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IN 1895. THE Simpletons, a nevv novel hy Tliomus Hardy, will be begun In the December number, 1894 aud conti nucd to November, 1895. Whoever may be one's lavorlte amone linglish novellsts, it will be conceded by all eiitics that Thomas Hardy stands foremnstasa master artist in flctlon.and TheSisipletons may be exuected to aronse enthusiasm not inferior in degree to tlmt wliich ba tnarkfid Trllby- the most succeasful. story of the year. Another leadlng feature will be the Pkhsonal Recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sleur Louis de Conte, Her Page and Secretary, nnder which guise the most popular of living American magazine writers will present the story of the Maid ol Orleans. ín the January number will arpear a profusely illnsirated paper on Charleston a.vj the Carolinas, the lirst of series of Southern Papers. Northern África Is attracting more attention than al any other time since it was tlie seat of emplres. The next volmne of HAItPER'S MAGAZINE will contain foor illustrated articles on this región, and ihree ot tliem will depicr present life there. Julias Ralph will prepare for the magatne a series ol elgbt utorles, deplotlng typical phases of Chinese Life and Menners. Besldes Ihe long stories thcre will begin in the January nnmber the lirs; chapterx of A Three-Prt Novelette, by Richard Habdino Davis- the longest work yet atterapted by ilns writer. Complete short stories by popular writers will continue to he a feature ol Ihe magazine. Scnd for Illastrsted Prspectiw. The volumes of the Magusine begin wlth the Number for June and December ol each year. When no timelsroentloned, subscriptlons will begin wlth the Number eurrentat the timeof receipt of order. Cloth case for binding, 50 cents each- by mail. postpaid. Title-page and Tndex sent on application, Reralttance should be made by Post-pffloe Money Order or Draft, toavold chance of loss Xiir.'impers arc itot to copy this adverliaement without the express orderof Harpt r t Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, - one year, $4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " -4 00 Harper's Young People, - " - 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribera in the United, Staten, Canada and Mexico. ddresi HARPER & BROTHERS. P. 0. Box, 959 N. Y. City. IN 1895. Elegant and exclusive designs for Ont-door and In-door Toilettes, drawn from Woeth models by Sandoz and Chapus, are an Important feature. These appear every week, accompanied by minute descriptions and details Our Paris Letter, by Katharinb DB Forest, is a weekly Transcript of the latest styles and caprices in the mode. Under the head of New York Fashions, plain directions and full particulars are given as to shapes, fabrics, trimmings and accessories of thecostumes of well dressed women. Children's Clothing receives practical attention. A fortnightly Pattern-sheet Supplement enables readers to cut and make their own gowns. The woman who takes HARPER'S BAZAR is prepared lor every occasion in lile, ceremonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. _ An American Serial, Doctor Warnck's Daughters, by Kebecca Harding Davis, a strong novel of American life, partly lald in Pennsylvania and partly in ihe far South, Wlll occupy the last half of the year. My Lady Nobody, an intensely exclting novel by Maarten Maartens, author o! " God's Fooi," " The Greater Glory," etc, will begin the year. Essay and Social Chats. To this department Spectator will contribute her charming papers on "What We are Doing" in New York. Society. Answers to Corresponderás. Questions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earliest possible date after their receipt. Send for lllustrated Prospectus. The Volume of the BAZAR begin with the ïirst Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with tne number current at the time of the receipt of order. Cloth Cases for eacb volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Title-page and Index sent on applieation. Remittance should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Kewspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year, -$4 00 Harper's Weekly, - " - 4 00 Harper Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postage Fice lo all subscribers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 959, N. Y. City. IN 1895. HARPER'S WEEKLY isaplctorlal history of the times. It presents every important event promptly, aceurrately ?.nd exhaustively in lllustratlon and descriptive text of the highest order. The marnier in which, during 1894, it has treated the Chicago Ilailway Strikes and the China-Japanese war, and the amount of light itwas able to throvv on Korea the instant attentlon was directed to that littleknown country, are examples of its almost boundless resources. Jui_ian Ralph, the ■distinguished writerand correspondent, has been sent to the seat of war, and there juined by C. D. Weldon, the well-known American artist, and for many years resident in Japan ■who has heen engaged to co-operate with Mr. Ralph in sending to HARPER'S WEEKLY exclusive Information and illustration. During 1895 every vital question wil! be diseussed wlth vigor and without prejudice in the editorial columns, and also in special articles by the highest authorities in eaeh departmeut. Portraits of the men and wome who are making history, and powerfui and and c.aistic political cartoons, will continue tobe characteristlo features. Tliis Busy World, with ï ts keen and kindly oomment on the lesser doings of the day, will remain a regular department. Fiction. Thorewill be two powerful seriáis, both hanrlsomely illustrated- The Red Cockade. a stlrriDg romance of olden days by Stanlüy .1 . Weyman, anda novel of New York, entitled The Son of His Father, by Brander Matehews - severa! novplettes, and many short stories by popular writers. Spin', for Illustrated Prospectas The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year When no timéis mentioned, Bubscriptions will begin willi tlie Number current at time of receipt of order. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, 011 receipt of $100 each. TUle-pagc and Index sent on appiicttion. Remittances should be made by Post-oiïice Money Order or Draft, to avotd chance 01 loss. Newitpapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Hakper & Brotheks. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Harper's Magazine, one year -B4 00 Harper'sWeekly. - " - 4 00 Harper's Bazar, - " - 4 00 Harper's Young People, " - 2 00 Postagé Free to all subscribers in [the United States, Canada or Mexico. Address HARPER &. BROTHERS, P. 0. Box 969 N. Y. City. MEN AND WOMEN ErtSS ing the CoNiREXviLi.E Mfg. Oo., Manville. E. I., mfgrs. of Normandle Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention this paper.


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