses," to which the sex is ject, and health may be forever impaired, and bopes and liappiness be at au end. Thanks to Gov. Pierce, bis Favorite Prescription, prepared by hirn for women, cures the worst cases of uterine diseases, nervousness, neuralgia, irregularities, and "weaknesses." It is a great invigorating toiiic and nervine, and rapidly builds up the health and strength. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, for consti pation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestión. Once taken, always in favor. TAKE STEPS g in time, if you are a mHfeffv tj) ferer from tbat scourgeJEU_E! of humanity known as tBL consumption, and you jjföjiHB can be cured. There is ( ''iBj stages, consump-V7 ' H Ê tion is a curable yí ff w large percentage of 1 ï yy, Vw cases, and we believe, I K y0'mr) fully 98 per cent. are i ■A!'K',. cured by Dr. Pierce's ' ' tHjfjr Golden Medical Dis covery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration tubercular matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to us as cured by "Golden Medical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, been so pronounced by the best and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in misrepresenting them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, in eurative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nasty codliver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these cases and had either utterly failed to benefit, or had only seertied to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the hypophosphites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthtna, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 pages which will be mailed to you, 011 receipt of address and six cents in stamps. You can then write to those who have been cured and profit by their experience. Address for Book, World's Dispen9ary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier