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H. W. Newkirk Has Received

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er additlon bis museum and tliie time trom a.n un.cle in Utah. It is a highly 01 nnmcntci! war club made of two fiiu-ly polislied buffnlo horns. bo which Is fastenaü a gayly eolored liandlo. Ule whole emleHistoed with colored eagle featJiere. Ttoe club is a.n India.n insignia of rank sucb as is earried by the ehieftaufl whoa on dress parade- Dexter Leader. Mrs. Stephen Webster, Sr., died at Detroit Monday afternoon. and the remains wül be bwyugüit hei-e for interment to-morrow, Thursday momimg, at 8:43. Rev. Dr. Cobeni wiXl have charge of the services, and lnlerrment will tako place in Forest 11-11 cemetei-s . Mrs. Webster was wél', alomg in yeara. Fot many years the fa-raily resided in this city, and the deceaeed was well Unown among uur older citizens. The followiug candidates were noniinated in the townSiip of Pittsfield Ty the republicans Thursday : Supervisar- M. F. Case. Clerk-J. II. Webb. 'J-rcasurer- F. H. Ticknor. Highway Coinmissiomcr- Geo. Kead. Justi-e of Prace- Thos walte. S -hooi Inspector (to fül vaoancy)- A. Dwig'ht Ciittc:nln. Member of Board of Review- N. C. Cai 11 nter. i ablc - Frank Dean. .Triome Lord, of Dover, last fall burled 600 buahels oí omions, :ind a short time ago he oponed the hole and 01, the outside found 100 bushels of good ones, and tlie balance, 300 bushei-;, were soit and squashy, being a total loss. There was no t Ion for tliem, aad the reult was a total loss for Mr. Lord., of $380. as O'iiions were worth 70 cents per bushcl.- Aclri-m Press. Jeroine is wrongly named. He is no Lord lie would ha- knoAvn more. The republicana of Aun Arbor town biave made the followiug' aominations : Supervisor - Geoi-ge Ts". Foster. Township clerk- Geoi-ge Green. Townsliip ticas.- Jo'hn Keppleir. Justice of peace- Jota Schenk. Com. of higliways- Smith Botsford. School inspector - Chas. Mowemson. Member oí board oí review- Fredl B. Braun. Arain commissioner - Foster Brown. Constables- Fretl. Hicks, ffm. Pop k;ns, Geo. Haeselsoliwardt, Edwarc BlakoSYLVAN'S NOMINEES. The caucuses of both parties ior Sylvaa townsliip were held in sea Saturday evening. Eatli party lias put its best íoot forwa-rd, ajid the result is two good tickets. The republicain nominees are as follows : Supervisor- Mtirk Lowery. Cleik- Geo.rge Begole. Treasurer- August Memstog. Highway Cío,.- Philip Swlnefiirth. Justice - full term - E. A. Wa.rd. Justie- vaeaney- J. D. S;haaitinan. Constables- Geo. Foster, Rush Green Motlmer Campbell, Frank Davidson. The de moe rats held their caucus ;iiter the republicana got tlirough and re-nomim,ated Hirara Ligiithall for eupervisor. TIib foilowing is thO ticket : SupeiTiso.1-- Hiiam Lighthall. Clerk- Edward McICune. Treasurer- Jolie Cumings. Highway Com.- Michael Vackenhut. Justice - full term- James Huddler. Justlce - vaca-ncy - Loren dover. Constables - Edward Ghandler, Herman Sehaible, Wm. Lehman, August Boos. Miss Preston, oí Pittsfleid, whp died of pneumonía on Saturday, was buried Motnday Morning.


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Ann Arbor Courier