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Mtb. P. W. Moore is visiting friends in Ypsilanti to-day. Miss Lizzie Frank, oí Jackson, is visiting Ann Arbor friends. Sa.ra Lang.sdoTf, of Detroit, spent SuiMiay in the city with old friends. H. J. Brown is confined to Ms home by an abscess iorming near the ear. Mrs. Fred C. Marken is visiting her daughter Mrs. Wm. Bheen, oí Jackson. Bom aina-ch 4th, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith, of Geddes road. Miss Kite, oí Langsburg, is risiting Mrs. Fred Kruss, of Ana Arbor towa. Senator Kempf returned to Lansing this mornimg aftor a Bunday stay at home. Joe Ball, scrn of Coroner Ball, has entered the employment of E. E. CaHdms. Oscar Sclimid, of Jacksom, speat Sunday wMi his potente, Mr. ana Mrs. F red. Schmid. Mre. W. S. Carpenter, of Ypsilanti, is the guest of Mrs. "Walter Seabolt, oí N. Fiffch a,ve. Irving K. Pond, of Clhicago, Is visilting hls párente Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Pand, of S. State st. Mies Emma Binder, of Mack & Sclimid's, is comfined to her home with tüie pTevaüitig grippe. Miss Pamelia Lodholz, of Marshall, is Tisiting the family of G. !Lodholz, Sr., of the northside. Miss Estlier Eich, who has bee.n visiting lier brothers, who are in the TTniverBity, returned to Chicago day. Dr. George E. FrotJUngham, our former fellow townsinan, has been ealled Oast by thO serkwis illness of a brother. Mrs. R. S. Dunster, who has been serionisly ill witJi tbe prevailing epidemie is feomewhat better. Dr. Bro-wn, surgeon in charge of Fort Wayme, is hei-e -iisiting his daughter in the medical department. Dr. Oeorge F. Ciarte, who has been TOaitlng lier brother Dr. E. A. Clarke, retxirned home to Bay City Saturday. Wm. E. Stocking, au official of fhe Lan&lng legislature, was in the city one-r Suwto-y. Miss Ella Lehn ireiurned to Manchester Monday a. m. aft-er spending a few days wlth friemds here. Dr. E. O. Bennett, of the Wayne Co. Instiiie Asylum, was in t3ie city Monday. GeoTge Nissle and gou August, of Manchester were visiting Ann Arbor friends S'imday. Mis. Eglert Beardsley, of Harvard, 111., is the guest of lier sister Hrs. E. A. Keith. Mise Vida. Teiroe, of "Webster, i a guest at R. C. McAllastea-'s for a few days. Piof. Walter Miller, of Lela.nd Stanfordt!nivei-.sit.v. California, arrived in the city yesterday. Mr, "ft". B. Phillips leaves to-day ío-r a slx Aveek's stay witli relatives nnd friends ia Carthaga, X. Y. E. A. HO'iigli, oï Jacbsom, is ia the city services of the tëunday School AssocLation. Ira SeTOrance of Red Wing-, Minn., fo-rmerly .witli Allmeaidinger & Schneider, is -lsitiiig frieiwls iu thO cty. llr. and Mrs. Chester H. Bearüsley of Grand Ledge, are m the city. ca lied here by the death of A. E. Keith. Mr. Glias. II. Worden since retiriiig from tlie mercajitile business, is upreading out as a fnrmor. He now has G0O acres in chai'ge.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier