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].. L. .Tnincs bas sW out hls drug Store in Dexter i o Dr. II. B. Honey. Tiio Dextei Maccabees celebrated fcheir lltli anniversary last Weclnesd:iy In a vry jiieasant marnier. Tlir Ypsilaati Sentinel asserta iiuit the A mi Arbor wliisi playera Uavc not yet I ■ gaine. ïln' Liane of Dextcr cxpoimod .!,- 791.85 last year a.nd carne ouit with .ii'.sri in it pocket. Hou H. Wirt Newklrk will doliver tli,. baccalaureate address befare the clase oí ".)G, of the Jexter high school Ilon. E. P. Allen lias accepted an tuvitatlon to dellvr tJie addrese at the um veiling of the soldier's mouuiiKint.- Vpsilantiai). Aloiit twenty I!. A. M's fi-om Jlancliester, weat to Gnrass Lake Friday night to exempUiy the E. A. ilegree. Vj actnally belleve tliey can do it all rlgbt. Tho demócrata at Ypsilanti last ui-In noniinated N. D. Harding tor mayor, C. C. Carr Sor supervisor in t Ist district, and Jas. M. Forsythe in the 2d district. The soeials giveii by the Easteru Star Itwües at Mancbeater to raise money ïov tiirir aew lnill are proving a Buccess. Th first o,ne netted $20 .Mii.I the ciowd was bo Iarge tliat iureatter toe socials wlU be heM in umisíc lKlll. Ai the repuWiean ward caucuscs helo :n Ypsilantl last nig-lit che fotlbwing candldates w&re named tor .min: lst. ward (curse McEleherain., 2d ward Beuben Eoye, 3d iviu il George Bams, 4tii ward Wm. j.v.-ins. :n wara Jtienry r-ioup. The Leadei asserte that Milan needs a gre&t Mg hotel more th;in nny other 011e thing. A litlle whlle ago it was a laundi'T. Xotlivillc suppli . but dot'S Milan expeot aá bo tabe a hotel over there too?- Xortlnilltí Record. OJiildven who are old enoiigli to go to cliurtili, the opera house or other places alone, are also big eoiough and oíd eno'ugh to beahve tlieniselves wlille Hiere, a.nd if they do nevt, it Ib very mudi to their discredit.- Nortlivllle r.ecoTd. The l'iomnn Catholic clmi'ch iii How 11 íniuiü'urated a temperauce movemonl and it was report ed as an inspdrinig scène, as seventy men, oíd and young, carne to the altar aad pledged thenuselves to forever abstaiu from the use oí intoxicating liquors. A score or more of Huclson girls are gjoing to gjive a minsbrel entertainment. If they liad to work as hard to wash dishes or handkerchiefs ae they avíII to wash the burnt cork from thelr faces, they woaild be clainoring tor legLslath-e relief froin the great hardship.- Adrián Press. Oer in Coneord, JalLson county, last week, " women -vlio liad vegisi ed, carne to tlie po'ls asá voted, and üifi men who acted as inspectora vioa-ted thetr oaths by permitting the ülegal votes. The ivomen were bo'und to defeat a certain. Aruggist but in spite of thir eiforts the drugcist won. Bert Moorman's loss from tlie iirc by ■-hlch his new barn was destroyed, hag leen adjusted at $2,328.42, of wbieh $1,800 is up-oin the barn and the b:ü:mce on the contents. The ndjusters are very much pleased with Moiirinan's candor in making his pi-O'Ofs, and the settlement was efiVvt il without arbitration or dispute. - Ypeliamtl Sentinel. Mise Néttie Sanger, oí Saline, dropped dead o!' neuralgia of the lieart last Monday morning at lier home. s!k va a sclioolteacher and had }ut fvnished her winter tei-m of school coming home Friday night after diawiiig lier pay. All day Suaday she was usually well, ygbt-heartel and happy. Mowday morning hr father heard a noise in hor room and upon examination, found that ehe had dropped dead. She was to begin her spring term of school on the sanie mom ing.


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Ann Arbor Courier