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If The Republicans Desire To Go

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fore the people with ao club over their heads, they should imsist upoa a short sessioin of the legisla-ture. At the present rat-e oí progresa the session rill last uaitil JuUy or August. The statistlcs irom the secretary oí etates office show that over threequarters oí the farms of Michigan are cultivated by their ownerc. An inOrease of thirteen per cent. for the jroar. A coloreil boy, tlie eon of a barber, took the fi-rst prize in a recent oratorical contest at the University of Indiana, hls subject being "Lincoln." Thds is another evidence that the negro can riso through application and ïndustry as well as the white man. Hepresjntat'ive Kedfernhas introducOd a bilí to preveat divorced parties marrying again wifchin two years after the decree has been granted. A íaw moro little hindrances like that ■would have the effect of materially this Wholesale divorce business.- Fenton Independent. In connection with the deiection of the Jacksoai county delegation from Judge Kinne, at Betroit, one thing Bhould be romembered, that Col. V. C. Deland and John C'. Sharp stood Bolid with Washt-onaw. This Bhould be remembered by omr county delegation that goes to the senatorial Gomvention next week. If Col. Delanx-d wants the noimination for stat-e Ecaiato-r he merite tlio support of "Washtenaw. This is from the Adrián Press, which is n&t republican in politi&s : "Last Sunrtny Prof. Bradley M. TJiompson, -of Ann Arbor, loctured on the 'EngÜsh Exchequer.' That's the checker, professor. Teil the stadents and poUtical ccosiomists, ovtr tibere, how John Buil BJiickered when he saw the ted Statee issuing bonda at tour per cent. to ifill up the Entclisli Exchequer, by interest 011 gold transfarred froin the IdTihU lOxchequer. - 8. case of clicckei-ed fimancial manand may hc. termed the eold'0-zoíi Tile Oraage Judd rarinrv gires iho toEowLag crop estímate : It places the last wheat cvrop at 518,000,000 bu. The imount romnining in farmers' Jianils is placed at 29.8 per eent. or 154,000,000 bu. A year ago ■ftej' estimated tho amount at 138,00,000 bu., wlúch l)roied to be 30,000,000 "bu. too low. In otlier words tJie present reserves jai larmers' liands are 10,000,000 bu. rsmaller tlian a jear ago. About 37,000,000 bu. of trtteat -vere fed animáis sp to March lst. Tkis is smaller tluun. expected. 3t says at present rate of exports tlie Bnpplies left next July would be about tho same as a, year ago. It estlmates tliat 39 per cent, of the com erop, or 563,000,000 iboi. reanains. iu eaerves.


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Ann Arbor Courier