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One swallow does not make a spring, But in a shady hollow, Upon a eultry sunmnerday A spring can make one swallow. - Exchange. Tliere are 1,150 peoplein tlie new Sev■enth Ward. A píate glass frojit wttl soon be put toto the store of "Wahr & Miller. The Michigan Schoolmaster's Club in this city March 29 aad 30. The tJiird ward is now the largest Ome in the city in point of voters. The Great Expectatioins of Ann Artoif just now is the leigislative visit. The SumniM Dudes will gire a party at Grairuger s Hall, Friday eTening, April 5. Glue ithis in the think part of your liead : Eegistration day, Tuesday, March 26th. . The druggists appear to be the lucky ones f rom this section in recciving appointments. Henne & Stanger want to buy a team of liorses for their furniture wag-on and iiearse. The merchants of the city, in all lines of business are preparing for a brisk spring trade. It looks very much a if that 30th f April snow etorm would be a reality all rlgtht enough. The annual meeting of the Choral Union will take place on Tuesday evening, Marcli 26th. Kow the questiom ie, does Evart Scott represent the 6th or the 7th ward om ttbe board of supervisors ? The ladles of Northville made $200 by thelr edition of the Record. That is a Kecord (or the ladies of Northville to be proud of. Ellis Healey, aged two years and nine months, died Tuesday with croup. Funeral services fchis p. m., at 2 o'clock, írom residemce, 15 N. Ashley st. Judge C. B. Grant having found it impossible to deliver the oration here on Memorial Day, the G. A. R. Post has seeured the Rev. 0. T. of Detroit, in his place. Tho Bankcr's syadicate that won Charlle Staebler's horse about two weeks ngo, have sold the animal, bellevlng that the hard times demand ecoinomy, and that it is cheaper to walk, anyway Ifchan to ido. Tlie light In the court house clock tower goes out every night about midnight. Tlie city's contract with the coinipany has in the past called for ;n all night lighting1, which it shonild do now. If the gas company is to blunie it should rectify the matteo-, if th city is to it should do likewise. The registiration for the 7th ward will be held in Hammond's shop on S. State st., near the coi-ner of Packard st. Tlie election will ateo be held in the Bame place. The inspectors of election ajjpointed by the council Mooiday evening, are Evart H. Scott, Ernest Eberbach. Fred H. Bclser. Registration Tuesday March 26. Don't forget it. 'Beware the mierobes in a kips," ('old-liemled Rcience cries. Alns! whpre ignorance is bliss, What lolly to be -Life. Martin Vogel is a candidato for nlderman on the democratie ticket in the 3d ward. A social is to be givem Thursday evening, Marcli 21, by O;s;ningo lodga I. O. O. F., at tlieir hall. D. Bassctt has sold out lüs l)USincss a.nd intsnds moving to Ann Arbor.- Pontiac Daily Gazette. Perhaps the cautiom is not noedcd, but it isn't cxactly snie foir people to' put on their cotton undcrwear yet. Tlie Y. W. C. A. will giv'e a ftocial and entert.ainment at Newberry Hall, oiii the last Friday eTening of this month. Tihere seeuns to be a lull tn reeeptiofltis slnce Lent set in, bat other entertainments keep up without any particular discouragement. Tho republicans oí the 4th ward are talking of nominating Gerhard Josenhnns for alderman, and Major W. C. Steieus for supervisor. The Hnusfreund reraarks that the Courier is not infalliblp. Why, bless your lierirf, no. Only the Hausfreun-J anil the Pope are infallible. Thero is more danger in a thaw tlia.n in a frezo. Remoraber this, mnd be careful, for the grippe germ-s will catóh yon if yon dcwi't look out. Fred T. MeOmber has adcled real estáte to hls insuranee business, and Is non1 ready to attend to people's wants in tliat line. wlU rent, sell or exeliange property ior you. The Grand Rapids Herald lias dignified each of the Aan ArbOT reporters n-lio nttonded that High School secret ep iety Lmtiation with the tltle of "Professor." You ought to see those se i-ibes ti ow : Mrs. Tliankful Barnes, mother of Mrs. Geoirge W. Moore, of Xo. 20 S. Flfth ave., died at the home of her daughter Wednesday, March 13, aged 86 years, ome month and eight days, of paralysis. The deceased had been in feeble health for a long time. Last Tuesday foremoon, as Fred Procknow and scn Tlieodore, of Nbrthfield, were telling tTees oii their farm, Tlieodore could not g-et out of the way oí a fallí ng tree and was caught and injured so ithat ome of his feet had to be a-mputated by Dr. Ivapp., Chas. H. Smith, of Jackso.n, the g-ontlrmiin who is nomina ted for senator In this district, on the rcpublifii.n ticket, was a ïormer school-mate of Ex-1'rosí'cutlng Attnrney M. J. Telimnn, of tliis Aty. and he pronounces 1 1 n a first class m:i.n in every respect. The Drtvoit Kvening News last night had a Tcry {jood artk'le fiom lts Aun Arbov correspondent relative to the expenditures of the Dniversity, and the average cost per studeait. It sliowed the incorrectness of the TriImire's flgvircs, and was not prejudlc-ed in favor or against th& (inestton. The latest ehart of the great lakes that Mark W. Ilarrington lias deviised is one showlng the wreclcs that have oceurred o;n them and the places where they have talcon place. It must be of no small interest and value to the captains and shipowners. The greatest number of wrecks occurimg in any one is at the -entrance to Chicago liarbor. Mr. Jacobs says that when you go traveling b3 sure and go in company witü a banker, then reporters of papers will have you a baonker, capitalist, president of the school board and many otJier things you are not, and have you sa.y many things you never tliought of and dó many things you never did, and foir otlier reasons it is nice te hi&ve a cashier along- see? Joseph E. Kirby a fellow about 35 years old was up betere -Tustice Fond this morning, for assault upon Iris little nine years old step danghter Etüel Ivceler, and was given 05 days in the Detroit House of Corree tion It was proven the littlo chile was brutally beateo with a sticL. until her back was raw froon Ihe blo-ws struek by him. And there was really no cause fo-r the punishment It was also testified tiiat hu san that "the next time h'o would kil the brat,'' but he denied saylng that The is that the sentence wa light eaKJ'Ugh. Abaut noon Wednosday a prominen Ann young lady left home with out telling her folks where she was gotng. Xothing Avas tliought of he absence, liowevcr, uutLl supper time anti upO'U lier failure to return, Mar rfial Banleld was motifisd about sev en o'clock. fu.-pi ion S'cmi'd to be d' rected toward the boulevard and to gether with "Doe'" Collins, the mar shal started out for the search. One took the boulevard and the other tooi tlhe river banli below, ajid af ter ai hooir's stumbling and falling ove stones aad logs the two returned to tlie city co'iivinced that she had 110 clio'n the boulevard to commit süi cide. Tliey were still further coni vinced a few minutes later when new carne to them that the gii'l was al i right. ' She had been out visiting. he poet wandered through the fields, He thousrht the bitd.s would sing to liim; he ba! m y ft ir. the rlppliug rills, Were pleasant signa uf sprjug to liiin- ust then n i-ul'l wave came aloutf And didn't do athing with him ! Senator Keanpf thinks that. tlio legslativ party will conslst of abnut J50 people. Tli" battle i'Iag oí the old ÏOtli iregmcnt volunteer infantry, several cómanjes ot wMeh weait ironi tliis county, was received at Lansiing yeetertay trom Washingtooi D. C. The cali for the rcpublican city con■'Mitioii Avill 2 found. in its appronïite column for Mond:iy cvening, Marcli 25th, at 7:30 o'clock, at the court liouse. ThO caucuses will he ïeltl on Frlday evening Mareta 22(1. in tti? various wards. Arra3igcrrMnts are being made to erect a haadsome tliree-stoi-y brick block over the excavation wouth of t-lie Keek block, O'ii S. Maia st. It would be an improveine-nt liighly appi-ot-iated if the same thins would be dome at tlie corner of E. Ann s-t. and X. Fifth ave. Dr. C. M. Cobem lias au articla in tliis month's Methodist Review, on "John Grecnleaf AVhittier," contalning a fac-simile oí liis demial as to being a Unitarian. Also a pliotograpli oí his will. Tlie magazine may'bc e-em at the University Libra ry or at McMillan Hall. The Register claims to liave had au original item in its columns once, lias never since been able get over it. Evcry wek it calis attention to tlie claim, and buiging itsolf up like a hot weatber puf f baJI, it attetnpts to blow doist in the eyes of its readers so that its Avealvly grist of ehestnuts will no't be noticed. William McDougall, of Wasiitenaw county, democratie candidate ior state senator from this district, is ín. the city to-day getting acquainted with tlue party leaders. Mr. McDougall wil! return to Ann Arbor to-moTTOW.- Jackson Daily Citizen. Tlie Citizen leaves its readers ia doubt about the important outcorne. Did he succeed in getting acquainted ? "Wonder why Iagersoll chose 'The Bible,' for the subject of his lecture here?" reimarked a well known gentleman this moniing. A sort of ■Tacuum spread over tne face of the reporter as he answered the question ly aeklng another : "Why ?" "Becaue,'' saUl the w. k. g., "I should tihink h wO'iild take sometliing lie is mofe familiar wítíl - 'The' Devil,' for instance.'' The Adiian Prees remarks : ''Chas. Iluddy, of Ann ArboT, resides near snme ice liouses, a short distajice frwn the depot, and desiring' to save sonie of his energy, lie thought he wonld get off tlio train nea.r liome and tetTie walklng. He go off ily. A doctor liad little trouble in tliO broten leg. Huddy didn't liane to walk- hasn't walked. sáice - won't walk for three months. Notliing like savtng up energiy." Ama Arbor's cily engineer lias estm:ited the expense of a district sewer at $50,000. The sewer is 15 miles long. This is a good deal of ever, but it must not be íoíigotten tbat thei-e are nine newspaper ofíi-es in tlie city, and anythiiig less than 15 miles would hardly afford r üef, tliough 14 3-4 might aaswer.- Adrián Press. The esthn-ates íor that sewer were made befare Br. Smitli retarned to Adrián and to tlie Press, ïliey have been greatly reduced since, by 'tlie way. Albert C. Sclmmacher has been appointed a member of tlie Michigan State Board of Pharmacy, in place of Ottniar Eberbach, whose time has expLred. The pcople of Ann Arbor, regardleea of party wül be pleased ove:' this appointmcnt. Mr. Sohumaclier is a young man, 37 years of age, lias been with the drug lii-m of Eberbach & Son tor 22 years, during which time he pursned hls studies in the University, and g-raduated with the pharmacy class of '84. He lias giren a busy Híj to this department of SLUnt:fic research, and is thoro-ughly iitted íor the position. Hls many friends are congratulating him upon his good fortune to-day. The poverty social held last evenImg at the residence of P. Bach on B. Molm st.. was a social Success. Each on: brought a poverty paekage, and these patknges were auctkwnd oïf and sonie of the people preseat made extracci-d'.nary bargains. The amount ïcr.izd tor the benefit of the Ladies' Llbrary was $7.50. During ttoe evenimg tlie iollowing people were preseated with birthday gitta : Mrs. W. II. Pettee, W. D. Adama aaul E. S. ( islimiin. The fivst nientioned was l(i years of dge, Mr. Adams 21, and Mr. Cushman 19. The speches of present a tion were very flowery and patlietic. Some of the perfumes that "decorated'" the handkerchiefs of people presant, were indeed extravagant. Fred Scliairer, far Instance, ' had a mixture of onions una annis. Eugene Mutsfhel cnose wlntcrgreen for hls'n, and Lew Goodrich had one scented with sassafrass and another with pojipennint. evening was a merry one.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier